King's Business - 1936-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1936

W H Y Neglect ‘Trophecy? • Fulfilled prophecy is undoubtedly the one outstanding proof that the Bible is the Word of God, and should provide our young people with the strongest evidence to refute the opposition to the Bible prevailing in educational institu­ tions. Few people are familiar with the prophetic portions of Scripture, as they have seldom been used for Sunday School lessons. ALL BIBLE GRADED SERIES (Clarence H. Benson, Editor-in-Chief) beginning October 1st will devote one entire year of Senior lessons to this most important and fascinating study of prophetic utterances and their fulfillment concerning Israel and contemporary nations and the innumerable predictions concerning Christ. T h e m odel P R IM A R Y lesson»— so long anticipated. Bible stories, worship, and som ething for the child to D O . J U N IO R S — begin a series o f Bible narratives from the N ew Testam ent and study the Bible for them selves. For IN T E R M E D IA T E S — continuous stressing o f need for personal acceptance o f Christ as Saviour. Lessons now in N ew Testam ent. O C TOBER -NOVEM BER— DECEMBER Manuals now ready Pastors, superintendents and teachers— write today for new Compendium of 624 lessons. Enclose 10c for mailing. Indicate department(s) and we shall send FREE sample manuals. T H E S C R I P T U R E P R E S S , 800 N. Clark St.,Dept.KB Chicago,III. ★ S e l l T h e F in e s t “Y o u M a k e 100 % "Sun sh in e Line” Scripture-Text Ch ristm as Folders This leading religious line assures you generous profits. Our new 50c, 75c, and $1.00 boxes excel all previous values. Newest papers, inserts, ribbons, and sparkling highlights assure rapid sales. Christmas and Everyday Boxes offered with and without Scripture texts. Beautiful Scripture-text Christmas seals an exclusive feature in the Sunshine line. Early start important. Samples ready now* Vérité for free illustrated circular and details* Gospe l Trumpet Company Dept» A -2 Q Anderson, Ind*

ceived no letters concerning the case, nor had any charge against Paul come from Jerusalem (v. 21). But seizing the oppor­ tunity, they inquired about “this sect” of which Paul was a representative, saying that “everywhere it is spoken against” (v. 22). The claim of the “sect” that it possesses the whole truth has the effect of condemning and separating people, thus causing their displeasure, too often ex­ pressed in evil-speaking. Because of the interest with which Paul’s testimony was received, a day was appointed for further discussion, and Paul’s house served as the meeting place to which many came (vs. 23, 24). He un­ folded to them the Old Testament with regard to the relation of Jesus of Nazareth and the kingdom of God, and as he went from one scripture to another, he showed how Jesus was the fulfillment of the law and the prophets. The result was, as usual, that some believed and some believed not. II. P au l ’ s T wo Y ears at R ome (Acts 28:30, 31) Paul’s circumstances were so arranged that he was enabled to proclaim the truth to all who came to him, and many came. The presence of the soldier guard was also used for the furtherance o f the gospel, and Paul was not bothered by unbelieving Jews stirring any opposition. Paul’s testimony reveals that he felt his responsibility as an ambassador for Christ. Thus for two years he was occu­ pied in preaching the kingdom of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, and this he did with all confidence, proclaiming Him as God, and Saviour both o f the Jews and the Gentiles, the anointed Ruler over Israel and the world. III. T he S ecurity of th e C h ristian A mbassador (Rom. 5:6-11) First, God’s ambassador is secure be­ cause of the love of God, for “When we were yet without strength . . . Christ died for the ungodly,” that is, for us (vs. 6-8). We were neither righteous nor good, but were ungodly sinners in God’s sight. If He loved us as sinners, then how much more He must love us since He has bought us by His blood and has become our Saviour and Lord. Second, God’s ambassador is secure be­ cause of the blood of Christ (v. 9). If His blood justifies us now, how much more shall He preserve us from wrath! The source of justification is grace; its condition is simple faith in Christ; its evidence is works; its means is the blood. Our faith does not appeal to God, nor take away our sin, nor satisfy the broken law, nor meet the demands of righteous justice, but the blood does. Hence, we do not ex­ amine our faith but the object of our faith, that is, the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. If God is satisfied with that, we may well be also. Third, God’s ambassador is secure be­ cause o f the reconciliation (v. 10). If we were reconciled to God when we were enemies, how much more shall we be when friends! And, being now recon­ ciled (God’s reconciliation, not ours), “we shall be saved by his life,” the life which He now lives, as crucified, risen, and glori­ fied, not the life prior to the cross. Finally, God’s ambassador is secure be­ cause of his possession o f joy in God (v. 11), that p o s s e s s i o n made possible “through [by means of] our Lord Jesus Christ through whom we have now re-

"Stories of Hymns We Love” By C E C IL IA M A R G A R E T R U D IN , M . A . Assisted editorially by the R E V . W M . M . R U N Y A N N EW E N L A R G E D E D I T I O N T HE great popularity o f this fascinating work has demanded a new edition with much added material. Now the m ost unique and helpful book o f its kind for home reading, choir training, S. S. teaching, sermon preparation, gifts, etc. Pre­ sents the human drama behind our m ost loved hymns includ­ ing “ H oly, H oly, H oly,“ “ A bide with Me,“ “ The Old Rugged Cross,” “ W onderful W ords o f Life,“ “ Am erica,“ and Home, Sweet Home.'* A GEM BOOK — To Own, To Read, To Give Its beauty must be seen to be appreciated. E verybody loves it, child or sage, devoted reader or deep student. Covers 400 years of Christian Hym nody. Deals with 155 subjects, hymns, sacred songs, authors, com posers, tunes and poem s. Richly illustrated, beautifully bound, gold em bossed cover. No in­ crease in price for Enlarged Edition——only $1.00. Order direct or through your church supply house— Write today . John Rudin & Company, Inc. 1018 South Wabash Ave., Dept. K.B. Chicago, Illinois

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“ Finest Hymnal 1 Have Ever Seen” —-Kansas City, M o . ★ “ Glorious Gospel Hymns” com piled and edited b y Haldor Lillenas is an inexhaustible storehouse of standard hymns and powerful gospel songs. Contains hymns and songs for every church department and use. Holds true to the fundamentals of the truth. Order your copies today. # Beautifully printed— new reinforced cord binding. 703 num ­ bers; 350 hymns, 353 gospel songs. Returnable examination cop y sent Pastors and music comm ittees. One cop y $1.25 postpaid, $85.00 per 100 not prepaid. Write for FREE Music Catalog LILLENAS PUBL ISH ING COM PAN Y “ The Best in Gospel Music?* Dept. K, 2923 Troost Ave. :: :: Kansas City, Mo.

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