King's Business - 1936-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1936

Boohs for the

Offered with King's Business Annual Subscriptions THE READERS' BIBLE WEBSTER DICTIONARY

Bound in black semi-flexible artificial leather, gold stamped, round corners, red edges, on white eggshell paper. 928 pages. 38,000 word vo­ cabulary. 32 Colored Maps, Dictionary of Com­ merce and Law, Synonyms and Antonyms, Population of Principal Cities in the United States. Sent to any address with a one-year subscription to The King’s Business for . . . $ 1.70 (Includes 20c to cover cost of mailing.)

Authorized King James’ Version Readers* Aids, Concordance, 8 Colored Maps, 7 Halftones, and Family Register. Bound in Black artificial leather, divinity circuit, 1024 pages, boxed. Nice clear type. Sent to any address with a one-year subscription to The King’s Business for . . . $ 1.65 (Includes 15c to cover cost of mailing.) Check here for Bible ( )

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FREE W IT H TH E K IN G ’S BUSINESS Any ONE BOOK in this list sent postpaid to any address in the U.S.A. and 12 issues of the KING’S BUSINESS, mailed monthly for the cost of ONE KING’S BUSINESS ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION— just ¿1.50 in all: STREAMS IN THE DESERT, by Mrs. Chas. E. Cowman.— The most popular devotional book in the Biola Book Room; filled with the noblest and best o f world-wide Christian thought. Arranged for daily reading. EVOLUTION , THE ROOT OF ALL ISMS, by Dan Gilbert— A splendid attack on a widespread heresy; invaluable in combating High School and College materialism among our young people. STORIES OF HYMNS WE LOVE, by Cecilia Margaret Rudin. As­ sisted editorially by William M . Runyan. The most unique and helpful book o f its kind for home reading, choir training, S. S. teaching, sermon preparation, gifts, etc. Presents the human drama behind our most loved hymns. Covers 400 years of Christian Hymnody. Deals with 155 subjects. Richly illustrated, beautifully bound, gold embossed cover. Quantity limited. Any one of the following: (1 ) CAN GOD ? (2 ) PROVE ME NOW , (3 ) THE PROMISE IS T O YOU , (4 ) TIMES OF REFRESHING, (5 ) TH IS IS THE V IC ­ TORY . . . all by J. Edwin Orr — Here are five “ smooth stones” out of the brook (1 Sam. 17:40) for the sling of the young David who would smite the giant “ Unfaith” Straight in the forehead. The author is a very active young Christian who writes in the language of youth. Give one to that young person you are interested in helping. THE OLD RUGGED CROSS and other famous hymns, by George Bennard. Includes brief sermons by noted preachers; a life sketch of the author, various stories and incidents of the radio world. Suitable as a gift book. Please remember that in mailing to foreign countries and Canada, 25c additional must be added to each subscription. Kindly print names and addresses of persons to whom you wish subscription or book sent, with full titles of the books desired. prafllPtfe» Tf convenient, use the coupon below to show which ONE of i l M y the offers on this page is desired.

“ T H R O U G H TH E BIBLE S T U D Y ” BOOKS FREE W ITH KING’S BUSINESS SUBSCRIPTIONS This is a remarkably popular Bible study course, arranged in four series: Primary, Junior, Intermediate, and Adult, covering the whole Bible in six years, by a non-comment question-and-answer, Scripture-reference method. The studies have proved exceedingly popular in fundamental churches. Harlin J. Roper, Pastor of the Scofield Memorial Church of Dallas, Tex., and editor of the course, reports that more than 250,000 copies of the 40 booklets already published have been sold. Says Pastor Roper: “ It is evident that one can never know the Scrip­ tures through listening to others tell what they have discovered. Familiarity with the Bible results from personal, direct contact with its sacred pages . . . a thumbing of the leaves by one’s own hands, a reading of the type by one’s own eyes.” Believing that many of our readers would like to have their personal reading directed in this SIMPLE BUT EFFECTIVE QUESTION-AND- ANSWER METHOD, the KING’S BUSINESS has arranged to GIVE FREE the first four books (each book covers a quarter year of study, and four books cover one year) to each subscriber sending in an ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION to the KING’S BUSINESS at ¿1.50. Should the sub­ scriber desire to purchase additional sets through the KING’S BUSINESS (without additional subscriptions), the booklets will be furnished at the regular publishers’ price of 50 cents per set, postpaid. SPECIAL CLUB OFFER Form a “ King’s Business Club” in-your church, and let the subscribers donate their Bible courses to the Sunday-school. T o do this, mail us ¿1.50 for each annual subscription, and we will send both the magazine and.the “ Through the Bible” booklets to each subscriber without further cost. If you have a Sunday-school of 100, then sell 100 subscriptions, and order for each class— Primary, Junior, Intermediate, or Adult— as shown in the coupon below. The magazine and Bible courses will be mailed to one or two addresses, if you so instruct us. Order now so that you may BEGIN THE NEW YEAR W IT H THE FIRST SERIES covering Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers— a whole year’s study. If you should not be able to fill out a club large enough to supply your whole Sunday-school, remember that you can always buy additional sets at publishers’ prices. 1 year’s subscription to the KING’S BUSINESS........$1.50 Four “ THROUGH THE BIBLE STUDY” booklets — regular price........................................... —..............50 Total value ................................................................ $2.00 You send us........................................... _........................... $1.50 You save .............. -¿---V .............................................. $ .50 Additional sets on same terms with KING’S BUSINESS subscription, or at 50 cents additional for each set. Cost of equipping class of ten for a year, $6.00, including a year’s KING’S BUSINESS subscription for the teacher. (See coupon at left.)

The KING’S BUSINESS 558 So. Hope Street Los Angeles, California

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