King's Business - 1936-10


October, 1936

T H E K l N G ' S B U S I N E S S

D A IL Y Emotional Reddings A M E S S A G E F O R E V E R Y •-■DA.Yî'tjJOJF^i.TiHB.'tfkONirÄi:/;




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■'i Ed'ók' reverently^ at-’ theyaWfUl*’Sèené1 'of tne'!¿Íoss'Until;!ÿdür ;q,ójdí;heart 'H meited, and'with'Warmth*'ó f '’spiHt f'éhr cän;/plead ffhr’Mftnhrs.'J^Widi; ‘H 1 HûtiGii’rôN; • ¡ 'NpyEMJVER .4 Diffusing, the Fragrance of Christ uofAiy heaH’.iS ihditiwg aifiaad-mattexi l sp'eak-of.ihe'things i v-i> touching i Ike K in g’ (Psa; 45.':l)a ij .' o ! ; ! i.iHf ybuiwariti to;ffiivbiyour life to:the:glory o f :God(.'it mu^fbe made gpoditoiypt*r:awa soul. .If I enjoy the W ord of G odin my owri\ soul, I1find it very easy and simple to,,make tjiat Word sweet to the firsj sotij I meet. I f ,you read your Bible and get np blessing to your Own spul, then- Gpd is ndt ready to.u|e yOu| while in .that state; but if you get hvehfa/ slight fif°dicum of truth made good to your dWn.'-soul, then the anointing oil must bfetfay- itself by its odor. The sweet fragrance Of 'Christ must be­ tray itself wherever we g o ,' i /: - •J. D knham ' S mith . NOVEMBER' 5 Waiting Alone Upon God \]r “Te,t us..therefore],came holdly pntp the thr,pn,e]pf; grape,,ihdC,me may, obtain mercy, ¡ana fipa grgce.-.ta. help \n, time o f lhpe,d” ‘orj} ;,,,The Hqiy, Spiijit|ha's been giypn io.make the, wfiy./jOf...niediqtimi, a reality';in:..our experience,, qnd, by,,Ijis.ilignt andi power ,WP;^ee,,and, .iinderstapa-, Wq ihave ^Iso.the Word, o f ,Gp|d,,.’yhich,ijS.used by, the;Ho,ly ,Spiritdojimpke:[(he,.vyay tq.lGod pef.fectly plain and•qleq.rj.i^iqd .giye^,;us.irrefutable authofity.tooap'prqaqh, God with liberty! and boldness, , .....Pe'ar: friend, whoever you may.,bp, Jet me .prev.aiLupqn.-you Jp. urgp .uppn/ your soul to avail itself of .priyilege ¡p,f ing.pnly,up,on ,^ d ,!^ J I!; C /NOVEMBER 'll Glory After Grace ,\‘‘F p f[Ld,rd Gofi. is'a'.su'n dng shield: [the .Lord 'kpif •’ glpryy. 'ho -gdqd.fhvng. p>tll\ he , •dhthUold 'frdni]1 them thatwdllf'iipfMhtty ” ,.( Psa. 84: l'l).' J ; ¡“ Christ possessed by;faith! herd, ...said .Samuel .Ru.therfofd;, Ts:young, heaven/and glory ,in the/bud;”’, B'ut'.we'panhot! nave the ,fuir,flower, without' /thb;!bud, {.'•ndifner.Jcan ,^e.have,heaved,by.and by, if we have ppt heaven'here ana now! “The Lord will give grace and,glory,” was the Psalmist’s as­ surance. Notice, grate befbre’glb'ry. “ But,” saith an old' divine,T“'who(V:No ¡glory-,without grace ¡^-R obert ,Lntt, > NOVEMBER 7 ' Blood-Washed and Spirit-Filled , now, in, Christ-fpsupi ye-who.sont.e- 4ime jopre '.far . off', are..¡Pfape-high by the -.blood,of, ’Christ”. ,(Eph. ,2:13)!. , ; Oh, the bjessedness,of a heart “by bipod made clean,” and filled with! fhe .Spirit! Full of joy, and full of love ;'fuli of faith,

NOVEMBER ,I>j The Divine Companion

T'g.A 'indn tHat. Kgift' fridfid'S miist show 'hihisiitf friendly:'and thehi'i'iu friehd that sticketh closer than a brother” (Prov. 18 :24). ■Be' d ot! content .with ah interview' now 'and then,, hut 'seek! ¡always.¡to -r'ethin!¡Hi'S company,,fofnonly in Sijsi'preSeacehast 'thbu- either comfort!or:safety.' Jesusi should nbt he unto us 'a fii.end;vsihomalls;upon,;ufs -nbwi; and 1’th.en'; But •Gnev.with, whom .w*e walk evermore. Thou hast a difficult road fbeifOre: ’fhbe>;r"sieevj Oi; tofcveller it® heaven, that thou ¡g®'¡riot'withbfit, thy'.¡Guide. ThoU hast1 to puss'! through 1the1fiery! furnace; idnter 'it lwot,! unless,d like!¡Sha'drach, iMe- ishaiehvi-and Abed-mego,' thbli hast 'the eSdn idf'-'GodCto -hebThif'iGompambn.. In. 'every 'condition'thou wilt need Jesus.'Keepiclose ItpithynBebt 'Friend, 'and1He Wild refresh •a'nd cheer theei' —C harles H addon S purgeon './. ■22i2W.;,lli .i ,The .whole.'s e c r e to f:,ai.¡calm; -confident trust i !itj11pod Jsjvto;¡be, found, in;;a -Vclear grasp: o f ¡the,nelatipnshipdti’which yrp ,stand ;toi Him! When!■ a ,man .is able- to confess: i“Ii ikhow'him-'fWhom-T, haye-,j 3 j¥liey-ed,”t^te is on ¡ground that caiiupt-Be shaken.-, And ,why ■ should ,w e ;¡nob,know 1 God, ,W,e;:who have been given Jesus Christ? Surely40(f there !S..p,tie trutli on- which the Christian Believer. may rest, his'all,: it He ,d,pypd/me, ^pd § a y e , ' f o r . me.’^Clnee jye .eqtpr.ii$q.Jjjie diseoyefy ¡of, hqw clpshjs the,^persdual .rplatmniSnip. that ¡pxistS; ;be- ■tween us!and! pod,! it .is exer \ after' impos- fibl?(.!to, 49 ffbt the..graappts provideijce eh- cqm'phssipg. qur liYes,, op Jo ,^hake. the spjliti foundations,,of., pur. Confidence: that ¡ail things/wdrjc'tpge.thepi'fpp gpod to,them that joye ippdp/! tq, tfietii,,,jyhpi qre ;the,!, cqfled .aecoraing tp Ifis, purpose,': J r H — DqNAi.n DAYlpsoft,i NOVEMBER 2 ! . Know Thy God “ Acquaint nowi-thyself /•“.And-when they were dome- .tp. the place, .whichgp.dailed Ç.àlvgfy',- there, they cruci­ fied ■ hint,, find. -the, ■ntglefdetors , , one op the right . hand, j and the, rf-Vt'er ■on thé ' left” .’( L i C ,.,'We müst.haye!a,;;ffesh yisiohipf. Cal- ■vqryrwthe ¡great, ■;leveling, .ground where grace!.and,¡mét^ÿ ïphhteïajté' the narrow 'liniitatiQqs'.qf^prejudide, teqhnical legalism, critical , self-fightequsndss. ;ÇÇalyàrÿ S in whose warm light,no !,spirit of Pharisaic judgment,, can exjsti.VCalyarÿipih whose . sjiadqw His iqye1atiq, pur great ¡need sur­ pass, all; eisedi Calvary—where all- life’s values are clearly .Understood !—$ÊLÿe.T|p. .¡.iyife need to .fix eyes.and heart Ujj'pn the .crqss. and .seei dymg there, iq'.save the lost. “ God; ¡sd.ldvjéd: theliiifirld, fiat he gave’,’—an inçlhsiyedqvë ;!all',thq world and every; isinner ; thie most ;.unlovely,. p,nd the most indifferent ; thé up-ànd-out sin­ ner as well as the down-and-out. NOVEMBER '3 ‘ Look Until You Love

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