King's Business - 1936-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1936

NOVEMBER 22 Hidden Springs of Blessing “All my springs thee” (Psa. 87:7). Hear the Father’s ancient promise! Listen, thirsty,' weary one! “ I will pour My Holy Spirit On Thy chosen seed, O Son !” Promise to the Lord’s Anointed, Gift of God to Him for thee! Now, by covenant appointed, All thy springs in Him shall be. Springs of life in desert places Shall thy God unseal for thee; Quickening and reviving graces, Dew-like, healing, sweet and free. — F r a n c e s R id l e y H a v e r g a l . NOVEMBER 23 Christ in Place of Self “ Nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me” (Gal. 2:20). Oh, what pains, and what a death it is to nature, to turn me, myself, my lust, my ease, my credit, over to “my Lord, my Saviour, my King, and my God, my Lord’s will, my Lord’s grace!” . . . Every man blameth the,: devil for his sins; but the great devil, the house-devil o f every man, the house-devil that eateth and lieth in every man’s bosom, is that idol that killeth all— himself. O h ! blessed are they who can deny themselves, and put Christ in the room o f themselves! Oh, sweet w ord : I live no more, “but Christ liveth in me” ! — S a m u e l R u th e r f o r d . NOVEMBER 24 More Real than Life "H e that cometh to God, must believe that he is” (Heb. 11:6). Sometimes I have thought in my medita­ tion, “ If Christ would descend but as a beam of light, that I might see Him, it would be such a help to my senses!” And I have listened in hours of sorrow and I have heard nothing. I have called, and none has answered. I have reached out imploring hands, and nothing took them. I have said, “My Lord and my God, if Thou art, speak to me 1” and there has been no response. And yet out of these hours I have come feeling still that a silent and invisible God can be more to me, tak­ ing life all through, than if He. were actu­ ally present and visible in bodily form. I take hold of the invisible by more sides than I do of the visible.—H. W . B e ec h e r . NOVEMBER 25 Surrendered to Infinite Love “ And be not conformed to this world : but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God” (Rom. 12:2). The very fact that God is God should be sufficient to satisfy us that His will is necessarily good and perfect, and to make it acceptable to us. If infinite Love, pos­ sessed of unbounded resources and infinite wisdom, wills anything, how can that Will be other than good and perfect? And if it be not acceptable to us, does it not clearly show that we are wrong and foolish ? Our position as true and loving children, re­ deemed at infinite cost by the mercies of God, should surely constrain us to present our bodies unto God as living sacrifices, and practically to lay our all upon the altar for His service, seeking only to know and to do His will.— H u d s o n T a y l o r . NOVEMBER 26 A Hymn of Thanksgiving “ O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is

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good: for his mercy endureth for ever” (Psa. 107:1). For all the blessings of the year, For sunshine and for showers, For seedtime and for harvests rich, For bird songs and for flowers, From hearts o’erflowing with Thy praise) r Accept, O Lord, the thanks we raise. And for the gift of Thy dear Son, From sin, to set us free, No tongue can tell, no words express The praise we offer Thee. For Christ, who came for us to die, Accept our thanks, O God on high. And for the hope o f His return, Dear Lord, Thy name we praise ; , With longing hearts we watch and wait For that great day of days. For Christ; our coming Lord and King, To.Thee, O God, our thanks we bring. - A l ic e E. S h e r w o o d . ’ NOVEMBER 27 No Second Causes “ I know that . . . no purpose o f thine can be restrained " (Job 42:2, R. V .). “ In the center of the circle O f the will of God I stand ; There can be no second causés ; All must come from His dear hand.” Job’s terrible affliction was not o f the Lord’s doing, but o f His permission. It was, as we saw at the outset, the work of Satan, the great enemy of God and man. Job was ignorant of this; and so long as he strove against God, resisted and re­ belled against His permissive providence, the end and purpose of the discipline were delayed, and the adversary triumphed. The moment Job humbled himself and con­ fessed his ignorance, his pride, presump­ tion and self-will, Satan was defeated, Job’s sufferings were ended, the refining fire had done its work ; and health, honor, and wealth were restored to him in double measure.— J. G regory M a n t l e ,

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NOVEMBER 28 Safe in Affliction

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“ In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the Angel of his presence saved them” (Isa. 63:9). ■. .V - .. . The unsearchable riches of Christ bring most winsome light and heat into the midst

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