King's Business - 1936-10

October, 1936



dragon.” This;, i - triple ■ /monstrosity: — the Dragon,, the, Beast, and the ,FaJ?p; Prophet —will constitute the/’Safaniq trinity.; T h E: iNQASNAjifiqit/OFiiSAFA^j i Satan, a spirit ’being, ,\ifillii- The world will/See1à '’maH''wHöi,spöiafes'.,greät swelling ,Wôf,ds):ôï"WiS'd'ôm ifai?'surpassing the’ uttérânceâ y f ' merë' men: -People will realize that they are in the presence of one who possesses aimind. ifittëd .with knowl­ edge and. .Wisdom, which ;overshadows the learning; o f mortal;, beings.,. ¡This.,,earthly, temple, thus/rndwelt by. Satan,/will be, a yeritq;ble,[dynamo of physical àhd.'.mtëÎlëc- tuftl -gpergy 'and .'¡activity,' Utiçlér his’ rnag- neti'c, sped !the- Vbolc7ÿforld. w}ll,,pow/the kqçç ¡in .hun^qle^^ubiuissipn,: e/cçépf those Vfljpsç, names are'-written fln tfie/Lamb’s Bqolf/qf Life (,çf. I^qv. 13’bL, :Th,e ,palsè prqphef ,,w/il,bq à;,simiiâi; ppysqn. put will keepffimsplf ffi; ¡tué background and .çietetÿ cnü:atf^tiop,fp theigTeaffieppipf: iffe, Bçqsf, Onupmgqlhe jwhqle.'wbfld^tp worship him ,(,cf.,(Rey.t,13,:llri8)... Even death plude,/tpif,.powerful’ ¡Person,,(K ev,,l |3!;3j)f liiStÎPERÏMiPOSÉD' RfikSOtnAEITYoi; Otily!GBd'has‘thie‘right to superimpose His personality upon another, and He only does so with! diâtiVAéik&tü Satan will commit the! crime Ibfyall crimfes by even- 4ualiy'; bprro.wingi—ghal'I, we, ,^ay,,. stealing—- the body of another,p,nd' superimposing up- qn;;that individual,.hip qwrç i(Sataù’s) ,per­ sonality., ;,Qothing':,himself- .with qhufnan flesh, he wifl cause his>blasphemy ,fP reach ;iti.zenith,w/herp,hq,proclaims ,him,pel|f;,(j,pd manifested in , the flesh ;;and, accepts and demands :wpr,ship.|. This:;.will ¡he,,Satan’s nearest; approach: tq the) fealizatipn; of his Unholy !ambition as stated in Isaiah, 14:14 }(jRj),Vi).flffT ;.will, make ; myself .: like;f¡the .Mpsf High,/ Àt'that pojnti.&pd’s^udgmetrt wilt :strike^;.and this /horrifile,monster, ;will “be brought down . . . to the uttermost parts ¡of w e pit” (Isa, 14:15; R, V/)r:: i God, ’s , purpose is .that . H e . shalj indwell man and direct and ¡control..h is, every thought) I .word, and deecL'/Satan ¡seeks; to frustrate that, plan and. purpose by, defiling with his presence that which should be the temple o i God,, opr ¡bpfljes/ May we as Œristi^ps ¡permit the-Lord to have full dominion,in our lives in order that we in His power ‘afjd strength fhay battlq- the effpits? of1' SPfap1against, the . cause ' of 'Cbjcist/ ’ Thé Power of God SKUlfljMy; iliüà&aiSlijjf thé efficaeÿ’ o f the WÖrd’ of“ Qod by1" âctüal 'testimonies’' PÏ Conversipn and deliverance frbm;1'siri, 'the writer o f the booklet ¡entitled “The Power o f God unto 'Salvatibn,’1'’ clearly presents thé story off the .'èrôss a'tifl ¡of its powe’r to tfaiisfqrm lives!'/Thfe 'Spiritual biographies of ' subh ./m’en Ps Spurgeon,1Moody'/, and Wesléÿ ate told briefly and effectively. The potency ‘of’ the Word, the.1blqod, the Spirit; prayer,' arid praise1are 'exemplified in! this, little booklet1whith1 ¡¡carries a, big mlèssagei" Copies1are -obtainable ;from the author, M fs." N, uH. Griffin, Box. “55, Station “ C,” Pasaderià,1 Cä/if., at 15 cents per single copy, 2 for 25. cents, or 9 for $1.00. The ‘booklet would be particularly suitable as â remembrance at the Christmas season) ,

of human sorrow and grief. “Our consoc­ iation also aboundeth by , Christ.” Turn where, you will}, iri the life ofiPaul, into his darker seasons and, experiénce's, and,'you .will .find that the sublime and spiritual consd-Jatipn is . shedding / its , comforting rays/ “W e glory in tribulations also.” Who would have expected to find the light .'burning there ? We sorrow, yet not as 'others who have no hope. Nqt as others 1 — J. IT. J ow ett . | NOVEMBER 29 The Searchlight of the Spirit ] not God search this-out? f o k h f knd'die'th the secrets o f the, heart?’ (PsaL get behind a shut door with the Book ¡'iftpen and the knee bent, and j say .with'the tongue o f your heart, “ Search: me!, try hns/let me see myself by contrast,” !you cart. ¡depend "teithis, there will- come flown a- finger very quiet, very, gentle,i on,'sjpme Isbfe'iSpdt;) and the man underneath,/wiljl quiver under the touch. If you do floiballp and can stand the.tug,of the thing—if you cannot Heil5willi help..y,0ti—jn.ake the. sec­ ond bit of the prayer,' “Make-'m‘e/we; I was meant ,to he.’ w, :Couldst/.flffi%in ,yisio(n'seQ.'the/*4n God me'apf,,. Th,ou,n&er-more, wpulflst be the man, thou art,.¡Content";,/. /' ": —Life o f ratio.1' ^ NOVEMBER 30 We Shall See Him “And jGpdi hins?i-fnfhallyipe yjfth (Rev. ¿iiip .m , boD O But we shall be at Home immediately, with angels ¡4òr: ofin servants.;!¡Now ithéy wait Upom'Us,-'unwearied,' Invisible ]! then we shall Seé them in their beauty and thank them for their guardian care;: There is but a step!betwgeln''us and Glory; .The; veil is thin,'the dime is'short ; it behooves* us -to be men o f1the girt lotti'and burning lamp. If He comes, what joy to cheat old death! If not, the utmost: that Can happen is a last wrestle with a -well-knqwn enemy, and then the victor’s song: — A ./C .R ose . , desires,: like, Mussolini, to occupy and in­ dwell the body. o f ,¡another ; rhe. desire? to /¡borrpw”,,tb’q(bqdy ojç atto.ljnèr filât he may ,gO;iio, .tbe,6attle;.front,, make, first-hand, ob­ servations,! It has '. always; /since his fall, been his plan to degrade and use that which God has created ; therefore he de­ filed the earth, and he defiles the bodies of men. In the friture, he. will “borrow” the bodies of two'-mèri who will become “the beast” .and “thè false prophet” (cf. Rev. 16:13). Satan will thoroughly indwell and control these two characters,, and behind them will be the force o f Satan, referred to in the Scripture passage above as “the A BORROWED BODY [Continued f rótti page' 376]

w NEVER have the compilers of PR O PH E C Y MONTHLY been confronted with; such; a mass of startlingly significant material as has been ^ss'embled for OCT. issue, i*eady Sept.’ 20. With rapidity that is astound­ ing, world events are’ hitting the, trail of divine prediction. Every issue- of PROPH­ ECY seems more thrilling. .You shouldn’t miss one. Current ,issuei fOo; $1 yr., 4 mo:. trial 25c; sample free (back copy). Gomi bination; offer with “ Christian Readers Digest”——both magazines .full year, $1.5(K; WRITE THIS VERY DAY P R O P H E C Y M O N T H L Y 2003 Addison Way, Dept. KB, Los Angeles, Calif. PRACT ICAL HELP fo r teachers of the International Uniform Lessons THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL WORLD The use of this monthly teachers* magazine will bring new meaning arid ‘ fresh interest to your weekly lessons. Such well-known writers *as Dr. W il­ liam Evans, Elizabeth Hubbard Bonsall, and Harry Edwards Bartow (author of the Superintendent’s Guide) assure you of a wealth, qf helpful material. • Send for free specimen copy i AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION 1816 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. DARKEST AMERICA Do you know that there are thousands of communities in America, where the; Gospel is not' preached?- Think Of a ¿¿iteration growing up without the influence of the Bible. What are you going to do about, it? A mission has been formed for the purpose of supplying'the Gospel to these unfortu­ nates, and Reverend Homer Stanley Mor­ ganan d' others £re ¿oing to devote their tiriife to the evarigelization of these neglected places. This; is a field worthy of ;,your, prayer and attention. REFERENCES Dr. Will H. Houghton, Dr. H . A, Ironside, Dr. A . C. Gaebelein, Rev.. W . JV. ■ Rugh For further inforihdtion Or to send contri- , | buttons^-A ddfess Christian Mission To Churchless Communities Room 602, 25 Broad Street, New York City MR. ALW YN BALL, JR., Treaa.

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