King's Business - 1936-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1936

JOY Girls’ Handbook The JOY Girls’ Handbook describes a vital form of -Christian testimony which appeals to and holds young girls. The formation ,of Joy Girls Clubs has proven fruitful in many young lives which are un­ touched by the. usual methods of young people’s work. The club idea is fascinat­ ing, and the girls love to work toward the goals outlined by Mrs. Ohly, who is a consecrated, enthusiastic friend of teen­ age girls. Bible study is preeminent in the program, and the many interesting activi­ ties of the club are correlated with evan­ gelical teaching. Joy Girls is an organiza­ tion similar to the Girl Scouts or Camp Fire Girls, incorporating and featuring the basis o f Christian joy which enhances the vivacity of youth. If you have a burden for the Lord’s work among young people, read about this new club handbook on page 381 and start a Joy Girls Club in your community. New President o f the Philadelphia School o f the Bible With the action of the Board o f Direc­ tors o f the Philadelphia School o f the Bible, Philadelphia, Pa., in recently ap­ pointing E. Schuyler English to the posi­ tion of President of the school, to take office on September 28, there begins a new relationship between the spiritual and evangelical magazine, Revelation, and the school founded by C. I. Scofield. Mr. English, who has been well-known to the Christian public as the publisher and Man­ aging Editor of Revelation, will continue this work in addition to caring for his new duties in connection with the Bible school. Donald Grey Barnhouse remains as editor o f the magazine. Revelation will become the official organ of the Philadelphia School o f the Bible, supplanting Serving- and-Waitingt which will cease publication except as a periodical alumni supplement to Revelation.

O u r LITERATURE T a h i t i W H A T T O P U R C H A S E A T B I O L A B O O K R O OM

Mystery Flowers B y G race L ivingston H ill

Overcoming Life's Handicaps By K. M . M c R itchie Because, as the author o f this volume commentslS“there is a natural tendency with us to feel that our own particular handicap is the most difficult to bear and overcome,” true consolation meets a widely felt need. From a study of the Word, experiences of testing, and observation of the lives o f many of the Lord’s saints, the writer has gathered spiritual principles which serve as a guide to understanding something of the purpose and value of suffering. These principles he states, con­ cisely and illustrates concretely. Though discussing a particular incident of healing in answer to the prayer of faith, the writer shows by other instances that the greater blessing of God sometimes comes only througn the yielded and trustful bearing of physical infirmities. 228 pages. Marshall, Morgan & Scott, Ltd. Cloth. Price $1.35. With a stirring, triumphant rhythm the young author expresses the faith of con­ secrated youth in an imminent revival. He convincingly appeals to Christians for re­ newed faithfulness in prayer and Bible study as the means of awakening people today to the need of salvation through the blood o f Jesus Christ. Strong conviction sounded with a certain tone of victory by the writer is a real challenge to Christian warriors for renewed zeal in the army of the Captain of bur salvation. 78 pages. Fundamental Truth Publishers. Paper. Price 25 cents. A Desert Journal B y E vangeline F rench , M ildred C able , and F rancesca F rench Whoever has read Through Jade Gate, Something Happened, or Ambassadors for Christ will welcome this new volume by the same authors. The book is a collection o f letters written from Central Asia be­ tween 1928 and 1932 by three pioneer mis­ sionaries of the China Inland Mission. Often facing bandits and armed troops,? encountering the fierce sand storms of the desert, pressing forward into territory where few missionaries have ever gone, these three women have a remarkable story to tell, and they tell it with accuracy, modesty, and power. The book is beauti­ fully illustrated with sepia half-tones, and an excellent map is inserted. 261 pages. China Inland Mission. Qoth. Price $3.00. John and Betty Stam, Martyrs B y L ee S. H uizenga Emphasis upon the note o f victory in the triumphant death of the two young martyrs of Miaosheo, China, makes this book carry an appeal for greater devotion to the One whom they served. Several of Mrs. Stam’s poems appear, and quotations from various publications and from letters of tiie parents o f these two China Inland Mission workers show something o f the spiritual outcome of the death of Mr. and Mrs. Stam and o f the rescue of their baby daughter. 64 pages. Zondervan Publish­ ing House. Paper. Price 35 cents. Youth on the March B y C lifford L ew is

The experiences of Diana Disston, who, at nineteen, had lost her mother and was obliged to leave her home because of the dictates of an unsympathetic stepmother, are climaxed in a friendship with Gordon MacCarroll, a young Scotchman who was a sincere Christian. Into this sweet story of young love, Mrs. Hill has deftly woven the plan of salvation. 209 pages. J. B. Lippincott Co. Cloth. Price $2.00. Bible vs. Modernism B y A. N. T rice and C harles H. R oberson Faithfully proclaiming the Bible as the inspired Word of God, this careful pres­ entation of factual evidence exposes the monstrosities o f modernism and the evolu­ tionary hypothesis. The claims of higher critics are handled in a scholarly manner, and a close comparison with Biblical au­ thority reveals their fallacy. An interest­ ing account of archeological discoveries— records of ancient Egypt, cuneiform de­ cipherings in Assyria and Babylonia, and explorations in Palestine—makes this book both scientifically accurate and very read­ able. College young people and others harassed by the doubts o f modernism would profit greatly by investigating this scholarly confirmation o f Bible truth. 318 pages. Rock City Publishing Co. Qoth. Price $2.00. Out o f the sixteenth century the author has taken her characters, centering around Charlotte, Princess of Orange, an ancestor o f the present King o f England. The story covers the struggles o f the Hugue­ nots, clearly depicting the gross darkness from which the present world has been rescued. The value o f early child training is shown also, as the author stresses the truth that God’s Word will never return void, and that the gospel of Christ is “ the power o f God unto salvation to every one that believeth.” Young and old will find the woven history and romance not only inter­ esting and enlightening, but tending also to create a deep thankfulness for all that the twentieth century gives in an open Bible and in freedom in following the dic­ tates of conscience. 255 pages. John Ritchie, Ltd. Qoth. Price $1.00. Since May of the present year, Oscar Lowry, widely known as an evangelist and Bible teacher and as the author o f Scrip­ ture Memorising for Successful Soul-Win­ ing and other books, has been serving as President and Acting Dean of the Bible Institute of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Lowry’s ministry as a special lecturer in the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles in February and March o f this year has been of permanent spiritual value to the students and Los Angeles friends who were privileged to attend his lectures. Behind Convent Walls B y B eth J. C oombe H arris Oscar Lowry and the Bible Institute o f Pennsylvania

T R A C T S The tracts G od is blessing. “ Daniel’s Prophetic Image” “ The Great Tribulation” All with pictures. 12 cents in stamps or money. CECIL FOSS



A GIFT MOST APPRECIATED Selected Scripture prom ises rolled in a box as a honey-com b. 150 verses, 75c; 100 verses 50c. Under $! payable in 3c stamps. H. E. W ILSON Scottdale :: :: Pennsylvania - I - “GRACE I NIGHTMARES I and DILEMMAS” A picture of the modem church and clergy. Startling facts and heart-searching appeal. Mes­ sage delivered at World’s Christian Fundamentals Convention, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May, 1936, by Evangelist Edwin H. Cross, Director, Huntington Gospel Tabernacle, Huntington, W. Va. Foreword by Dr. P^ul W. Rood. 25c per copy; 5 for $1.00, postpaid. No stamps accepted. Order from THE CROSS PUBLISHERS 2751 4th Ave. Huntington, W . Va.

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