King's Business - 1936-10



October;, 1936

Give GOD Everything By R. G. i j i TÒÙRXKAU . ' : iPeoria, Illitifris ; i( m P .«»fgl-jhntiriU . - >

' S T c t u

want me to return to my old plant and to my own interests. Because he wanted me to give him all that I had in time, skill, and planifiug.ffie, Je}t tbgt'bt yj^\.e^uotuybO-\pay a ¡high price for ntyi\eqmpmept,nlh^§ffiefil^?(in?,ffi35(ah€iffiipt1 On the work for which Twas, being\epgaged, The experigp^e ,tahS^Ì, mé,.,vthis,, gtpat,',leaspn;:,, Gpd demands that eacfip f ^khVciWe-AmUSt have no side issues,, )Iiis i'salyattopi\i?iWOrt:h you and I must, relinquish eyery .qther, possession,,and. be willing to give op^s^ly^s whwX hihth and, to^TTis work.:., / ìhì A' For more than a year I worked for the man about whom I have bedh;^pe'akiHgi‘ (Thèri;mfe't^hy:dp.èhéd!.fdrJ.niy coming to Biola: 'Afteh'sOrhiè’tihiìéìhfiil'felapédd', I left the Institute to go ba'ck’into bus'ifieds;1knowing that that .Wah what God’ wantètì’ tóie* tói'dO',)lfó r T ’h'àd-‘prayed-about1thte matter definitely.' ! promised 'Himtnat’i’ri alt-things I"wdtild seek to give) ChHsfbhe'pféemiUéficiè.«11' I had not befitt back ‘atrffiy -work‘‘tetfy •long/Whfeh* téSt came. Ourl yourlg {peOpld 1 had« beCte !gPitog ' regularly to à mission to hold 1 a (gospel sefkicd. IbsèCmèd to md that the ;least that à ■Bioja:'Student Cdtlldfdo 'WOuld 1 be ■ to''help With a program of that'hdtuue^só ¡every time thé'yoUfigcpèòfilè were sehédtì'ledjfòh a;meeting: I Went with them. ■Ohe night :I had 1 'Sóffie 1 spbelalwdrkup do1) it«niàsialso'the nightpf'thfe regular(mfesioa■ meétìrig.. I was,' operating a‘Small factory a t’ctheHimej: dnd/machinery’had'to:'be 'built thè nèxt dày f o r Which'li had'to taaké ¡the'dèsigrt/.thatmight in'-order that •a>erewi of imdntonfCOhtract dould build¡it 1 the; next 'UiOrriing. Howoèould- I "db my work"and( ¡attend thccmcetitigtat'the mission? . .ooitir/bx; v; ;;!The ) Lord and ;I; had ,quite ;a: struggle While I was trying to !decide :what, tip do, I reasoned that the group could get along nicely, without me. I iwas. just one man.,/It .didn’t ,seem: ineeessaryo f or ;m e,to gtì; f etriT ¡had no, spedai -pa^t ,in thes.programv But the, I.ord, said; “ You carde iback; into business pfofnijsingKMiei ithat tyou iWould; ¡serve Me. imbusi- nèss«” :) jj av/olloh itoil'.I.’ ” . . . ¡olili ,¡,1 said, “ YeSiifc-ord, 1 did, and I meant it.”(!> ’' Althtnigh I could■not understand, \w>\? \wvi Suppose a banker should comp to you and say, “ I, have a ¡'job'for yoii! in m y bank/ .1 'Wil^hgí')!o•,¿iVe* ‘yfpd; $ay, $500 a month.” ' ‘ 1 ¡But you reply, “ The proposition i^ very attractive, hut , ICofiti'nfipal'op poget .48511

[The following is a stenographic report o f an informal ad­ dress delivered at the opening of the fall semester at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, September 8, 1936, to. approximately 700, Irtstituie students* and'fHdHdsl The- speaker['R lG , Le Tourneau, a/Christian ibusine$Si ifagnj ihas rfrcetyfly({accepted appointment to ■the Board gfs Direcfpr.s, o f ,th$ Institute.; ^ E dik ®,] I : n 1 tetirpiiNlfat&W1 the > Institute • -for1 this ’opening session b f the sChttohyeap,1^ 1am.eortling'W& former student. About'nine years :ajgo/;due;td'a' series of ¡unexpected cir- currtstdricfeSI my ;wife'.ahd I found it possible to come to Ebs AfigeleSTor'k 'short time ’and- tt/enroll as students at Biolaj I1 will not doom forget'that experience, for there is in mythealrt a continual’expression o f’gratitude to God for what f le taughtme; WhiieT ’WUS'a'student'here. I am glad to ;,:be’ identified-' again! withuBi’Ola-ffithis«'time in a new capacity—-mud‘T-am here today1to’ bear testimony to the marvelous grace of God. ,;:i fact ’ that God has a pufposb 'for the l if e d f'ea d r o f ‘US^one'best plan which is better far dhamthe'finest plan that you and I might outline for* ¡ourselves; ¡This’1 truth 'becametreal to: me through an experience in Connection' with ’my (business; ■ B iung WinLi^.CiTOjBit^tjQti'EE Q ’n'e day1 f t ’man pur'chaSed! front ''rheiddfnd1’(J>atentS)'bh machinery: He paid a ’large1sum' for ‘them/ As! aYp’art of the transaction,, ’he also 'desired1 that ’I ;¡should /efitet' His employ;’ to which I agreed;’ ’suggesting, as a price for njiy services, onC'‘which I ’ felt would be higher‘than he would wish' to pay. ; 1To my siirprise he’ replied,’“ O I K .;1 you ’artbri' the'pay' roll.” Then he said, “ You have some machinery irt'that little shop of yqurs,,have you not?” I np^jled. “ I would like you to make a'list o f ‘each item in the place— lathe;, drill press, grinder;, ,etc,— and ppppsite each article, please jot down the amount which you would;be willing, to receive in payment, fo r ;that item. ;Then bring the list to my office/':.-,: That was not'a difficult task to perform. Anyone with­ out the consideration o f Competition can state a price that he; would takenfor; his goods,,so I immediately prepared my list and; presented, ft to, my. employer, file read thy d,er scription o f the first item,,,looked at the price which T had indicated .and;; turning to: ¡some ,pf his,piqn>; he asked what they thought of it. Their reply w a sf ayprable..,, :“ All right,” he said, “ we will take, that.” ;, He went to the next item.and the next,, right down the list,: Not one thing.was;omittedj-';;3f was;astonished, This was a wonderful business deal for me. When the iast item had been considered, 'hd turned to! his secretary and said, “ (live Mr. Le T.ourneau apheek for the total amount.” , i As, he handed me the check he said, oThe; equipment is mine now ; please give me a bill o f sale for it.” ,. ; The whole transaction surprised, me, but .I said to my- self, / ‘This; man is a keen business executive,. He has ,a reason;ifor:hjs,notion. Why. did;he buy m,e, out.?’’. I did not have to study very long before the answer became clear to. me. I had been engaged to workfoythis man, to give my undivided attention to his; affairs. He did not

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