Biola Broadcaster - 1970-03

by Dr. Tim LaHaye Pastor, Scott Memorial- Baptist Church, San Diego


such as Moses, Elijah, Solomon, the Apostle John and many others. Mr. Melancholy has more classi­ fied strengths than any of the other temperaments. If he will only walk in the Spirit of God, he can be a tremendously productive individual for the Lord. As a perfectionist, his standard of excellence is above his fellows. His requirements of accepta­ bility in any field are often higher than either he or any one else can attain. This leaves him too much introspection as he relives events and decisions, wishing for one more opportunity. Mr. Melancholy often appears to be against things when in reality he’s just analytical. If such a person will only learn how to walk in the Spirit, these strengths can be channeled into wonderful service for Christ. In addition to his faithfulness, Mr. Melancholy is very self-sacrificing, giving generously of himself. But this kind of temperament also has some very serious weaknesses, the first of which is the fact that he’s prone to be self-centered. There is an excellent volume on this subject, Temperament in the Christian Faith, by Dr. 0. Halesby. In one section, he describes the melancholy as be­ ing “surely more self-centered than any of the other temperaments. He is inclined to that kind of self- examination and self-contemplation which paralyzes his will and his energy. He’s always dissecting him­ self and his own mental condition, taking off layer after layer as an onion is peeled, until there is noth­ ing left.” This self-examination is not only unfortunate, but also down­ right harmful. E v e r y t h i n g that

C hapter O ne W hen the H oly S pirit of God with His supernatural power comes to live within you, there is bound to be a marked difference. He desires to strengthen you in every area of life. Dr. Henry Brandt says, “You can use your background as an excuse for present behavior only until you become a Christian. After that, it’s no longer a valid excuse. You now have a new source of pow­ er, making it possible for you to live a new life in Christ.” Mr. Melan­ choly is the first of two introvert- ish temperament types. He is very gifted and brilliant. He has a ten­ dency to be like Moses, a genius- prone individual. Hippocrates called him “the black or dark tempera­ ment.” He’s very analytical, self- sacrificing, and a perfectionist type. He has a very sensitive emotional nature. No one gets more enjoyment from the fine arts than Mr. Melan­ choly. He’s given to a variety of moods. Sometimes his moods lift him to heights of ecstacy. Other times he’s gloomy, depressed, antagonistic and withdrawn f r om humanity. While he doesn’t make friends easily, he is faithful to those he has. Rather than push himself f o rwa r d , he shrinks back, letting others do things he could really improve on. He doesn’t volunteer to do much of any­ thing although he can diagnose prob­ lems accurately. Melancholics may be pessimistic and often are in opposi­ tion to one another. Many of the world’s great geniuses, artists, musi­ cians, inventors, philosophers, and educators were of the melancholic temperament. The same is true with many outstanding Bible characters 14

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