Biola Broadcaster - 1970-03

order of these ministries named. The citizenship is in the heavenly where we are all abundantly blessed. This is related to us in Hebrews 12:22- 24. The Old Testament believers were holy men because of the good report which by faith they obtained (Heb. 11:39). Believers are now holy be­ cause Christ has become their sanc­ tification. At the opening of Ephesians 3, the Apostle refers to himself and the position in which he finds himself in the providence of God. He is the di­ vinely chosen Apostle to the Gentiles, properly responsible to establish his apostolic authority so that his mes­ sage may be recognized as being from God. He reminds the Ephesians that he is incarcerated for their sakes, and for the cause of the Gos­ pel. Paul was recognized by the Jewish people as the promoter of this Gentile movement toward the Lord. The proof of this is related in Ephesians 3 :2-13. Remember, two distinct revelations were given to Paul. The first concerned salvation by grace alone through faith, apart from any human merit. This is giv­ en to us in Ephesians 3 :5. This reve­ lation is the unfolding of a mystery, a sacred secret, which in other ages was not made known to men as it is now revealed. A New Testament mystery is a truth hitherto hidden in God (Eph. 3:9) but is now re­ vealed. The New Testament mystery is to be distinguished from all of the mystery cults and false religions of Babylon and Rome, as well as all of the other false religions across the centuries of human time, including this present hour. How thrilling to recognize that God is giving to us a body which is called the New Testa­ ment Church of which Jesus Christ is the glorious head. C hapter E leven E phesians is a wonderful book be­ cause in it there are messages to the unbeliever, the individual Chris- 25

But there is more to God’s master plan that mere salvation, as wonder­ ful and as life-changing as that is. His eternal plan includes a superna­ tural strengthening which is called the Body of Christ. God is not sat­ isfied to abandon men after they have been saved. He desires spiritual growth and maturity in His chil­ dren. Paul prayed that his own spir­ itual children in Ephesus might come to such a state (Eph. 3:14-21). It was the overwhelming miracle of God’s grace that moved Paul to pray as he did. He sees his own unworthi­ ness. Study these verses in detail and see the wonderful inheritance we have through Christ our Lord. C hapter T en T here is a very beautiful picture of the Church of Jesus Christ as a spiritual building indicated in Ephesians, Chapter 2. This magnifi­ cent structure is now in the process of formation. How wonderful to be a part of this great family of faith! With Christ as the cornerstone, we all are living stones. The people of Israel in the Old Testament had the movable tabernacle, and then the magnificent t emple in Jerusalem. The church, made up of individuals, is the building of the New Testa­ ment age. This figure is one of sev­ en figures employed in the New Tes­ tament, indicating the unique rela­ tionship existing between Christ and His church. Each sets forth its own particular aspect of our vital union with Him. Christ is all in all. This today is the age of the outcalling of the New Testament church. Whether it be conceived of as the flock and its Shepherd; the branches with Christ as the Vine; a kingdom of priests in relationship to Him as our High Priest; a new creation in rela­ tionship to the last Adam; a body in relationship to the cornerstone, the thought of development is every­ where represented. In Ephesians 2:20 we find the

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