Biola Broadcaster - 1970-03

Christ within to control every area of our Christian living. These are realistic promises which can be ful­ filled in every detail as Scripture warrants them. We must carefully and fully follow the divine directions. The Word of God contains many exhortations which may seem beyond our ability to perform. Each one, however, provides the instructions for attainment. Ephesians 4 tells us to walk worthy of our calling unto salvation. This has reference to our conduct in the world. Ephesians 4:2 indicates that it must be a walk of humility. There must be a proper estimation of oneself before God and man. Then there is a need for “all long- suffering.” This always relates to people in var ious circumstances. Even when there are those who would spitefully use us, we must stand squarely on those principles which would glorify our Lord. Additionally we are to walk in the sphere of love. There is a need to be patient with others, even when sins of attitude, word or deed are done against us. See the example of Christ’s love which was character­ ized by forgiveness. We need to en­ deavor “to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” There should be determination and exer­ tion in this effort. Ephesians 4:4 reminds us that there is one Body, which is the Church, and there is one Holy Spirit. There is also the hope of Christ’s coming, and only one faith, the means by which all believers are con­ verted. Beginning with Ephesians 4:17, we find a wonderful God-given list­ ing1of the various gifts designed to advance the unity of the Church, making it spiritually healthy and growing toward maturity. First of all, there were the Apostles (Eph. 4:11), men especially qualified for laying the foundations of the Church. They were eye witnesses of the res

lished in love if he is fully to under­ stand the love of Jesus Christ. It must not be a mere passing emotion, or a weak sentiment. This is to be an abiding principle of love and of life. We should desire to understand the “breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge.” Paul is literally implying that his Ephesian fellow-believers might have the mental capacity to comprehend the love of Christ. This isn’t some­ thing to be done in a comer. It is to be shared with all the saints. Coming to Ephesians 3:20-21, we have Paul’s beautifully-phrased dox- ology. Such a tremendous anthem of praise from the Apostle’s heart! The wondrous things wrought for the Church by the grace of God are too much to grasp. They are so marvel­ ous to consider. Note how it is im­ mediately connected with the pre­ ceding prayer. God is able to do be­ yond all things we can imagine; there is no limit to His power. Spur­ geon says “He is able to do super­ abundantly beyond the uttermost that we can even ask or think of asking.” Paul is asking God to do a tremendous thing and our Lord nev­ er lets the believer down. C hapter F ourteen O NE of THE most significant bibli­ cal truths is found in Ephesians 4:1-16. Frequently we hear and see advertisement for companies and courses designed to build the physi­ cal body. Everyone is interested in having a better appearance. Such organizations take advantage of our personal concern and appeal to the human ego. Frequently, perhaps be­ cause of our own weakness, such pro­ grams fail miserably. How grateful we can be for God’s appointed pro­ gram of spiritual nourishment and maturation. It should be our desire to please Him who called us out of darkness into His matchless light. We should allow the new nature of 28

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