Biola Broadcaster - 1970-03

Mr. Sanguine can also be weak- willed. He will start things which are never finished. This is a part of the flesh or our old nature. There may be a tendency to fall into sen­ sual sins since he’s stimulated by sight. Oh, he can weep bitter tears and remorse will characterize his re­ pentance. Yet, he will get up from the kneeling rail and go right out to sin again. It’s difficult for him to have strength of character. No tem­ perament has a greater problem with lust than does Mr. Sanguine. With today’s loose morals in every area of life, it’s not easy for him. There is a very real need for the Holy Spirit to fill his life with all the con­ sistency and the strength of charac­ ter that he must have. Sanguines have tremendous poten­ tial for God. As out-going, gracious, lovable people, they can help to guide others in the things of the Lord. One of the thrilling things is to see how Jesus Christ is able to come into the life of such a person. Consider the Apostle Peter who speaks before he thinks; yet look at him when the Lord is in control! He becomes an effective servant of the Most High God. This is what you, and each of us, need in our lives day by day for the glory of our Saviour. C hapter T wo T here is a wonderful change that comes into a person’s life when he receives Christ as Saviour. This is as the Bible promises, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (II Cor. 5:17). As you yield yourself to Him, He will give you a Christ-likeness which will show to the world the Lord’s glory. There are four basic tempera­ ments : sanguine, melancholy, chol­ eric, and phlegmatic. The first is an outgoing, happy-go-lucky sort who seems to enjoy life. The Lord Jesus

someone who’s always miserable. Jesus Christ has come to cleanse us from our past miserable mistakes and habits. This is why we need to go to the Lord for daily cleansing-. I remember a woman who got very angry with me when I told her she was worrying too much. She fired back, “Well, someone has to worry about these things, don’t they?” I smiled and suggested, “Why don’t you try committing them to God?” She didn’t like that idea because she would rather keep her life in turmoil than tranquility. Committing a mat­ ter to God means you can rest your case in His hands. This is such a needed word for parents concerning their children. Rather than all those anxieties about things, start redeem­ ing your time. Enjoy those children, instead of driving yourself on the job or something else that won’t matter one bit five years from now. Happy is that father or mother who puts the priority on his children. You’ll find that Mr. Sanguine has a way with people and people have a way with him. It’s a fact that a good salesman is usually a good cus­ tomer. This is characteristic of this man. He is usually very compassion­ ate. With his tender heart, no one responds more genuinely to the needs of others than Mr. Sanguine. By nature, he finds it easiest to obey the scriptural injunction, “Rejoice with those who do rejoice and weep with those who weep.” When properly motivated, the san­ guine temperament can be a dynamic influence for God. How thrilling it is to see such a Spirit-controlled in­ dividual! Yet, with all of these positive aser- tions, Mr. Sanguine also has some very definite weaknesses. Often his boundless energy can be turned into reckless activity. He can be very im­ practical and disorganized. He often satisfies his own frustration of de­ siring to do something without be­ ing certain of any lasting benefits. 8

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