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T P t io K i n g s B u s i n e s s A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor $. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board MAY, in the year of our Saviour Vol. 52, No. 5 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-one Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home M en HOW TO BE CONTENT — J. C. Brumfield .................................... 10 YOU'RE MORE THAN A STATISTIC — Wilbur E. Nelson 12 IF THE FOUNDATIONS BE DESTROYED — Charles L. Feinberg .. 14 HONOR THY MOTHER — William Ward Ayer .................................. 15 PORNOGRAPHY AND OUR YOUTH — Al Sanders ...................... 18 OUR FUTURE BODY — Glenn O'Neal ............................................. 21 PAKISTAN: LAND OF SPIRITUAL OPPORTUNITIES — Louis T. Talbot- .................................................................................. 22 GUIDING BOYS AND GIRLS IN WORSHIP — Bernard Woike ...... 34 A BORROWED MOTHER — Flora Swetnam ...................................... 35 A CUP OF COLD WATER — Ray Friesz ............................................. 40 F u tb iw A MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland ............. 6 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot ...................... 24 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ...................-................ 26 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert ....................................................... 28 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ...................................... 30 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................. 31 THE CHRISTIAN HOME — Paul Bayles ............................................. 32 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea Miller ........................... 33 IWl For the Christian the setting sun is but a symbol of that glorious day when eternity shall reveal to us the Lord Jesus Christ. The photograph is from the new album "Far Beyond the Sun," with Swedish tenor Einar Waermo, on Evangel Recordings, LP 503; art by Alpha Omega Produc tions, Glendale. — All Rights Reserved —
IS THERE PIONEER BLOOD INYOUR VEINS? If you respond to adventure in stories of the frontier days — if you sometimes feel a strange kinship with the men and women who conquered the Old West—then you have pioneer blood in your veins. Pioneering days are not over. Today in out-of-the-way rural communities American Sun day-School Union missionaries are pioneering in Gospel work — starting Sunday schools in isolated communities like those below.
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JERRY JENSEN: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD Irene Boyd, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton
ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.
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MAY, 1961
f i
With respect to and in agreement with Dr. Sutherland’s able presentation of the reasons for the result of the 1960 Presi dential election, I would say that his Meditation upon this important event, as a whole, is a very sad commentary of lament, rather than a glad reception of the will of God for these last days! Rev. Elmer E. Bloom, Executive Director, THE WORD TO THE WORLD FELLOWSHIP, Honolulu, Hawaii Dr. Sutherland’s editorial called “Post Election Meditation” was very stimulating and thought-provoking. I have made copies of the message and am passing them on to interested friends. Dr. Sutherland pre sented a sobering diagnosis of the elec tion, with a challenging remedy. Words are completely inadequate to express my deep gratitude to you and your’ entire editorial staff for helping to make THE KING’S BUSINESS magazine one of the finest and most outstanding publications in the field of Christian literature. Thank you ever, so much. Kathie M. Ross, Philadelphia 28, Pa. Accept our deep appreciation for your exceptionally fine and timely editorials in both October and January issues of THE KING’S BUSINESS. I wish every Ameri can Protestant could read these articles and heed the tremendous facts and warn ings contained therein. We praise God for the firm stand Biola is taking for the COMMENTS OF INTEREST We would like you to know how much we enjoy each issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS. God has given you real dis cernment and grace to be faithful to your convictions in spite of the increasing subtle attacks of Satan as an angel of light. We’re sure you’re often accused of lack of love (a word Satan is using to his own advantage), but true love abounds more and more in knowledge and judgment. Mr. and Mrs. William MacNeill, Abington, Pa. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your wonderful maga zine and the improvements in the last year or so. It is very attractive and it is a real spiritual blessing each month. Ellen Wilkinson, Oakland 1, Calif. I enjoy THE KING’S BUSINESS so much, each month, and have been a sub scriber for forty years. I am now 83 and am not in very good health. The article “Whose Body is Yours?” by Dr. Walter Wilson in the January 1961 issue was so very good. Please ask him to put it in tract form so that we can all afford several copies. God bless you in your work. Mrs. W. A. Eddington, Hamilton, No. Dakota truth and may it ever be so. E. V. T. Likley, Orlando, Florida
I have read your touching story in THE KING’S BUSINESS magazine and feel compelled to write to you. My own story is so like yours that it could be the same story . . . except God blessed us with one beautiful daughter instead of your two boys. You ask the readers of your story to pray that your husband will be saved soon. My dear friend, I tell you in all Christian love, .my prayers are for you. More than not sanctioning a mixed mar riage, God does not sanction a mixed Christian. Your duty is to God. Yes, we do suffer when we are being pulled from two sides. Why be pulled any longer? Return today to your “first love” and to quote from your own story “sur render all to Jesus.” Name withheld After reading your article in THE KING’S BUSINESS (My Marriage Mis take, February 1961) your hurt was in my own heart. It isn’t hard to understand what you are going through for I have traveled that way. I, too, was deceived when I was married. I had been born again but had no knowledge of the Bible. Before we were married my husband told me that he had read the Bible through twice, and I thought that he was saved. Soon after we were married, though, I found out that he didn’t read the Bible and that he wasn’t saved. For more than twenty years he drank heavily. He couldn’t work steadily because of his drinking, and when he did his saloon bills were always paid first. Our family grew until we had five love ly children. The children and I read God’s Word and prayed earnestly for my hus band’s salvation. In answer to our prayers, my husband was cured of his drinking and seven months before God took him home, he was gloriously saved and yielded him self to his Saviour. I thank God for faith, grace, and love that kept me with my husband to the end. We were married al most fifty-three years. Mrs. Hanna Brant, Burbank, Calif. MISSIONS INCREASE I want to thank you very much for the very fine article printed in the Febru ary issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS tell ing about our church (“The Church that Faith Built”)\ I do want, however, to call to your attention one slight error in the story of our church. A zero is nothing, but when it was left out of the figure tell ing of the increase we had in missionary giving, it made quite a difference. In stead of the 80% increase in mission giv ing reported, the article should have read 800% increase. Perhaps the Lord’s blessing
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was so great that even the editor or type setter thought it must have been a smaller figure. But that is why we rejoice at the way the Lord has blessed and helped our church to do more for missions. John R. Duvall, Pastor, Palms Evangelical United Brethren Church, Los Angeles 10, Calif. SUBSCRIPTIONS GIVEN TO MISSIONARIES We have read THE KING’S BUSINESS for many years and have considered it a splendid periodical improving in its format and content over the years. It is our cus tom to present to the missionary families serving under our board a gift subscription to a Christian magazine. This year we were happy to make THE KING’S BUSI NESS our choice. We are confident that much blessing and spiritual enjoyment will be afforded our missionaries from this excellent source. Rev. Walter Duff, National Chairman, Village Missions, Kansas City, Missouri. READER EXPRESSES AGREEMENT We enjoy THE KING’S BUSINESS magazine and wish to say “Amen” to many of the articles which express the vidws which we hold about television and children playing with toy guns, etc. We also receive strength from the Bible arti cles and the recent good Sunday school features. It is really a well balanced magazine. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Geiser, Portland, Oregon. EDITORIALS PRAISED I like the editorials in THE KING’S BUSINESS. They are pertinent to the present, and deliver a punch. I especial ly appreciated what you said about the Christian and his fellowship with liberals. Some no doubt consider Peter and Jude intolerant bigots and “killjoys,” but they denounce in the fiercest of terms false teachers and teachings. God will have to give many a modern Jehoshaphat a close call before they will stop saying to Ahab, “I am as thou art, my people as they peo ple . . .” (I Kings 22:4). They are mak ing friends of God’s enemies. It is time God’s people were learning which side they are on, and then staying put. Paul Nevin, San Dimas, California. READER ENJOYS "UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF" The new KING’S BUSINESS maga zine is wonderful, but to me it has always been a wonderful magazine. There are so many helpful articles for our every day living. Welcome back to “Under the Par sonage Roof.” I enjoy this feature even though my children are now grown-up. Mrs. Frank McCall, Santa Ana, California. READER SHARES CHRISTIAN LITERATURE I want to tell you how much I enjoy THE KING’S BUSINESS. A friend shares her copy with us and we do the same with some of our Christian literature. I hadn’t seen the magazine for years but it is so improved, very attractive and very worthwhile. Thanks for all the hard work that goes into it. Mrs. Edward Kreiss, Ivanhoe, California.
For only $8 a month—just 26 pennies a day—you can bring loving Christian care, as well as school tuition which is not free in Korea, to one of these. Invite a friend to share a sponsorship with you—only $4 each a month—-or in terest your Sunday School, Bible Class, Ladies Society. Youth Group, etc. Mother Starved Tae Bok Was Saved
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THE EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASS'N., INC. 4848 North Leonard Drive Dept. K-5 Chicago 31, 111. j--------------------- - — CLIP AND MAIL TODAY— ---- -----------------j □ YES I want to sponsor an orphan for one year. My choice is Number ....6»..... If this child has already been “adopted,” I agree to support another whom you will select. With God s I help I will send $8 a month to your office. Please let me have i my child’s name, picture, address and story. I understand I may continue as long as I wish. Enclosed is support for □ first month, □ full year. SEND FULL PARTICULARS. j □ I cannot “adopt” a child but want to help by giving $........... □ Please send me further information. i I j Name ____________—..— — ——................................................ ...... j I Address ...............:.....— .................................................... -— .................— I. City .... ..................___________ ..... Z one_____ State ..— ...—.—.............- I Gifts of any amount are welcome. A ll gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. The Everett Swanson Evangelistic Ass'n. Inc. An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation Dept. K-5, 4848 No. Leonard Dr., Chicago 31, III., GL 6-6181
Over 8,000 orphans, children of lepers and war widows, are be ing cared for by the ESEA. More than !) million meals are served each year. Many more children are in desperate need, homeless, ragged and hungry. Help us expand our 05 Homes. Each one is a Christian in stitution. All Staff and Board members are earnest Bible- believing Christians. Will you lend your aid so that we may take many more children off the streets and into our Homes'? Sponsors find the relationship with their children a THRILL- JNG experience.
MAY, 1961
A MESSAGE from the editor by: Samuel H. Sutherland re: Protestantism Today In the February 1961 issue of Fortune there appeared an article entitled, "Can Protestantism Hold Its Own In A Modern America?" In it the author lays bare much of the problem that exists in American Protestanism today. Al though there is no indication that he understands in his heart what is meant by the "salvation of his (man's) soul" yet, in describing the completely decadent condition of the Protestant church in America as a whole, he speaks almost as would a fundamental, premillennial preacher, proclaim ing the prophetic truths of Scripture concerning these last days of this dispensation. If the basic problems of Protes tantism as enumerated in the article had been written by a Bible-believing, fundamentalist preacher, the article would have been classified as the product of a ranting, rav ing, "hell-fire-and-brimstone" type of preacher, so out of place in many pulpits in America today. It is to be devoutly hoped that because it was written by one who is quite apart from the current theological controversies and was writ ten from an objective point of view, ministers will take its message to heart and return once again to proclaiming the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Word of God. A few of the significant statements which appear in the article are quoted as follows: "About 3 5 % of all Am ericans belong to Protestant churches . . . this church membership percentage figure perhaps represents the sat uration point in a country where there is no legal compul sion to attend services and where dread of hell-fire is rare. Christianity amounts to little more than a vague spirit of friendliness, a willingness to support churches, provided these churches demand no real sacrifice and preach no exacting doctrines. It (modern Christianity) is a far cry from the demands and the intensely personal and searching character of early Protestantism. Today, people in droves come to church but meanwhile, despite all the church-going .there is the widespread increase in im morality. Drugstore racks are crowded with salacious mag azines and paper backs, the services of the psychiatrist are more and more in demand ; sexual perversion, addiction to narcotics flourish in a bored age. The rate of divorce is high, so is the rate of crime. It is almost as if shal low religiosity and spiritual decadence were warp and woof of a cultural pattern. In the twentieth century, Protestantism like other divisions of Christianity, is challenged by aggressive rival beliefs, of which Commu nism is chief. Against this threat the Protestant pulpit has given forth an uncertain sound." The author of the above-mentioned article quotes the Roman Catholic editor of Jesuit weekly, America, as saying, in effect, "American Catholicism is not prepared to assume the duty of furnishing religious and moral guidance to the whole nation on short notice and if the Protestant churches cease to influence the mass of the Americans, the alterna tive may be a sub-paganism." "Today," the Catholic editor continues, "we are certainly not a Catholic country nor are we on the way to becoming one. But we have virtually
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ceased to be Protestant." The writer continues, "The mal ady that afflicts Protestant churches nowadays is called 'Palagianism'. Palagius, a fifth century theologian, taught that there is no original sin, man's will is wholly free, the race of God is not the only essential for salva tion and consequently man's lot presents no serious prob lem of redemption." More need not be said concerning the article referred to above and the rather keen insight that the author has shown about the condition of Protestantism in America to day. The situation he depicts must be considered from two points of view: (1) This is exactly what the Word of God says will be the condition at the end of the age. In second Timothy 3, beginning with verse 1, we read, "This know also that in the last days [of this dispensation] perilous times shall come. For men shall be. . . lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God ;having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof"j in second Thessalonians, chapter 2, beginning with verse 1, "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, . . . for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, [literally, 'The apostasy']." And, indeed, even when our Lord was here upon the earth, He explicitly stated that in the last days of this dispensation conditions would be as "it was in the days of Noah . . . as it was in the days of Lot . . . even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed." And so, as Bible-believing Christians who are confidently looking for the soon return of our Lord, we rejoice in the development of every sign that points to His coming, knowing that our redemption draweth nigh. (2) But there is another point of view that we must also consider and that is the moral responsibility which is ours to warn unsaved people of the nearness of the Lord's return and to do everything possible to awaken ministers of the Gospel to their opportunities, indeed, to their re sponsibility of proclaiming the great truths of the Word of God in an effort to snatch, as it were, "brands from the burning." This is the reason that we as Christians are alarmed and are exceedingly distressed because of the ut ter lifelessness which characterizes Protestanism today so far as its vital convictions and testimony are con cerned. We confidently look for the Lord to come— and that right soon. Therefore it behooves us to be diligent about proclaiming the great fact of salvation by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Ministers and lay leaders alike must awake to the solemnity of this hour in which we live and revert to the strong, solid preaching and teaching of God's Holy Word in all of its beauty and power, likewise in all of its solemn warnings which are directed toward the lost. This is the day in which laymen should encourage their pastors to preach these great truths, including "hell fire and damnation" and that faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the only way by which this terrible condition can be avoid ed. Such preaching is not at all popular. But, regardless of that, it is in the Word of God, and the faithful minister must proclaim the whole counsel of God. Such preaching often hurts, but it is the only kind of effective preach ing that will stir men to turn from the error and sin of their ways unto the Lord Jesus Whom to know is life eternal. President, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.
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MAY. 1961
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Dr. Walter Judd, Minnesota Con gressman and former medical mis sionary in China, and Dr. Paul S. Rees, vice president of World Vision, Inc., w ill be among the speakers h ighlight ing the Second International Conven tion on Missionary M e d i c i n e at Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, December 26-28, 1961. Lambert Huffman, owner and presi dent of Higley-Huffman Press, and Ken Anderson, prom inent Christian w riter and film producer, have joined forces in a unique dual venture. Mr. Anderson has assumed the vice presi dency of Higley-Huffman Press,
the 17th A n n u a l Convention at Winona Lake, Indiana. Dr. George L. Ford, executive direc tor of the National Association of Evangelicals, announced th a t over 1,000 evangelical ■*leaders recently met in Grand Rapids, M ichigan, for the annual NAE convention. Special speakers at the convention include Dr. Henry Blast, president of the Gen eral Synod of the Reformed Church of America, Dr. Harold John Ockenga,
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Henry Blast Oswald Hoffman pastor of the Park Street Church, Boston, Mass., Rev. Thomas F. Zimmer man, president of the NAE and gen eral superintendent of the Assemblies of God, Dr. Carl F. Henry, editor of Christianity Today, Dr. Oswald C. J. Hoffman, speaker on The Lutheran Hour, and Dr. Glenn Archer, executive director of Protestants and Other Americans United. Mrs. Clarence Wells, nee Ruth Hor ton, went to be w ith the Lord, March 29, 1961. The daughter of Dr. T. C. Horton, one of the founders of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Mrs. Wells lived in Pasadena, California. Mrs. Wells had two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Morgan, who passed away in 1956, and Mrs. Helen Walker, who is living in M anhattan Beach, Calif. Dr. Oswald J. Smith and Oregon’s Governor Mark Hatfield are among the speakers to be featured at the 18th National Fellowship of Conservative Baptists in Portland, Oregon, May 25-30. The convention w ill be held in Portland’s new Memorial Coliseum. The Rev. Victor B. Beattie, Jr., has been appointed Home Secretary for
Huffman (left) and Anderson while Mr. Huffman has become a partner in the establishment of Ken Anderson Enterprises, a new organi zation geared to the production and distribution of specialized audio visual aids. At a m id-year board meeting, Dr. Vincent Brushwyler, general director of the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mis sions Society, asked for 100 new evan gelistic missionaries to be assigned to the society’s 14 fields around the world. D uring the meeting a cable gram from Dr. Edwin Jacques, foreign secretary traveling in the Orient, in dicated favorable visa consideration for two missionary couples entering Borneo. Seven new missionaries were appointed to serve in India, Japan, Ceylon, and Portugal. The total mis sionary personnel of the society is now 392., Dr. Joseph Free, director of archeolo gical studies a t Wheaton College, w ill be the executive director of the Near East School of Archeology and Bibli cal Studies which is scheduled to open in Jerusalem in the Spring of 1962. The school w ill be open to col lege and seminary students, minis ters, teachers, and interested laymen. According to Ted W. Engsfrom, pres ident of Youth for Christ Internation al, Inc., the organization w ill present a conference, Ju ly 3-7, for Church Youth Directors in conjunction w ith
the Pocket Testa m ent League, ac cording to Alfred A. Kunz, Interna tional Director of the jj organization. For the past eight years Mr. Beattie has been active in P T L campaigns throughout West Berlin, A f r i c a ,
Victor Beattie and the Orient.
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-again this year.. MBI will graduate another class of dedicated young men and women . . . true to the Bible . . . thoroughly trained
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I N T E R D E N O M I N A T I O N A L . . . E V A N G E L I C A L O O D V B I B L E I N
8 2 0 N. L a S a lle S tre e t • C h icag o 10, Illinois W illiam C ulbertson , president • S. M axwell C oder , dean A C C R E D I T E D B Y A C C R E D I T I N G A S S O C I A T I O N O F B I B L E C O L L E G E S
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MAY, 1961
by J. C. Brumfield Director, Radio Kids Bible Club
D o you have everything your h eart desires? No? Why not? — God wants you to have it. It is POSSIBLE. Psalm 37:4 “He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” There is a simple secret—m aster this, and you can have everything your heart desires. THIS IS TRUE, bu t still there has never been a time of more frustration, mental and physical crackups, broken homes, crime, and greed than we have today. The root of most of it is discontent ment—-grasping for something beyond our reach, striving for something beyond our ability, coveting something be yond our means, or w ishing for something beyond the w ill of God. Never have we had so much, and never have we been less satisfied. We see someone else w ith something better, and plunge into a mad scramble to get more. It seems th a t men have become obsessed w ith the idea th a t happiness can be secured w ith “things.” But God warns, “Life con- sisteth not in the abundance of things which a m an possesseth” (Luke 12:15) . We are - a gadget-conscious generation. We have more “things” than they have had in any other age, and yet perhaps we have less real con tentment. The more “things” we possess, the more time we have on our hands, and consequently more frustration results. M an cannot be happy and content as long as there are unfulfilled desires. But for the Christian, it is possible to have everything his heart desires, and w ith th a t comes contentment. If you are not content there is a reason.— You either w ant the wrong things or you w ant more than God wants you to have. I fear th a t we have developed a false idea of happiness. The general idea seems to be th a t happiness consists of getting w hat we do not have. This is the very founda tion of the problem of discontentment, frustration, and unhappiness—w anting more th an we have, whether it be money, possessions, position, health, or achievement. HOW? There is only one possible solution, only one way to be happy and content . . . T hat is to have everything your heart desires. Let me repeat, it is possible. God says, “He shall bring it to pass.” You see, THE SECRET IS IN WHAT YOU DESIRE —“HE shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” Now approach the problem this way: FIRST, realize th a t God the Father loves you,
and wants the very best for you because you be long to Him. The Carnation Company wants “contented cows” because they say contented cows give more and better milk. God wants con tented children because contented children pro duce more and better fru it for His glory. SECOND, remember God deals w ith the future. We usually think only of the present. But read it again. It doesn’t say He w ill give you every “th ing” you desire, bu t He w ill give you the desires of your heart. Your FOOLISH HEART m ight desire something th a t would harm you, and He loves you too much to perm it it. Your SELFISH HEART m ight desire something th a t would ru in your life, but His wisdom cannot g ran t such a request. Your CARNAL HEART m ight desire something th a t would wreck your spiritual life, and hinder your growth. His love w ill not perm it it. Your GREEDY HEART m ight desire something th a t would make you a spiritual pauper. His Fa ther h eart cannot allow it. You see then th a t when we do not have w hat we de sire, there is something wrong w ith our desires. We ask for things th a t would harm us. He promises in Psalm 84:11 th a t “No good th ing” w ill be w ithheld. T h a t is true, bu t still if we are to be content we must have everything we desire. HERE IS THE SECRET “HE shall give thee the DESIRES (of thine h e a rt)” (Verse 4). It means th a t HE W ILL PUT INTO YOUR HEART THE DESIRE FOR THE THINGS THAT HE WANTS YOU TO HAVE. And remember this . . . He wants you to have the things th a t are best for you. When He puts the desire in your heart, you can know th a t w hat ever you desire is in His w ill. THEN , and only then, you can have everything you desire. W hen you ask for it, He who pu t the desire in your heart loves to gran t it. Can you think of any sweeter, higher, better thing? T h a t is perfect contentment—perfect happiness. But you say . . . “HOW can I have H im pu t the righ t desires into my heart?” Look at the first p a rt of th a t verse. “DELIGHT thyself in the Lord and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” It means to find your
an exposition o f Psalm 27:1-11 pleasure in Him. The heart th a t delights in the Lord finds its truest joy in Him.
Do you have a problem?—T u rn it over to Him. Rest in Him. Then when someone asks, “W hat are you doing about it?”—you can say, “I am doing nothing. It is being done for me by One who is perfectly able—I am resting.” Anything less than th a t is not faith. But remember, this is a desire He must pu t into your heart. “Delight thyself in the Lord.” 5. THIS IS THE BASIS OF EXONERATION. (Verse 6) “And He shall bring forth thy righteousness.” Sit still and He w ill clear the slandered. We may be sure th a t if we look to His honor, He w ill see to ours. Has someone misunderstood you, abused you, misused your name, and falsely accused you? Delight in H im |f-rest in Him, and “He shall bring forth thy righteousness.” There is usually not much use in our seeking to justify ourselves when falsely accused. Someone has said, “Your enemies don’t believe your defense, and your friends don’t require it.” The very effort leads to more anxiety, fretting, and stew ing. Simply rest in H im and “He shall bring forth thy righteousness.” Read it this way—“Delight th y SELF in the Lord.” After all, it is usually our “SELF” th a t has been hurt. “Delight in the Lord.” 6. “THIS IS THE CURE FOR ANGER. (Verse 8) “Cease from anger and forsake w rath.” The psychologist tells us th a t anger is a defense mechanism usually based on the fact th a t we are insecure in the position we have taken. Perhaps the only way to cease from anger is to delight in Him—tu rn your position, and your reputation over to Him. Look a t it this way—“Delight thy self in the Lord.” We can usually see the “self” in the other person —this adds to our own discontent. “He has so much ‘self in him, yet he still gets along so well . . . Why?” Let’s see th a t our own “self” finds its delight in the Lord. “Delight in the Lord.” 7. THIS IS THE KEY TO PATIENCE. (Verse 7) “W ait patiently for Him .” W aiting is part of resting. Roll it on Him—you see, it is God’s affair now. Do not “fret” and “stew,” He is able—just wait. His clock is not neces sarily synchronized w ith ours. Because you do not see w hat He is doing does not necessarily mean th a t He is not working on your behalf. W aiting is proof of faith. Don’t tu rn it over to H im and then get impatient and take it out of His hands and try to do it yourself. Not only wait (we cannot help waiting) bu t “w ait patiently.” I have seen m any im patient waiters. But be cause we do not w ait patiently God sometimes has to wait for us. But listen, you don’t have to w ait to begin to de light in Him. You don’t have to w ait to have every desire fulfilled — “He shall b ring it to pass,” “He worketh.” Notice th a t it is present tense. He starts rig h t now when we roll it on Him. He begins immediately. “Commit,” “rest,” “trust,” “delight”— This isn’t a life of indolence, it is the greatest incentive to agressive, earnest, sincere, ambitious Christian living. To know you shall have every desire of your heart is not only possible, it is His w ill for you. This is joy. This is delight. This is true Christian victory—to walk so close to Him, to be so yielded to Him, th a t He can whisper, “rj his is the way, walk ye in it.” You can be happy and content because your h eart desires only His w ill for you. He who gave you the desire is able to fulfill it. “Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.”
We delight (find our joy) in “things” . . . posses sions, position—and the result is frustration and unhappi ness. “Delight in H im ” means to find your joy in Him. This brings happiness, peace, and contentment. Delight in His “Favor” (Deut. 33:23). Delight in His “W ill” (Eph. 6:6). Delight in His “Service” (Isa. 41:8). Delight in His “Person” (Verse 4). Oh how few of us “Delight in the Lord.” Paul ex pressed it this way, “Christ is all and in a ll” (Col. 3:11). “DELIGHT THYSELF IN THE LORD” “Delight thyself in the Lord” — “Christ is all and in all.” This is the secret of a happy life. The secret of con tentment. Then, I am so close to H im th a t I w ant only His w ill for me. He puts the desire in my h eart for the things th a t are for my good and His glory. Then I can have everything my heart desires. You w an t proof? (Verse 23) “The steps of a good m an are ordered by the Lord and he delighteth in His way.” “Delight in the Lord.” 1. THIS IS A CURE FOR FRETTING. (Verse 1) “F ret not.” To fret is to worry, to fume, to stew. “F ret not” means Don’t get heated up about it.” Now why do we stew and fret? Usually because we w ant something we do not have and others do have. But look a t it this way. Spurgeon said, “Who envies the trapped bullock the rib bons and garlands which decorate him as he is led to the slaughter.” T h a t is why God says, “F ret not because of evil doers.” Don’t stew because they have more than you do . . . don’t envy them. They are like the fa t bullock going to the slaughter. The cure for fretting is to be con tent. How?—Delight in the Lord. Don’t desire what others have . . . you have HIM . “Delight thyself in the Lord.” “Delight in the Lord.” 2. THIS IS THE SECRET OF TRUST. (Verse 3) “T rust in the Lord.” The farm er sows and cultivates, then leaves the harvest to God. W hat more can he do? He can’t send sunshine and rain. Likewise, we must leave the re sults to God. I can trust completely in Him if I desire only what He wills. “Delight in THE LORD.” “Delight in the Lord.” 3. THIS IS THE RESULT OF SURRENDER. (Verse 5) “Commit thy way unto the Lord and he shall bring it to pass.” “Commit” means to roll your anxiety on Him. Say “if it is not His w ill I do not w an t it.” “Delight in the Lord.” W hat you w ant to do and cannot do, w hat you want to have and cannot have, or what you w an t to be and can not be, becomes a burden and leads to frustration and bitterness. Roll it over on Him—tu rn your affairs over to God. When I completely surrender myself to Him, then His w ill becomes my only desire, and so I can have every desire of my heart. “Delight in the Lord.” 4. THIS IS THE FOUNDATION OF PEACE. (Verse 7) “Rest in the Lord.” Rest means to “hold still.” When we rest in H im we are not fretting, we are not disturbed —we are content. Delight in His “Presence,” (fellowship) g A p r a should be occupied w ith Him.
MAY, 1961
gain of one or a loss of one in the report to the District Conference, I have no idea w hat it is. I’m thankful I have met few pastors of this stripe, but I wish it were possible to wipe the few I ’ve met off the earth or, at least, off the Conference Rosters. They have no business in the m in istry. In the m ind of God we are not statistics, we are not numbers, we are not non-entities, we are not merely one of the more than 2,500,000,000 hum an beings on earth. The Gospel tells us, “You have an identity, an irreplace able value in the heart of God. You are a name, not a number. You are God’s child, not merely His creation, if you have pu t your faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, as your Saviour. You are not the object of His casual concern; you are the beneficiary of His gracious, eternal, compassionate, constraining love. You m ay be a mere social security number and tax payer to the government, a stamp on the ballot to the politician, a statistic to labor, an I-Q finding to the educator. You may be—or seem to be—reduced to a nameless, voiceless non-entity elsewhere but, to God, you are precious beyond computation. The hairs of your head are numbered. The steps of your feet are ordered of the Lord. The path of your destiny is lovingly, carefully marked out, by Him. Everything th a t happens to you, if you are His child, is an ingredient in the fine and blessed feast which awaits you at His banquet table. W hat a wonderful, exciting thing it is to realize this! How it enriches a hum an soul to realize this relationship he sustains to God! How meaningful it makes a Christian life to realize th a t God has given him a new nature, a new name, a new and unique mission which he, and he alone, can perform! And how pitiful, how shameful it is to see Christians standing on the sidelines, adm iring the ex ploits of some religious leader, saying, “Look what he can do! I wish I could do something!” Well, you can! You must, or your Christian profession becomes a rancid, wretched mockery! The youngest girl of a large fam ily once said, “No body seems to w ant me. I’m a cripple and in everybody’s way.” As she spoke she passed a book store and her eyes fell on the words, “The Lord hath need of him ”—a refer ence to the little-donkey on which Jesus rode into Jerusa lem. “Jesus once needed a donkey,” she said, “so perhaps He can use me, a cripple. I ’ll ask H im .” T hat was the be ginning of a forty-year m inistry as a Bible woman and, when she died, she was loved and mourned by hundreds and went to claim a glorious crown. It’s a wonderful th ing to happen. A Christian goes about his daily living, keeping out of trouble, abstaining from vice and wickedness bu t not aggressively, positively useful to His Lord until, somehow, he sees th a t God has compounded in his personality a combination of qualities and interests and talents unique w ith Him. He sees th a t God has surrounded him w ith people and circumstances in a formula unduplicated since time began. He realizes th a t every day, every moment, of his time is an invitation and challenge to do w hat nobody else in history can do, because nobody else ever has looked out a t life from be hind his eyes and tasted life w ith his lips and felt life w ith his consciousness. In th a t experience . . . whether it takes a moment or a month . . . he finds his place, accepts his mission, takes up his work for God, not now as a listless chore bu t as a holy crusade. It can happen to you. I hope it w ill, today.
A traveller in England reported an amusing slip of the tongue at a railw ay station. A train was about to leave when a shrill cry from a woman calling to her husband was heard. “W ait,” she cried, “we have forgotten our non-entity cards!” She m eant to say, of course, “iden tity cards” which are required in so m any places. Amusing though her mistake m ay be, it rem inds us of some very sober facts. Great impersonal forces move over our world today, flattening out individuality, robbing us of the sense of personal significance. In politics, in labor and many other areas, the feeling is, w hat does one person count? Just take your button, pin it to your lapel and fall in line, a non-entity, dignified and identified only by a number. You even start your life th a t way, they pu t your foot in ink, stamp it on paper, give it a number and th a t is you —■# 87394 in a vast card index. You move out of the hos pital into a world increasingly stripped of personality and individuality, becoming, in m any ways, a mere statistic, an almost nameless number. It can happen to you in your church membership. If there is any worse perversion of the pastor-member rela tionship than for you or me to represent to our pastors a
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