I n the year 1927 L. G. Foster, a Negro elevator operator and pas tor of one of the local colored churches in the city of Dallas, Texas, desired to know the Word of God. Where could he go to school to learn? Who would teach him? Who cared enough to spend the time necessary to ground him in the Word of God? It seemed as if no one cared. There were no schools in Dallas to which he could go. His hunger for the Word increased. Providentially, his steps were guid ed into contact w ith one of the stu dents of Dallas Theological Seminary, Rev. Edmund H. Ironside, the son of Dr. H arry A. Ironside. Rev. Ironside cared. Rev. Ironside would gladly spend time to teach him the Word of God. Overjoyed, Mr. Foster got two other friends of his to come and to share in the teaching. Thus Dallas Colorgd Bible Institute was born. At the beginning Rev. Ironside taught his three students in his own home on St. Joseph Street, just across the street from the Dallas Seminary. The Lord’s blessing rested upon the work and soon rented quarters had to be secured to make room fcr the addi tional students. The first quarters were secured in Dallas on Helen Street, College Street and Flora Street. Soon these quarters were too small and new quarters had to be sought. The Lord made available to the school a building located on the corner of San Jacinto and Leonard Streets. He fu rther provided the funds to purchase
this building and the transaction was made. The original board of Directors was formed. It included Dr. H arry A. Ironside, Chairman of the Board, and Rev. Edmund H. Ironside, the first president of the school. W hile teaching at the new ly found ed Dallas Colored Bible Institute, Rev. Edmund H. Ironside continued his studies at Dallas Theological Semi nary. He continued his work w ith the Colored Bible Institute u n til the year 1941 'when he was called home by the Lord. Shortly before Dr. Edmund H. Iron side’s death, the name of the school was changed to the Southern Bible T raining School, Inc. D uring the dark years of World W ar II which followed, Rev. Lester E. Huber was appointed as Superintendent, un til 1945 when he returned to Africa a missionary. On June 1, 1945 Rev. Henderson S. Fox, Th. D., began his duties as Presi dent of the school. The Lord continued to bless the school and to send an ever- increasing number of students to be trained in His Word. Larger quarters became a necessity. In the summer of 1948, the present building was erected. It consisted of two large classrooms, a chapel, which is also used for a large classroom, and a library, which doubles as a class room. In addition there are offices for the President, two additional full-time faculty members, secretary, and a kitchen which is used for the school’s social events.
In 1956,’two lots adjoining the rear of the present property were pur chased. This gives the school frontage on two streets. The extra property is available for future expansion. Be cause God has been faithful in moving His children to support the work of the Southern Bible T raining School, all the property owned by the school is completely debt free. In 1954 the school realized another step forward. Since most of the stu dents have daytime employment, the classes had been held at night. How ever, in 1954, the Day School was be gun. From then u n til the present time, classes have been held both day and night. The need for the work of Southern Bible T raining School continues. To day there are more than 10,000,000 Negroes w ithin the borders of the United States who need to be taught the truths of God’s Word. Recently a survey was taken of one of the denomi nations which claims 500,000 adher ents. I t was found th a t of its 3,500 ministers, only 49 were seminary grad uates, 95 were college graduates, and approximately 200 were high school students. The remainder had little or no training of any kind. It is a well established fact th a t a person is more easily won by a mem ber of his own race than by anyone else. This is the reason it is impera tive th a t there be a school to train Negro men and women to be pastors, teachers, and missionaries, so th a t they can reach their own people for God.
May, 1960 Graduating Class
Southern Bible School Faculty
Dr. Henderson Fox, Pres.
MAY, 1961
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