King's Business - 1961-05

W ith so-called more enlightened days and w ith the u n ­ precedented increase of isms and false cults, a veritable flood spewed out from the very mouth of Satan and the pit of hell, we find infidelity entrenched in the chairs of colleges, universities, and theological seminaries. It m ain­ tains an arrogant and false role of erudition and learning, claim ing tru th as the final and only goal, and the spirit of helpfulness as the only prerequisite for a good life. The theology of Paul would not stand a chance, they think, alongside an unbeliever’s philanthropies. Much is said of giving up the old doctrines and taking up some new cult or false doctrine. All are counselled to suit their beliefs to modern needs and trends. Such teaching, whether in soul- destroying modernism or soul-damning cults, is a potion from the cup of the father of lies and the enemy of God. The Perversion of the False Teachers These false teachers u tter statements which seem parallel to the true bu t are not. The Bible claims it is the Word of God; they say it contains the Word of God. The Word claims Christ is the unique Son of God; they say He is a Son of God in the same way th a t all men are, only to a higher degree, but this also w ill be surpassed in future ages of development. The Bible declares He was virgin bom ; they say He was bom of M ary and Joseph, a fact which the Scriptures have adorned and embellished. The Bible bears record th a t Christ lived a supernatural pre­ existent life, was born by a supernatural birth, lived a supernatural earthly life, died a supernatural death, and was raised by a supernatural physical resurrection. The Bible holds th a t Christ died for the ungodly, the just for the unjust; they say His death was exemplary because He died for His convictions. The Bible makes clear th a t man is a product of special creation by God; they say he is a conglomeration of certain impulses and responses, a prod­ uct of evolution. The Bible says man is a lost sinner apart from God; they say m an is an unfortunate victim of un ­ toward circumstances in his *unfavorable environment, but can make good and do good by self-culture. The Bible teaches m an is justified by faith in the blood of Christ; they say man is justified by his works in following a good example. So perverted and distorted is the vision of such men th a t wrong is right and righ t is wrong. T hink of it! They claim th a t “Calvary is m an doing his best for God.” They hold aloft the goal of so-called Christian Commu­ nism as set forth by Karl Marx and are blind to the out­ working of these destructive principles in the countries of Europe and of the world. Slaughter-house religion is all a gruesome thing of the past. Take these fanciful nothings and b latant denials and bring them face to face w ith the three sobering facts of life: sin, sorrow, and death. These delusions and isms are helpless to aid. The tru th as it is in Christ alone can give cleansing from sin, comfort in sorrow, and confidence in death. The Path of the Faithful Believer In view of the fact th a t God has predicted the presence of such false teachers in our midst, has foretold their pernicious teachings what is to be the course of the be­ liever? His way is made clear in the Word. First, he is to hold fast the truth. All things must be proved before re­ ceived. See I Thessalonians 5:21 and I John 4:1. Secondly, he is to contend for the faith. Jude 3. Just as David slew Goliath of old in the power of God w ith five smooth stones, so we can by God’s help overcome all the isms and false­ hoods by the five truths of an infallible Book, an incarnate Christ, a crucified Saviour, a resurrected Lord, and a com­ ing King. Let us be watchful! There are no substitutes for the Spirit of God, the Christ of God, the Book of God, and the faith from God.


by Charles L. Feinberg, Ph.D., Th.D.

T he religious world today presents a peculiar anomaly: a spirit sponsoring un ity of all religions into one, and at the same time an ever-widening cleavage w ithin all religious groups between those who stand for the faith and those who are departing from it. There are various designations for these two groups, but their identity is quite clear. Modem infidelity and false cults work in the m anner of termites, seeking to destroy the foundations. The psalmist, then, asks a most timely question. The fig­ ure is taken from architecture. W hat good are skill in planning, costly materials, beauty of structure, if the foundations are poorly laid or are destroyed? Notice the case is hypothetical; the foundations of God’s truth, thank God, can never be destroyed. But it is a sad fact th a t many can be swerved from the foundations. The verse says noth­ ing of the walls, the roof, or the decorations, but only of the foundations. On every hand the isms and schisms of the infidels are blasting away at the Rock of Ages. W hat senseless and futile activity! When we examine the situation more closely we see The Prediction of False Teaching Note carefuly such clear statements of the Word of God as II Timothy 4:1-4; 3:1-8; I Timothy 4:1-6; II Peter 2:1-3; 3:1-7; I John 4:1-3; II Corinthians 11: 13-15; and Jude 4, 10. Unbelief and infidelity are not new; nothing is new about them except their m anner of approach and method of attack. They have changed their tactics. The old infidelity blasphemed in the barrooms and saloons, ridiculed the Bible, God, the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and His death for the sin of the world on the Cross.



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