fashion is clearly a sexual offender as much as the man who molests a child’s body.” Unfortunately, what this pastor discovered is not unique to his community. These same things are happening in your city and mine. Today there seems to be no end to the degradation which is being brought forth. Adolescents are the prime market. Our Christian youth are no exception. The filth industry scours high school class rosters and year books for mailings. The first approach to such young sters is indirect; a come-on advertise ment may be mailed to them offering model air planes or relic firearms or pictures of sports heroes. These are always good buys, low priced. They are a loss for leaders of the smut trade but th a t is just the beginning. Our Postmaster General in Washington reported th a t complaints from par ents of youngsters who receive ob scene m atter in the mail have in creased 40% to a total of 70,000 per year. Arrests have increased 50% in two years as well, but also there are more and more panderers of smut. Listen, my friend, how long w ill we close our eyes to the obvious fact that we are now living in a time when the very foundations of Christian morali ty and decency are being flagrantly and brazenly broken? It is true, in tracing the rise of the sale of porno graphy, we have found a result of the afterm ath of w ar w ith the inevitable rises of parental delinquency which in tu rn leads to increases in juvenile delinquency. Since young people these days are often left too much to their own re sources w ithout parental discipline or guidance, they have been compelled to seek elsewhere the answer to their needs. Too often pornography has been the outlet. To bear out a con viction such as this the church must take a stand. We have watched ap palled as scores of new titles have made their appearance in the maga zine, book, and motion picture field, many of them deliberately violating every standard of decency which has hitherto been recognized in the pub lishing or motion picture industries. We are convinced th a t the only rea son there has not been an indignant outcry from the Christian leaders of our nation is th a t few have been advised of the extent to which stan dards have plunged. While t h e guardians of our Christian moral standards have been comfortably sleeping, those who seek profits by pandering to sexuality and lawless ness among America’s future genera tions have been reaping a golden h a r vest.
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