book reviews A ll the Kings and Queens of the Bible B y Herbert Lockyer By and by all the ‘alls’ w ill be used up. We have had half a dozen or more books of this kind on the Bible. It would look as though this volume would have to duplicate to some ex tent the m aterial in “A ll the Men of the Bible” and “A ll the Women of the Bible,” but the author has here a special aspect under study. He has some introductory m aterial on the subject of sovereignty and its implica tions. There are a good m any conjec tures as to the identity of foreign kings mentioned or implied in the Bible narrative. There is an alphabet ical index of nations, kings, and queens. The m ain body is more or less chronological in its development. 253 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $3.95. W hat m ight look on the surface like an insurmountable task, seems to have been successfully accomplished. The task was performed by Dr. Leslie F. Church, distinguished British editor connected w ith Epworth Press. His method was to condense only by de leting. No phrases have been changed, except in the interest of accuracy, which more modem knowledge has provided. It is felt th a t M atthew Hen ry would have wanted it th a t way. No phrasing has been changed other wise. In reducing the six volumes of the original to one, the proportion does not hold because this is a large volume of almost 2,000 pages, while the original six ran a little over 4,000 There need be no hesitation now on account of price for any pastor to be w ithout this greatest of expository commentaries, xi, 1204, 784 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $9.25. Commentary on the Whole Bible by M atthew H enry Principles of Biblical Hermeneutics By J. Edw in Hartill This is not a new book, bu t is the ten th p rin ting (first published in 1947). It seems to have remained largely unknown up to this time. Among its virtues is its manifold coverage of a variety of principles of interpretation, runn ing through the dispensations, covenantal, ethnic, dis-
by Arnold D. Eblert Librarian, Biola Collega
remember the event with G IFTS OF WORTH
crim ination, predictive, typical, to the inclusion of some of the so-called ‘laws’ not come upon generally ex cept in the works of Dr. David L. Cooper and F. E. Marsh. These latter include the law of first mention, pro gressive mention, full mention, gap principle, repetition, double reference, etc. The book closes w ith a discussion of the symbolic meanings of the var ious numbers up to fifty. Bible Light on Daily Life by Phillip E. Howard, Jr. The well known author, who has been associated w ith THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES for nearly 33 years, has compiled 202 stimulating devo tional studies for daily use, or as guides for brief talks on fam iliar por tions of the Word of God. Dr. Howard, whose d a u g h t e r Betty Howard Elliot has her new book de scribed on the adjoining page, has divided the meditations into eight helpful classifications. These include the Word of God, home, work, guid ance, and trials of a Christian. 213 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, M ichigan; $2.50. Building a Christian Home by H enry R. Brandt and Homer E. Dowdy A successful Christian home begins w ith th e parents, of course, bu t it eventually involves all members of the family. If the foundation is well laid by godly parents, it is much easier to build a good superstructure. Both husband and wife must under stand their particular roles. M arital communications must be maintained. Problem solving must be done in a realistic atmosphere, realizing th a t situations change and people change. Even the ‘empty nest’ must be pre pared for. There is much of useful counsel in this book, and it is w ritten in simple enough language th a t the average reader should have no diffi culty w ith it. One of the authors is a Christian psychologist; the other a journalist. 158 pages; cloth; Scrip ture Press, Wheaton, 111.; $3.00. Recommended, boohs are available from the Biota Book Rooms, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; 121 West Wilson Glendale; and on the La Mirada Campus. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request.
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