AçT jO H CHORUSES FOR BOYS and GIRLS ScwfAfutoZUoH, “ACTION” Series O v e r 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 so ld ! T h is tim e -te ste d s e r ie s in c lu d e s: ACTION NO. 1
ACTION NO. 4 66 Gospel songs and choruses like: Ju st Keep Your Eyes on Jesus • Summ ertime in My H eart ACTION NO. 5 42 Gospel songs and choruses like: Gideon H ad th e Lord • Why Not I? ACTION NO. 6 43 Gospel songs a n d choruses like: Joy, Joy, Joy • G-O-S-P-E-L A ll size ,6" x 9 " — Each, 50c
81 Gospel songs and choruses like: Fishers of Men • Heavenly Sunshine ACTION NO. 2 79 Gospel songs and choruses like: Deep and Wide • Noah a n d the A rk ACTION NO. 3 84 Gospel songs and choruses lik e : Everybody Ought to Know • Give Me Oil in My Lamp
BY A L T H E A S . M I L L E R T he two Altheas were on their way into Los Angeles to attend a concert by the Philharmonic Orches tra. This was one of a series of con certs designed both in program and price for Junior H igh students. Young Althea was actually wiggly w ith de light, not only in anticipation of the coming concert, bu t also th a t she and Mother were together. There were interm ittent periods of chatter and quiet when each was wrapped in her own thoughts. Al though it was a lovely Saturday morning, Mother’s mood did not match the weather. In fact, some of her answers to her daughter’s ques tions and comments were given ab sent-mindedly. “Well, I love you, Mommie. Thanks for bringing me to this concert. Is it much farther? It’s such fun just be ing together.” “It is fun, Darling. I ’m glad we are together.” Mother was ashamed that she had w ithdrawn herself in spirit and m ind from the fellowship of her daughter. Yet she still felt frustrated. The road out of G lendale to the freeway passes by an automobile graveyard and several miles of rail road tracks at a certain point. Just as Mother m entally decided th a t the scenery was most uninspiring, she heard her eleven year old say, “Look at the mountains over there, Mother. Aren’t they beautiful as the sun glistens on them?” Here was rebuke num ber two, tendered innocently by a precious child. Althea hadn’t seen the grave yard nor the maze of railroad tracks. She had lifted her eyes up to the hills and revelled in the beauty. Suddenly Mother recalled the words of the Psalmist: “I w ill lift up m ine eyes unto the hills. [From whence cometh my help?] My help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth” (Ps. 121:1,, 2)-. A w arm th of appreciation flooded Mother’s heart. Frustrations melted like ice under a spring sun, and the day took on a beauteous hue, thanks to the Word of God and a child’s confidence in the upward look.
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