King's Business - 1961-05

A WATERED GARDEN Open your Bibles to Isaiah, Chapter 58. In the 11th verse you will find these words . . "and thou shalt be like a watered garden." A "watered garden!" What do those words bring to your mind? It makes me think of some of the lovely gardens I have seen, with green grass, tall trees, fragrant flowers and fountains of clear, cool water. What a difference water makes to a garden! I have seen other gardens— gardens that were not watered nor cared for regularly. What a difference!——Weeds were growing everywhere; grass yellow and parched, no flowers nor shade trees. No one would want to visit a garden like this for rest and refreshment. No, God does not want our lives to be like this garden. Look at a "watered" garden! As you care for the garden and water the grass and flowers, remember that God wants your life to be like a "watered garden." He wants your life to shed a fra­ grance of Himself as the garden of flowers. He wants your life to bear the fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22, 23) as the trees in the well watered garden. He wants your life to rest folks who come near. I'm sure you would rather be like the watered garden than the dry parched one. Let the Lord Jesus come into your heart's garden as your Saviour. Keep your garden watered each day with the Word of God through the Holy Spirit, and your life will be fra­ grant and fruitful for Him, like a well "watered garden." BIBLE ARITHMETIC Multiply the number of disciples by the number of loaves of bread which the little lad gave to Jesus. Subtract the number of books in the New Testament. Add the number of years which the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness. Subtract the num­ ber of the chapter in John's gospel which records the story of Nicodemus, and the result will be the number of palm trees at Elim. (Check your answer with Exodus 15: 27.) PEN PALS Dear Sir: I would like to be a pen pal with some­ one. I am ten years old and in the fifth grade. I like sewing, knitting, swimming, and badminton. Dear Pen Pal Editor: I must say it with a grateful heart as I write this letter to you: I do hope that your Pen Pal Club will grow more and more. I am interested in joining your Pen Pal Club. I've always said that I wish I could get a pen pal. First I must address myself to you. I am 15 years old. My com­ plexion is clear. I have black curly hair and brown eyes. My hobbies are church work, music, reading, sewing, etc. I close now hoping I'll hear very soon. Sincerely, Glenda Escalove Janet Stanlake P.O. Box 515 San Jacinto, Calif. Corn Island North End, Nicaraqua

Presenting a four-told concept of the ministry of the Gospel, founded on a thorough training in English Bible , Biblical languages9 Systematic The- ology. and Practical Theology. C T A T T Tp * Provide« the student with

f " * A * f * # * I M* ♦ the content of his mss- sage, themanner of delivery of his sermons, successfulmethods 6f pastoral work, opportunities'for practical experience, and an active placement service after graduation.

m i s s i o n s : Gives a basic introduction to home and foreign missions and provides constant challenge, through numerous missionary chapels and faculty emphasis, to carry.the Gospel to the utter­ most parts of the world.

TT A T U IKl C L * Lay«a firm foundation for th«o- * * logical graduate study for stu-. dent« .desiring education as their life work, and equip« Its graduates to be successful Bible teachers in the local church and upon the mission field.

e v a n g e l i s m : Believes the successful pastor must be a soul' winner, challenges him to this task} supplies himwith the tools requisite to winning souls for Christ, and instructs hint in their use in the local church and io evangelistic campaigns.

For further information, catalogue, bulletin, and other data, write to DEAN, TALBOT THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 13800 BIOLA AVE., LA MIRADA, CALIF.

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Tune in Monday, Wednesday, Friday to music and inspiration from Biola, an evening hour of blessing.

KGO 810 kilocycles

B IO LA 9:00 P.M.

MAY, 1961


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