King's Business - 1961-05

BIOLA NEWS by Miriam Jean Seger

town and campus

"GOD'S DESIGN FOR THE AGE" REVEALED AS SPRING BANQUET THEME One of the biggest social events of the year for Biola students, the an­ nual Spring Banquet, w ill take place early this month a t the scenic Los Angeles Police Academy. “God’s De­ sign for the Age” has been revealed as the theme for the twelfth annual event. Under the di­


Talbot Theological Sem inary w ill hold the th ird meeting in a series of pastors’ forums this month, as Dr. Charles Feinberg presents the subject “Have the Dead Sea Scrolls Out­ moded Christianity?” The Seminary is sponsoring a series of forums on the La M irada campus the th ird F ri­ day of each month for pastors and in ­ terested college students. The main purpose of the forums is for informa­ tion and fellowship. Previous speak­ ers and their subjects have been: Dr. G lenn O’Neal, “An Evangelical Looks a t Pastoral Counseling,” and Dr. Robert Thomas, “A Philosophy of T ranslation and The New English Bible.” BIOLA COLLEGE PRESENTS "CREAT ION " PERFORMANCE Under the direction of Mr. Paul Ratzliff, the Biola College Oratorio Chorus and orchestra w ill present Haydn’s “Creation,” in the college auditorium the th ird Sunday of this month. The Oratorio Chorus, com­ posed of 100 students, presents two oratorios on campus each year. Twenty instrumentalists are included in the chamber orchestra. Soloists for the “Creation” w ill be: M argaret Schaper, soprano; Robert Gurnee, tenor; and Vernon Wicker, baritone. STUDENT QUARTET PREPARES FOR SUMMER TOUR

rection of H arry Sweet, a pro­ gram w ill b e presented by a cast of over 60 p e o p l e . The complete p r o ­ gram of the eve­ ning w ill in- c l u d e m u s i c from a 35 piece

Harry Sweet

"The Bible Institute Hour’ KBBI 107.5 me 8:30 A.M. Monday through Friday AMAZON MISSION

orchestra and a 24 voice chorale. M ar­ jorie Webb, well known Gospel re­ cording artist, w ill be the guest soloist for the event. A rranging and conduct­ ing the complete musical program for the second consecutive year, w ill be Ted Nichols, a member of the music faculty at Biola.


— Unusual documentary sequences from the Upper Amazon — Living conditions and problems of indigenous missionary endeavor — Effectively used by missionary candidates or missionaries on fur­ lough itineraries 16mm COLOR SOUND

“God’s Design of the Age,” theme of the Spring Banquet, w ill be pre­ sented in the form of music and the spoken Word. According to Mr. Sweet, it w ill endeavor to show God’s design for m an from the time th a t Christ came into the world, u n til the time th a t we as Christians shall meet H im in the a ir and crown Him King of kings and Lord of lords. FILM DEPARTMENT MOVES TO LA HABRA Headquarters of the Biola film de­ partm ent, originally located a t 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, have been moved to 405 West Imperial, La Habra, California.

Back row left to right: William Nothelfer, Kenneth Briggs, accompanist, Paul Poelstra. Seated left to right: Charles Stahl, Roger Hedges.

405 W. Imperial, La Habra, California



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