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With respect to and in agreement with Dr. Sutherland’s able presentation of the reasons for the result of the 1960 Presi dential election, I would say that his Meditation upon this important event, as a whole, is a very sad commentary of lament, rather than a glad reception of the will of God for these last days! Rev. Elmer E. Bloom, Executive Director, THE WORD TO THE WORLD FELLOWSHIP, Honolulu, Hawaii Dr. Sutherland’s editorial called “Post Election Meditation” was very stimulating and thought-provoking. I have made copies of the message and am passing them on to interested friends. Dr. Sutherland pre sented a sobering diagnosis of the elec tion, with a challenging remedy. Words are completely inadequate to express my deep gratitude to you and your’ entire editorial staff for helping to make THE KING’S BUSINESS magazine one of the finest and most outstanding publications in the field of Christian literature. Thank you ever, so much. Kathie M. Ross, Philadelphia 28, Pa. Accept our deep appreciation for your exceptionally fine and timely editorials in both October and January issues of THE KING’S BUSINESS. I wish every Ameri can Protestant could read these articles and heed the tremendous facts and warn ings contained therein. We praise God for the firm stand Biola is taking for the COMMENTS OF INTEREST We would like you to know how much we enjoy each issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS. God has given you real dis cernment and grace to be faithful to your convictions in spite of the increasing subtle attacks of Satan as an angel of light. We’re sure you’re often accused of lack of love (a word Satan is using to his own advantage), but true love abounds more and more in knowledge and judgment. Mr. and Mrs. William MacNeill, Abington, Pa. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your wonderful maga zine and the improvements in the last year or so. It is very attractive and it is a real spiritual blessing each month. Ellen Wilkinson, Oakland 1, Calif. I enjoy THE KING’S BUSINESS so much, each month, and have been a sub scriber for forty years. I am now 83 and am not in very good health. The article “Whose Body is Yours?” by Dr. Walter Wilson in the January 1961 issue was so very good. Please ask him to put it in tract form so that we can all afford several copies. God bless you in your work. Mrs. W. A. Eddington, Hamilton, No. Dakota truth and may it ever be so. E. V. T. Likley, Orlando, Florida
I have read your touching story in THE KING’S BUSINESS magazine and feel compelled to write to you. My own story is so like yours that it could be the same story . . . except God blessed us with one beautiful daughter instead of your two boys. You ask the readers of your story to pray that your husband will be saved soon. My dear friend, I tell you in all Christian love, .my prayers are for you. More than not sanctioning a mixed mar riage, God does not sanction a mixed Christian. Your duty is to God. Yes, we do suffer when we are being pulled from two sides. Why be pulled any longer? Return today to your “first love” and to quote from your own story “sur render all to Jesus.” Name withheld After reading your article in THE KING’S BUSINESS (My Marriage Mis take, February 1961) your hurt was in my own heart. It isn’t hard to understand what you are going through for I have traveled that way. I, too, was deceived when I was married. I had been born again but had no knowledge of the Bible. Before we were married my husband told me that he had read the Bible through twice, and I thought that he was saved. Soon after we were married, though, I found out that he didn’t read the Bible and that he wasn’t saved. For more than twenty years he drank heavily. He couldn’t work steadily because of his drinking, and when he did his saloon bills were always paid first. Our family grew until we had five love ly children. The children and I read God’s Word and prayed earnestly for my hus band’s salvation. In answer to our prayers, my husband was cured of his drinking and seven months before God took him home, he was gloriously saved and yielded him self to his Saviour. I thank God for faith, grace, and love that kept me with my husband to the end. We were married al most fifty-three years. Mrs. Hanna Brant, Burbank, Calif. MISSIONS INCREASE I want to thank you very much for the very fine article printed in the Febru ary issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS tell ing about our church (“The Church that Faith Built”)\ I do want, however, to call to your attention one slight error in the story of our church. A zero is nothing, but when it was left out of the figure tell ing of the increase we had in missionary giving, it made quite a difference. In stead of the 80% increase in mission giv ing reported, the article should have read 800% increase. Perhaps the Lord’s blessing
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