was so great that even the editor or type setter thought it must have been a smaller figure. But that is why we rejoice at the way the Lord has blessed and helped our church to do more for missions. John R. Duvall, Pastor, Palms Evangelical United Brethren Church, Los Angeles 10, Calif. SUBSCRIPTIONS GIVEN TO MISSIONARIES We have read THE KING’S BUSINESS for many years and have considered it a splendid periodical improving in its format and content over the years. It is our cus tom to present to the missionary families serving under our board a gift subscription to a Christian magazine. This year we were happy to make THE KING’S BUSI NESS our choice. We are confident that much blessing and spiritual enjoyment will be afforded our missionaries from this excellent source. Rev. Walter Duff, National Chairman, Village Missions, Kansas City, Missouri. READER EXPRESSES AGREEMENT We enjoy THE KING’S BUSINESS magazine and wish to say “Amen” to many of the articles which express the vidws which we hold about television and children playing with toy guns, etc. We also receive strength from the Bible arti cles and the recent good Sunday school features. It is really a well balanced magazine. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Geiser, Portland, Oregon. EDITORIALS PRAISED I like the editorials in THE KING’S BUSINESS. They are pertinent to the present, and deliver a punch. I especial ly appreciated what you said about the Christian and his fellowship with liberals. Some no doubt consider Peter and Jude intolerant bigots and “killjoys,” but they denounce in the fiercest of terms false teachers and teachings. God will have to give many a modern Jehoshaphat a close call before they will stop saying to Ahab, “I am as thou art, my people as they peo ple . . .” (I Kings 22:4). They are mak ing friends of God’s enemies. It is time God’s people were learning which side they are on, and then staying put. Paul Nevin, San Dimas, California. READER ENJOYS "UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF" The new KING’S BUSINESS maga zine is wonderful, but to me it has always been a wonderful magazine. There are so many helpful articles for our every day living. Welcome back to “Under the Par sonage Roof.” I enjoy this feature even though my children are now grown-up. Mrs. Frank McCall, Santa Ana, California. READER SHARES CHRISTIAN LITERATURE I want to tell you how much I enjoy THE KING’S BUSINESS. A friend shares her copy with us and we do the same with some of our Christian literature. I hadn’t seen the magazine for years but it is so improved, very attractive and very worthwhile. Thanks for all the hard work that goes into it. Mrs. Edward Kreiss, Ivanhoe, California.
For only $8 a month—just 26 pennies a day—you can bring loving Christian care, as well as school tuition which is not free in Korea, to one of these. Invite a friend to share a sponsorship with you—only $4 each a month—-or in terest your Sunday School, Bible Class, Ladies Society. Youth Group, etc. Mother Starved Tae Bok Was Saved
Number N-l above is Jo Tae Bok. Two years after his birth the Communists killed his fath er who was a government em ployee. His mother managed to keep him alive by begging. Finally with out employment or food, she died of starvation. For 10 months Tae Bok wandered about, crying, begging for food, sleeping under bridges or in * - ' doorways. But God heard his cries. Last Christmas eve he was brought to our Chinju Christian Orphanage. Now he has loving care, has been - advanced to 4th grade and grows stronger each day. "A Little Child Shall Lead Them" Number N-5 is Bak Jung Yup. This now happy, smiling little girl lost both parents. Her father died when she was only eight months old. When less than four, \\er mother also died. For the next ten months she lived by begging from door to door. Finally another child in our Mercy and Love Orphanage led her to the Home
where she is lovingly cared for. A soldier sponsored her for a while, but was unable to con tinue. Now she is waiting for a new sponsor. She is doing well in the Sth grade. Won’t you “adopt” her? It would break your heart to see the desperation and want of Korean orphans wandering the streets of towns and cities, homeless and hungry. Be one of the many sponsors needed to help us get them off the streets and into our Homes and bring them up as Christian leaders of the future.
THE EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASS'N., INC. 4848 North Leonard Drive Dept. K-5 Chicago 31, 111. j--------------------- - — CLIP AND MAIL TODAY— ---- -----------------j □ YES I want to sponsor an orphan for one year. My choice is Number ....6»..... If this child has already been “adopted,” I agree to support another whom you will select. With God s I help I will send $8 a month to your office. Please let me have i my child’s name, picture, address and story. I understand I may continue as long as I wish. Enclosed is support for □ first month, □ full year. SEND FULL PARTICULARS. j □ I cannot “adopt” a child but want to help by giving $........... □ Please send me further information. i I j Name ____________—..— — ——................................................ ...... j I Address ...............:.....— .................................................... -— .................— I. City .... ..................___________ ..... Z one_____ State ..— ...—.—.............- I Gifts of any amount are welcome. A ll gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. The Everett Swanson Evangelistic Ass'n. Inc. An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation Dept. K-5, 4848 No. Leonard Dr., Chicago 31, III., GL 6-6181
Over 8,000 orphans, children of lepers and war widows, are be ing cared for by the ESEA. More than !) million meals are served each year. Many more children are in desperate need, homeless, ragged and hungry. Help us expand our 05 Homes. Each one is a Christian in stitution. All Staff and Board members are earnest Bible- believing Christians. Will you lend your aid so that we may take many more children off the streets and into our Homes'? Sponsors find the relationship with their children a THRILL- JNG experience.
MAY, 1961
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