King's Business - 1961-05

A MESSAGE from the editor by: Samuel H. Sutherland re: Protestantism Today In the February 1961 issue of Fortune there appeared an article entitled, "Can Protestantism Hold Its Own In A Modern America?" In it the author lays bare much of the problem that exists in American Protestanism today. Al­ though there is no indication that he understands in his heart what is meant by the "salvation of his (man's) soul" yet, in describing the completely decadent condition of the Protestant church in America as a whole, he speaks almost as would a fundamental, premillennial preacher, proclaim­ ing the prophetic truths of Scripture concerning these last days of this dispensation. If the basic problems of Protes­ tantism as enumerated in the article had been written by a Bible-believing, fundamentalist preacher, the article would have been classified as the product of a ranting, rav­ ing, "hell-fire-and-brimstone" type of preacher, so out of place in many pulpits in America today. It is to be devoutly hoped that because it was written by one who is quite apart from the current theological controversies and was writ­ ten from an objective point of view, ministers will take its message to heart and return once again to proclaiming the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Word of God. A few of the significant statements which appear in the article are quoted as follows: "About 3 5 % of all Am­ ericans belong to Protestant churches . . . this church membership percentage figure perhaps represents the sat­ uration point in a country where there is no legal compul­ sion to attend services and where dread of hell-fire is rare. Christianity amounts to little more than a vague spirit of friendliness, a willingness to support churches, provided these churches demand no real sacrifice and preach no exacting doctrines. It (modern Christianity) is a far cry from the demands and the intensely personal and searching character of early Protestantism. Today, people in droves come to church but meanwhile, despite all the church-going .there is the widespread increase in im­ morality. Drugstore racks are crowded with salacious mag­ azines and paper backs, the services of the psychiatrist are more and more in demand ; sexual perversion, addiction to narcotics flourish in a bored age. The rate of divorce is high, so is the rate of crime. It is almost as if shal­ low religiosity and spiritual decadence were warp and woof of a cultural pattern. In the twentieth century, Protestantism like other divisions of Christianity, is challenged by aggressive rival beliefs, of which Commu­ nism is chief. Against this threat the Protestant pulpit has given forth an uncertain sound." The author of the above-mentioned article quotes the Roman Catholic editor of Jesuit weekly, America, as saying, in effect, "American Catholicism is not prepared to assume the duty of furnishing religious and moral guidance to the whole nation on short notice and if the Protestant churches cease to influence the mass of the Americans, the alterna­ tive may be a sub-paganism." "Today," the Catholic editor continues, "we are certainly not a Catholic country nor are we on the way to becoming one. But we have virtually

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