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Dr. Walter Judd, Minnesota Con gressman and former medical mis sionary in China, and Dr. Paul S. Rees, vice president of World Vision, Inc., w ill be among the speakers h ighlight ing the Second International Conven tion on Missionary M e d i c i n e at Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, December 26-28, 1961. Lambert Huffman, owner and presi dent of Higley-Huffman Press, and Ken Anderson, prom inent Christian w riter and film producer, have joined forces in a unique dual venture. Mr. Anderson has assumed the vice presi dency of Higley-Huffman Press,
the 17th A n n u a l Convention at Winona Lake, Indiana. Dr. George L. Ford, executive direc tor of the National Association of Evangelicals, announced th a t over 1,000 evangelical ■*leaders recently met in Grand Rapids, M ichigan, for the annual NAE convention. Special speakers at the convention include Dr. Henry Blast, president of the Gen eral Synod of the Reformed Church of America, Dr. Harold John Ockenga,
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Henry Blast Oswald Hoffman pastor of the Park Street Church, Boston, Mass., Rev. Thomas F. Zimmer man, president of the NAE and gen eral superintendent of the Assemblies of God, Dr. Carl F. Henry, editor of Christianity Today, Dr. Oswald C. J. Hoffman, speaker on The Lutheran Hour, and Dr. Glenn Archer, executive director of Protestants and Other Americans United. Mrs. Clarence Wells, nee Ruth Hor ton, went to be w ith the Lord, March 29, 1961. The daughter of Dr. T. C. Horton, one of the founders of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Mrs. Wells lived in Pasadena, California. Mrs. Wells had two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Morgan, who passed away in 1956, and Mrs. Helen Walker, who is living in M anhattan Beach, Calif. Dr. Oswald J. Smith and Oregon’s Governor Mark Hatfield are among the speakers to be featured at the 18th National Fellowship of Conservative Baptists in Portland, Oregon, May 25-30. The convention w ill be held in Portland’s new Memorial Coliseum. The Rev. Victor B. Beattie, Jr., has been appointed Home Secretary for
Huffman (left) and Anderson while Mr. Huffman has become a partner in the establishment of Ken Anderson Enterprises, a new organi zation geared to the production and distribution of specialized audio visual aids. At a m id-year board meeting, Dr. Vincent Brushwyler, general director of the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mis sions Society, asked for 100 new evan gelistic missionaries to be assigned to the society’s 14 fields around the world. D uring the meeting a cable gram from Dr. Edwin Jacques, foreign secretary traveling in the Orient, in dicated favorable visa consideration for two missionary couples entering Borneo. Seven new missionaries were appointed to serve in India, Japan, Ceylon, and Portugal. The total mis sionary personnel of the society is now 392., Dr. Joseph Free, director of archeolo gical studies a t Wheaton College, w ill be the executive director of the Near East School of Archeology and Bibli cal Studies which is scheduled to open in Jerusalem in the Spring of 1962. The school w ill be open to col lege and seminary students, minis ters, teachers, and interested laymen. According to Ted W. Engsfrom, pres ident of Youth for Christ Internation al, Inc., the organization w ill present a conference, Ju ly 3-7, for Church Youth Directors in conjunction w ith
the Pocket Testa m ent League, ac cording to Alfred A. Kunz, Interna tional Director of the jj organization. For the past eight years Mr. Beattie has been active in P T L campaigns throughout West Berlin, A f r i c a ,
Victor Beattie and the Orient.
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