75 YEARS of teaching and taking the Word to the world! . . . from the "West Point" of Christian Service have gone MORE THAN 11,000 G R A D U A T E S
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-again this year.. MBI will graduate another class of dedicated young men and women . . . true to the Bible . . . thoroughly trained
in the fundamental doctrines and ready to proclaim Christ’s glorious gospel message to men everywhere.
Many of this year’s graduates will take the message of salvation to the regions beyond, joining the more than 2,200 MBI alumni who are missionaries-active in 95 countries, serving under 200 mission boards. Others will continue their studies in preparation for pastorates. Down through the years, evangelical church life in the United States has been greatly influenced by the Institute—and today, more than 4,000 MBI alumni are serving as pastors. And still others will engage in Christian education, strengthen ing the teaching ministries of churches which they may serve. The music ministry in many churches, year by year, is being enriched through the leadership of Moody-trained musicians. All this tuition-free training provided at Moody Bible Institute is made possible by thousands of faithful stewards who support the Institute's Bible-centered program. The need today is greater than ever for trained men and women in all walks of life, firmly grounded in the doctrines of our historic Christian faith.
FOR FREE CATALOG . . . giving complete information on the 8 Basic Courses offered at Moody .. . and booklet, "Life at Moody" .. .
moody ;
820 N. LaSalle Street Chicago 10, Illinois Dept. K-l-857 Please send me a copy of: □ Illustrated booklet, Life at Moody. □ Latest Moody catalog. -, Name-
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I N T E R D E N O M I N A T I O N A L . . . E V A N G E L I C A L O O D V B I B L E I N
8 2 0 N. L a S a lle S tre e t • C h icag o 10, Illinois W illiam C ulbertson , president • S. M axwell C oder , dean A C C R E D I T E D B Y A C C R E D I T I N G A S S O C I A T I O N O F B I B L E C O L L E G E S
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MAY, 1961
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