King's Business - 1959-01

*HE VISION THAT MADE BIOLA GREAT (continued) Mission; Practical Missionary Train­ ing; Pioneer Bible Mission; Ramabai Mukti Mission; Soldiers and Gospel Mission; South Africa General Mis­ sion; Spanish American Inland Mis­ sion; Sudan Interior Mission; The Evangelical Alliance Mission; United Evangelical Missions; Unevangelized Fields Mission; Uruguay Gospel Mis­ sion; Women’s Union Missionary So­ ciety of North America; Wycliffe Bi­ ble Translators; World Gospel Cru­ sades; World Gospel Missions; World­ wide Evangelization Crusade and World Radio Missionary Fellowship (Voice of the Andes).

our work. Dr. Karl D. Hummel served for many years as the General Secre­ tary of the Mission. Rev. Lawrence E. Simpson served for five years as the Field Secretary and presently is director of our work in Mexico. Rev. A. J. Anderson has served for many years as the Dean of the Cen­ tral American Bible Institute. Rev. Herbert W. Cassel has done an out­ standing work in Eastern Guatemala and is presently serving as Interim Field Secretary, Chairman of the Guatemala Field C omm i t t e e , and Director of the Robinson Bible Insti­ tute. We thank the Lord for these outstanding leaders who received their training at BIOLA.” Orinoco River Mission, Venezuela, c o n s i d e r e d to be RIOLA’s own “ child” : “ Since 1920 when Dr. Van V. Ed- dings, General Director, founded the Orinoco River Mission, BIOLA mis­ sionaries have played an important part in the evangelization of eastern Venezuela, s e r v i n g faithfully and giving of themselves and their means sacrificially that Venezuelans might know the Lord Jesus Christ. The Ori­ noco River Mission has had more graduates from BIOLA than from any other school. As a result of their ministry, many Venezuelans’ names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. We pray that many more BIOLA students will be led of the Lord to serve Him with our Mission.” Soldiers and Gospel Mission, South America: “ I am happy to be able to report to you that without exception

appointments to the mission field. Many BIOLANS have founded mis­ sion schools, such as Paul Gupta of the Hindustan Bible Institute. Others have built hospitals and run them almost single-handed and still others have established pioneer mission sta­ tions in all parts of the world. Space alone prevents the mention of the many BIOLANS who have been honored with official service for mis­ sion boards. A few names must suf­ fice. For instance, in the Sudan In­ terior Mission, W. Crouch is Acting Deputy Field D i r e c t o r for West Africa; R. de la Haye, station man­ ager of radio station ELWA, Mon­ rovia, Liberia; J. Wiebe, director of Leprosy Service, Jos, Nigeria; and E. S. Horn, Secretary, in London, England. The Africa Inland Mission has named two BIOLANS as Field Directors, Harold Amstutz and G. C. Van Dusen. In the China Inland Mis­ sion Overseas Missionary Fellowship are Elden C. Whipple, candidate sec­ retary; Walter J e s p e r s o n , Henry Owen (whose wife Marguerite is a BIOLA graduate), and Nathan E. W a l t o n , regional secretaries; and Ford Canfield, who served as candi­ date secretary and overseas director, is now prayer secretary. Don and F a i t h T u r n e r , who labored with Orinoco River Mission for twenty- seven years, are now directors of the Bible Institute of the Air of Radio Station5HGJB. Miss Carol Terry is Field Superintendent of the Ramabai Mukti Mission of India; R. M. Chris- man (whose wife Esther is a BIOLA graduate) is area secretary to the Far East for the Christian and Missionary Alliance; Philip Smith is station man­ ager of HOXO, operated jointly by LAM and WRMF. Heads of hospitals and schools run into large numbers. It is cause for gratitude to God that officials of mission boards should write as did the following. Rev. Harold E. Amstutz of the As­ sociation of Baptists for World Evan­ gelism: “As I look over the list of BIOLA missionaries, I am very happy to say that there are among them veteran missionaries who have done a mar­ velous work for our Saviour over the years. As a Mission, I believe we can say without reservation that this group of missionaries has been a real asset.” Rev. Wm. H. Walker of Central American Mission: “ It is significant that out of the seven missionaries of the Central American Mission who graduated from BIOLA, four of them have proved to be outstanding leaders in

Isabel Perry, North India Of these mission boards, the top ten, so far as the number of BIOLANS who labor under their direction is concerned, are: The Evangelical Al­ liance Mission, with 76 graduates; Sudan Interior Mission, 63; China Inland Mission Overseas Missionary Fellowship, 57; Wycliffe Bible Trans­ lators, 55; Orinoco River Mission, 45; Africa Inland Mission, 33; Conserva­ tive Baptist Foreign Mission Society, 29; Association of .Baptists for World Evangelism, 17; and the Foreign Mis­ sionary Society of the Brethren and the Christian and Missionary A lli­ ance with 13 each. In addition to these regular chan­ nels of established mission boards under which BIOLANS labor the Bible Institute, until the Red conquest of China, carried on a twin Bible In­ stitute in China, which is now con­ tinued in Hong Kong as a vigorous evangelistic-educational-medical min­ istry under the direction of Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Roberts. BIOLA graduates have founded mission boards, such as Van V. Ed- dings, founder of the Orinoco River Mission of Venezuela; Dick and Don Hillis of Orient Crusades and World Crusades; Oran Smith of Practical Missionary Training, an outgrowth of the Missionary Department of the school where 158 BIOLA students and 12 staff members, as well as students and staff members of other schools, have been conditioned for the rigors of missionary life in advance of their

Bill Samarin, dealing with native woman, French Equatorial Africa. the missionaries serving in our Board who have received their Bible prep­ aration at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles have been excellent mission­ aries. Their spiritual lives have been a blessing and challenge to all and their aggressive Bible-centered min­ istry has been very effective in reach­ ing the Chileans for Jesus Christ. We trust the Lord will give us the privi-



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