King's Business - 1959-01

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Dear Friends of the K in g ’ s B usiness :

Comments on New King's Business


Recently I requested prayer for my daughter. She had . gone astray, left her family, and just seemed to lose all interest in life. I want you to know the Lord answered prayer. She has been restored to fellowship, set­ tled down, and has a good job. She has started to church again. May I thank you for your prayers. God is so good. Laton, Calif. Mrs. R. S. Fundamentalism Gentlemen: Being a fairly new reader of the K in g ’ s B usiness , I wondered just what the current issue would bring in the way of changes. I was so glad to read Dr.; Sutherland’s editorial, “ I Am a Fundamentalist.” Today we are con­ stantly being informed that the “new eyàngelicalism” and thè “ live and let hive” attitude are the true expressions of Christianity in our enlightened 'age. We are exhorted to “ get on the bandwagon” and, if we do not, are labeled narrow, bigoted fundamental­ ists. It is gopd to see a magazine, such as yours, standing firm. We thank God for it. I hope you will continue the articles on prophecy, too. Willow Grove, Penna. Mrs. William MacNeill Prayer Requests Dear Friends: Thank you for the K in g ’ s B usiness I have received all these years. May God bless you a hundred-fold. Please pray for the children of Kentucky. Remember me to Mrs. Redmond. Sin­ cerely yours with love and prayers. Polatka, Florida Annie Bethke

Dear Friends: We are surely enjoying the last K in g ’ s B usiness . It is great! Keep up the good work. By His Grqee, Phoenix, Ariz. Rev. & Mrs. Harry A. McGimsey Gentlemen: Congratulations on the new format for the K.B. We found the last issue fairly “ bursting its binding'1*1 vyith interesting and worthwhile material: Yours for the old-fashioned gospel, So. Pasadena, Rev. & Mrs. Janies S. McClellan Calif. Dear Sirs: The K in g ’ s B usiness is a welcome friend in our home. Would it be pos­ sible to include some helps for moth­ ers with pre-school children? They are so demanding constantly that I find Satan uses their energy to cause tired mothers to stumble. Atwater, Calif. Mrs. Charles E. Coe E ditor ’ s N o t e : W e appreciate the helpful suggestion. Dear Friends: I have just received my copy of the K in g ’ s B usiness magazine and have enjoyed the special article by Dr. Talbot, as well as other articles, of course. Long Beach, Calif. Mrs. J. C. Maclnnes Desires No Voting Change Gentlemen: I am strongly opposed to the idea of changing our voting day from Tuesday to Sunday. Why should we copy the Communists who have no love for our Saviour? The votes we would gain would tend to tear down our standard of living rather than build it up. I wish Christian organ­ iza tio n s would fight this movement. Canoga Park, Calif. Mrs. J. L. Harris ew Christian periodicals have been so blessed of God as the Sunday School Times, published weekly in Philadelphia. The first issue is dated January 1, 1859. The editorial board has announced a special centenary number for January 3, 1959. Featured will be pictures of the early publish­ ers and editors along with present directors, executives and staff mem­ bers. We of the KING’S BUSINESS salute the Sunday School Times and

DID YOU KNOW .. . . That "wai” (pronounced "Y ” ) in Hawaiian means "water” ? . . . That "ala” in Hawaiian means "way” ? AND DID YOU KNOW . . . That KAIM and KAIM-FM, Hawaii’s only missionary radio KM tions, are daily presenting to the spiritually needy in the Islands the only true and living "Ala” . . . and the "Wai” of Life? THAT'S RIGHT . . . The music and message of the Gospel is being beamed into thou­ sands of homes that would never otherwise hear the good news of "He Aloha Ke Akua” . . . "The Love of God” . . . and WE'D LIKE YOU TO KNOW . . . That you can have a very real part in this vital air ministry, too. WANT TO KNOW HOW? . . . We’ll gladly tell you. Just clip the handy coupon below and send it to us, "KAIM, Box 375, Honolulu, T.H.”

E ditor ’ s N ote : Mrs. Lucy Redmond went home to be with the Lord Sep­ tember 8, 1958. She was form erly associated with the King’s Business in a most important position. (See No­ vember K.B.) A ROYAL. SALUTE TO THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES

Please tell me more about the Hawaii Christian Broadcasting Association.

extend our earnest and sincere prayers for God’s continued blessing. There is certainly no competition in the pub­ lishing of the Gospel message. We heartily recommend this God-blessed periodical for instruction in the scrip­ tures, appraisals of latest books, Chris­ tian news around the world, and lat­ est Sunday school methods. Sample copies of the unusual 100th anniver­ sary issue o f the TIMES may be had by writing the Sunday School Times, 325 North 13th St., Philadelphia 5, Pa. THE KING'S BUSINESS

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