King's Business - 1959-01

HERE'S HELP! Verse-by-verse study gives scholarly ex­ planations of difficult passages.. Up-to-date illustrations and ap­ plications are pre­ sented by laymen. Material is evangelical and conservative in doctrine. Lessons fol­ low a departmentally graded plan.

By Arnold D. Ehlert, Th.D., Librarian and Professor of Library Science at BIOLA

AMPLIFIED NEW TESTAMENT STIRS CHRISTIAN READERS By C. S. LOVETT Author, "Soul-Winning Is Easy" T h e Greeks have a word for it, BUT WE DON’T,” sighed one modern scholar as he sought an English word for his translation of the New Testament. This well known Christian leader was merely echoing the same despair research­ ers have felt for the past four hundred years. God, in His wisdom, gave the world His written Revelation in the most exact language man possessed. Ancient Greek, with its amazing ability to preserve even the secret intent of the words, became the chosen medium of the library of divine truth. For centuries, the fullness of the New Testament message has remained hidden in this difficult language challenging scholars and researchers to produce a trans­ lation that would unveil its wealth and mystery. Numerous attempts have been made to bring out a complete translation in modern language, but the correspond­ ing English words were not available. On June 2nd, 1958, The Lockman Foundation of La Habra, California, re­ leased through The Zondervan Publishing House, The AMPLIFIED New Testa­ ment. This startling work employs an amplifying device built into the text which permits readers to behold the New Testament truths expanded to the height of their Christ-honoring glory. Not only are the different shades of meaning pre­ sented, but also page after page takes the average reader to Scriptural treasures sel­ dom seen by the layman. Believers every­ where are re-establishing their ideas of Christ and of God’s program of coming in contact with this crystal clear translation. Twelve thousand hours of scholarly re­ search, more than twenty-five thousand dollars, and donated services of an editorial board of nationally known churchmen have brought to the Christian world an authentic and unbiased translation. Destined to revolutionize Bible study classes and to stimulate Christian growth, The Amplified New Testament brings even to the newest Christian an understanding that would require countless hours of re­ search as well as a working knowledge of Greek. The thrills of the first reading are akin to those of the early gold prospectors. Those passionate seekers of wealth lived in the hope of making an exciting discovery; just so, with the advent of The AMPLI­ FIED Testament, even the novice can move along its pages and scoop up hand­ fuls of nuggets of divine truth. The Word springs to new life for those Bible lovers who explore the amplified mysteries to recover the lost meanings.

THE FUNDAMENTALS One of the greatest spiritual bar­ gains available to Christians this year is the newly published “ FUNDA­ MENTALS.” It was produced origin­ ally in 1909 as separate booklets. By 1915 more than three million copies had been distributed to pastors, evan­ gelists, missionaries, students and Christian workers. It was through the generosity of Lyman and Milton Stewart that such wide coverage was possible. Just off the press is the new edition of “THE FUNDAMENTALS,” which has been edited by Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, Director of the Talbot The­ ological Seminary. R e l e a s e d b y Kregel Publications of Grand Rapids, M i c h i g a n , the doctrinal subjects cover the entire area of Christian ministry such as, the Atonement, the Virgin Birth of Christ, the Deity of Christ, Relationship Between Science and the Bible, an Evaluation of the Modem Day Cults, and Personal Testimonies of Christian Leaders. These volumes are ideal for pastors, missionaries, students, youth workers, church leaders, in fact, anyone who desires to know more of God’s Word. The efficient mail order service of the BIOLA BOOKROOM will enable you to receive copies of the Fundamentals immediately. The Book Ends WITH WONDER IN YOUR SOUL by Robert Newel) Zearfoss. 149 pages; cloth; World Pub. Co., Cleveland and New York; $2.75. This is not a book of daily devotions, although it could be used as such. The short meditations ore divided into seven major divisions; there are one hundred eleven in all. There are a good many illustrations worked into the text. THE GAMBLERS AT GOLGOTHA AND OTHER SERMONS by G. Hall Todd. 151 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids: $2.75. The minor personalities connected with our Lord's last days is the subject of this series of mes­ sages. Todd is the successor to the late Dr. Clarence Edward Macartney at Arch Street Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia. WANTING THE IMPOSSIBLE by George B. Duncan. 126 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publ. Co., Grand Rapids; $2.00. Another in the Preaching for Today series. Duncan is minister at Christ Church, Cockfosters, England. The fourteen messages deal with the Christian mes­ sage of salvation and the Christian life. IS THERE A CONFLICT BETWEEN GENESIS 1 AND NATURAL SCIENCE? by N. H. Ridderbos. 88 pages; paper over boards; $1.50. This study is in the series called Pathway Books. It deals with some of the hard problems of the first chapter of the Bible in a straightforward way, but the author and the reader will agree that the question still calls for adequate answers.

ARNOLD'S COMMENTARY . . . quick, professional help for busy people who study and teach the International Uniform Sun­ day School Lessons

Fibre-plastic binding, 286 pages


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Here at Scripture Press we are seeing evidence that many young people will respond the first time they really understand the Gospel. That’s why it’s so important to present the Gospel in the form they can easily grasp and apply to daily living. Here’s a letter we received recently from Linda, age 11, Washington: “ Sunday I got my first issue of My Counsellor. I enjoy it very much. After reading it, I asked Christ into my heart. I have been gathering up all the booklets on Christ that I could. I read in the back of My Counsellor where to send for some helpful literature. I have had much more fun in life since I received Christ. ” Your eleven-year-olds don’t usually talk in theological.terms . . . but they can tell the difference when Christ comes in. Presenting the blessed Gospel of Christ and His power to save is the aim of Scripture Press’ “ Take- Home” Papers. Wrile D t. 000

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