King's Business - 1959-01

CEYLON and INDIA GENERAL MISSION Member Mission I.F.M.A. Our ministry in India and Pakiston includes ORPHANAGES FOR CAST-OFF CHILDREN Write for free literature. 107 North Hale, Wheaton, Illinois MONEY FOR YOUR TREASURY OVER 2,000,000 SUNFLOWER DISH CLOTHS Were sold in 1957 by members of Societies, Clubs, Groups, etc. They enable you to earn money for your treasury, and make friends for your organization. Samples FREE to Officials SANGAMON MILLS Established 1915 Cohoes, N.Y. Special For Missionaries! Have the King's Business sent to missionaries on the field for only $2 .50 per year. O r d e r F r o m THE KING'S BUSINESS 558 So. Hope Steet, Los Angeles 17, Calif. Christian Service Opportunities Your inquiry is invited on positions in Christian service. PERSONNEL NEEDS: J Librarian with degree y Secretarial y C lerica l y Stenographic y Household (woman) y Addressograph Ope ra to r Write to: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California

M< »rv Roseli Photo Interview (continued)

We have just added a dozen new sta­ tions in the Philippines, Okinawa, Korea, and the Oriental area. Our interest lies mostly overseas. If you had but one message to preach, what would it be? If I knew that I were going to die at midnight, I think I would take my Bible and open it, pouring out my heart for one hour concerning the grace of God which is in Christ Jesus. Perhaps using the book of Ro­ mans and the gospel of John. I don’t think I’d preach a set message. I would make certain that everybody hearing me knew how to live, how to die and how to enjoy the promise of eternity with our Lord Jesus Christ. “ By grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works lest any many should boast.” Have you made any New Year's reso­ lutions? No, I haven’t; mainly because I’ve been sort of planning to bank on God’s resolutions for me. It’s an amazing thing what God has prom­ ised us in Christ Jesus, not for what we want, but for every good need. My resolution would be to yield to Him so that His resolution for my life will work for 1959. I pray it will be a great year of evangelism not for our glory or satisfaction, but for His glory. That every field of presenting the gospel message, every available means might be combined to send forth the old, old story of Jesus and His love. "Reading the Word of God each day and praying every morning should be the requisite of all of our lives. W e must grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Sav­ iour Jesus Christ.’ '

"W e seldom take time to enjoy the handi­ work of God. The roses in my garden remind me of Christ’s promise of care and provision.’’ What do you like to do in your spare time? Well, I know what my team likes me to do. They always insist that I play a game of golf each week. I’m such a “ duffer” that I would rather stay with a few books and answer a few extra letters. I think I enjoy photography most of all, however, especially in the motion picture field. What are your future plans for evan­ gelism, Mery? In the coming year, surprisingly enough, we have more citywide cam­ paigns than we ever expected. We’re going t in the 10,000-seat coli­ seum in West Texas; Savannah, Georgia; Bakersfield, California; Van­ couver, British Columbia; Northwest Ohio; and Southern Michigan. These are area-wide campaigns. Then, in between, we’re going to do a mission­ ary convention in Carnegie Hall in Pittsburg and we’re hoping to take at least a month to get back again to the mission field just long enough so our hearts will stay warm. How about your radio work? We’re on half a hundred stations.

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