King's Business - 1959-01

Accent on Y ou th !

G l a s s i j j ì e à C t à c e ì t i s e m e p i t s 15 CENTS PER WORD — MINIMUM $3.00 Books Wanted Religious libraries purchased. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. Bibles and Books Scofield Bible — Retail ond Wholesale — All Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Main Street, Hamburg, New York. Bible Rebinding Old Bibles rebound. A price, binding and style to meet every need. All types of binding, re­ binding. Write for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Bookbinding Co., Greenwood, Mississippi. Bibles rebound in attractive leather covers. High quality workmanship; reasonable prices. Write Western Bible Bindery, 8009 S.W. Conyon Lane, Portland 25, Oregon. Music Dr. Gordon E. Hotiker, who is associate pro­ fessor of music at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, has arranged some outstanding sacred piano solos. These arrangements are now avail­ able for mailing, postpaid. They are: "There's a Wideness to God's Mercy," ' Blessed Be the Fountain," and "Safe in the Arms of Jesus. Original introductions, rich harmonies, brilliant cadenzas, modulations, chimes. Just 35c each or three for $1. Order direct from Dr. Gordon E. Hooker, 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California. Music composed, edited, arranged, printed for your hymn-poems. Folders Free. Raymond Iden (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio. Script Writing Wonted: Capable script writers to write for Christian film strips and motion pictures. Write to Bible Institute Film Department, P.O. Box 9, Gardena, California. Correspondence School # You, too, can acquire a working knowledge w of the Bible in your home through courses by 'Bible Institute professors. Send for descrip­ tion of courses offered. Correspondence School, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., 558-K S. Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. If you live in Southern California STUDY THE BIBLE AT NIGHT IN A CHURCH NEAR YOU! WRITE FOR INFORMATION REGARDING THE BIOLA EVENING SCHOOL

with Ken Poure

Rev. Kenneth Poure is evangelist with the “Accent on Youth C r u s a d e s a new service to churches of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Receiving his training from BIOLA, Mr. Poure has been greatly used of the Lord in dealing with youth. The emphases of his weekly meetings are on evangelism, soul-winning, Bible study and memorization, and follow-up. Church­ es interested in such specialized help are urged to call or write the school’s Exten­ sion Department for complete information and available dates for scheduling. must do a great work in us as youth leaders. The truth that water never rises above its source is equally true in spiritual leadership. In the light of this, let me challenge you, dear read­ er, in this new year of 1959 to, first, examine yourself according to II Cor­ inthians 13:5, and then ask the Lord to reveal your spiritual lack and needs. Having done this, lay hold of God on behalf of the Christian young people in your church, that they might come into that fullness which God has for them. It seems we give our young people everything in the world but what they really need. There are plenty of socials, parties, banquets, and fun nights (which are good in their place), but when it comes to rooting and grounding then- hearts and lives in the Word of God, we are sadly lacking. Why? I can hear someone say, “ Our young people are not interested in Bible study.” Let me say that if your young people are not interested in the study of God’s Word, there is only one reason — They have never heard and experi­ enced the deep joy and satisfaction that comes from the ministry of Spirit-filled teachers of the Word. Once your teen-agers taste and see that the Lord is good, they will never be satisfied with the “husks” of this world. In J e r em i a h 15:16, the young prophet testifies pf the inner joy he receives from the Word of God. That same joy and power is still in' action today. All we have to do-as leaders is guide our youth to the rivers of living water and we shall witness that which was spoken of by the prophet Joel.

Rev. Ken Poure* “And. it shall come to pass in the last days that I w ill pour out my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters w ill prophesy . . .” I believe that we are living in the last hours of the last days referred to by the prophet Joel. As we consider the revelation of God in regard to the last days, we must re­ alize that His great plan for this age in which we live is now being ful­ filled. The Lord tells us that no man knows the exact moment that this dispensation will close — not even the angels in heaven — but we have been given signs to look for and are com­ manded that when these signs come to pass we are to look up, for our re­ demption draweth nigh. Many of the great signs of our time have already come to pass, but there is one that has not been completely fulfilled as yet. It is the sign of a great spiritual revival among Chris­ tian teen-agers of the world. I believe, according to the prophecy of Joel, that the Spirit of God is going to work a mighty work in and through the Christian young men and women in these last days. We hear so much about juvenile delinquency and the increase of crime and ungodliness among the youth of our land that many Christian leaders have come to the conclusion that a large percentage of teen-age America has “ gone to the dogs.” But let me be quick to say that less than 2% of yotmg America falls into the class called “ delinquent.” This leaves 98% above this level. Among this 98%, there are thousands of Christian teen­ agers who are living all-out for Jesus Christ and seeking to serve Him in everything they say and do. I have spoken to hundreds of high school and college y o u n g p e o p l e at schools, churches, and camps this past year and have sensed a hunger and thirst among them for the cleeper things of God. I am forced to realize, however, that before this need can be met, God

THE LITTLE GIANT HOTOMATIC Gas Water Heater No. 3 Will supply all the hot water needed for Baptistries, Church Kitchens, Rest Rooms. Heats 450 GPH, 20° rise in temperature. Inexpensive, too. Write fdr free folder. Dept. KB-22 LITTLE GIANT MFG. CO. 907 7th Street Orange, Texas

T H I N G S T O C OM E A Study in Biblical Eschatology By J. Dwight Pentecost, Th. D. "Impressed with its monumental char­ acter", says Dr. John F. Walvoord 633 large pages. A classic public­ ation .................................................... $7.95 from your bookstore or DU/Trl;)//)



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