
Some members of the WindSisters were on hand at Philos Restaurant on February 28 for an interview withThe Cornwall Journal. Pictured are Judy Lanthier, Kayla Dewar, Rosie Gaines, Shirley Archambault, Lise Brodeur and Linda Begin. —photo Francis Racine

Centre Charles-Émile-Claude Centre Polyvalent des aîné(e)s inc.

that’s on the road or that could potentially make its way onto the road. The rides that the ladies undertake can sometimes last up to 12 hours, which has led the group to establish a complex yet widely understood system. “There’s always one rider at the back who makes sure that no one gets hurt or becomes sick,” explained Begin. “In one of our rides to Hawkesbury, one of our ladies got a heat stroke. So the last rider stopped at a local Tim Hortons with her and we got her something to drink.” The group also made itself small phone number sheets. “That way, we can reach any member during our ride,” said Archambault. Every tenth rider in the travelling group is an expert in hand signals. “We have these ways of telling our riders if there’s a police car coming or if there’s a driver who wants to pass us,” outlined the president.

As the restaurant’s waitresses begin to take away the plates, themembers get ready to leave. “We’re a very friendly group of women,” explained Archaumbault. “We have nothing against men riding. When we went to Tremblant, our husbands and significant others were riding in a group behind us.” “If I’mgoing to ride all day, it’s fun to have my husband with me,” added Begin. The group’s overall goal is to unite women while fostering a sisterhood of female riders. “We encourage riding often, riding sage, friendship, mutual support and personal growth,” stated a brochure handed out by the president. WindSisters’ goal is to provide a fun, friendly and nurturing environment for both new and experienced riders while promoting a positive image of classy lady riders.

Le voyage au cœur de la liĴérature francophone

CÉCILE BOUDREAU-PAGÉ Mercredi 9 mars de 16 h 00 à 17 h 30. Salle d’amitié, ercredi 9 mars de 16 h à 17 h 30. Salle de l’amitié, Centr Charles-Émile-Claude 146B, rue Chevrier, Cornwall Réservez votre place, billet en vente au bureau au coût de 5$. Un léger goûter sera servi. Centre Charles-Émile-Claude 146b, rue chevrier, Cornwall ON Réservez votre place, billet en vente au bureau au coûts de 5$. Un léger lunch est servi. Pour des renseignements communiquez au 613-932-1035


Correction An article we published last week, entitled Aiming for the Olympics , contained an error.We misidentified the young sharpshooter as Mary Patrick Gardiner, when in fact, her name is Mary Patrick.The Cornwall Journal regrets the error.

The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

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