WE’RE HERE FOR YOU SLC offers free, easy-to-access services to support your success as a student. No matter what your needs are, we have someone to help.
ACCESSIBILITY SERVICES Individualized support, counselling, and accommodations for your academic and placement needs.
CAMPUS HEALTH CENTRES Nurses and consulting physicians support your primary health care needs through individualized and confidential medical care.
ACADEMIC SUPPORT CENTRE One-on-one or group tutoring in writing, math, and science, first and second-language English guidance, and more.
LIBRARIES Extensive online and print materials, information services, and a variety of spaces for collaborative group work, tutoring, and study.
MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT Counsellors provide a wide range of wellness services, including one- on-one or group counselling, workshops, and spiritual support.
INDIGENOUS SERVICES Indigenous Student Advisors and an Indigenous Counsellor provide support, resources, and cultural activities in the Waasaabiiidaasamose Indigenous Centre.
SLC STUDENT COMMUNITY Whether you want to socialize and meet new friends, compete in a sport, or develop your leadership skills, there are plenty of ways to find belonging at SLC. Make friends and memories by getting involved in student life events, clubs, and athletics at the varsity, extramural, intramural, or recreational levels.
The St. Lawrence Surge participate in the Ontario Colleges Athletics Association and Canadian Collegiate Athletics Association in varsity badminton, basketball (M+W), cross-country, golf, rugby (M+W), and soccer (M+W).
Learn more at slcsurge.com
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