Saluting Grand Historian Kevin Scott
B rother Kevin Scott is a native of Chicago, Illinois, and a retired 32-year veteran of the Chicago Police Department. He achieved the rank of Detective in 2000. In this role, he investigated a wide range of violent and property crimes and various crimes against chil- dren on the far south side of Chicago. Brother Scott had also been previously assigned to develop intelligence of real-time violent crime offenses and domestic threat awareness assessments throughout the city of Chicago. Brother Scott is a 1998 initiate of the Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter. He has served in various capacities at that chapter, most notably as Senior Vice Polemarch, Historian, and Reporter. He serves the Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter as its Historian, an office he has held since 2007. Brother Scott re- cently held dual chapter membership, where he also served as the Evanston (IL) Alumni Chapter’s Vice Polemarch and Historian. Brother Scott previ- ously served as Historian of the North Central Province, where he performed two years of research that uncovered new information about Founder Paul W. Caine’s burial place and other unre- corded historic details of this Founder’s life. In 2013, Brother Scott was elected as the Fraternity’s 15 th Grand Histo- rian and has conducted a wide array of projects to preserve and celebrate
the Fraternity’s history. A few of his most remarkable endeavors include the establishment of the Kappa Archive Recovery Initiative; the composition of a centennial anniversary history book for the Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter; video interviews of seven immediate Past Grand Polemarchs; directed the collection and submission of original Fraternity artifacts to the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture, and led efforts to the establishment of a scholarship in honor of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Founder Elder W. Diggs at Indiana University-Bloomington’s School of Education. Chief among Brother Scott’s ac- tivities is his current writing of the 6 th Edition of The Story of Kappa Alpha Psi. He has also spearheaded a col- laborative relationship between Indiana University and the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation to fund the commission of a portrait of Founder Elder Watson Diggs at Indiana University’s School of Education as the institution’s first Black graduate. Brother Scott earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Chicago State University and completed a Master of Arts degree in Organizational Leader- ship at Lewis University. Brother Scott and his wife, Regina (a member of ∆ ΣΘ Sorority, Inc.), reside in Chicago with their daughter, Kayla.
Grand Historian Kevin Scott
Here's to Grand Historian Scott!
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