♦ To formulate and maintain high professional standards in the advisement of fraternities and sororities. ♦ To provide a forum through publications, conferences, and informal interactions for the sharing of ideas and concerns related to the advisement of fraternities and sororities. ♦ To stimulate educational programming and student development concepts within local chapters of frater- nities and sororities and local interfraternity organiza- tions. ♦ To maintain positive and supportive working relation- ships with related professional Student Affairs associa- tions, with national fraternity and sorority organiza- tions, and with national inter-fraternity organizations. AFA’s purposes align well with the duties and responsibili- ties of the Province Advisor Chairmen, and the Undergraduate Chapter Advisors. Being an advisor has become more chal- lenging, complex, and demanding, and require men who not only have unlimited potential, diverse experience, and a strong educational foundation but also men who are enthusiastic, devoted, and compassionate about the lives of young men who become members of the fraternity. More specifically, advi- sors must be men who have an overwhelming interest in the sustainability, fiscal viability, and the continued grow of the fraternity. Fortunately, these gentlemen meet these require- ments and more, and are always willing to give of their time, talent, and money in representing the Provinces and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. The members of the National Chapter Advisors’ Training Cluster are men of integrity and have many outstanding quali- ties and skills which make them excellent Province Advisors. Principally among their qualities are their unusual strength in organizing groups of young men to be passionate about learning; their willingness to do more than is required; their abilities to performs exceedingly well in handling the logistics of activities; and their abilities to works well with a variety of individuals from different socioeconomic backgrounds and family structures. These gentlemen stand tall among those imaginative and innovative leaders who are challenged by obstacles but always find a way for their programs and activities to suc- ceed. Hence, as Province Advisor Chairmen, these gentle- men play a major role in providing the stability and continuity that are so vital to the success of undergraduate chapters and the academic, physical, and emotional well-being of chapter members. Equally, they serve as a relentless source of informa- tion, advice, and guidance for the members of the chapters for which they are required to protect and serve. Likewise, they are responsible for ensuring compliance with all university policies governing students and Greek lettered organizations, the Constitution & Statues, and all other regulations of Kappa
Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
The National Chapter Advisors’ Training Cluster, in addi- tion to other responsibilities, take seriously the following four premises, which serve as the basic concept of their roles: 1. The role is not static but dynamic. The advisor must continually adapt his activities to fit the ever-changing situation of the chapter. 2. A close working relationship between the advisor and the chapter is necessary. Such a relationship provides an opportunity for the advisor to serve as a unique combination of leader, counselor, and friend. 3. The Advisor should strive continually to help the chap- ter become as self-sufficient as possible. 4. The Advisor should be as interested in the members as individuals as he is in their collective welfare as a group. Aligned with the aforementioned premises, these gentle- men have proven to have a complete understanding of the governing structure of the Grand Chapter and are keenly aware of higher education institutions’ regulations and policies that undergraduate chapters are required to follow.
Among other duties and responsibilities as outlined in the Advisor’s Manual, advisors must:
Attend executive board of directors and general body meetings.
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Coordinate an officer transition retreat
Address each new member with new member’s education. Attend social events sponsored by the chapter. Get to know all of the chapter members. Advise the officers on their duties and responsibili- Promote good scholarship among the members. Encourage undergraduate chapter participation in campus activities. upervise Pre and Post MTA activities and participate in the Initiation Ceremonies. participate in sponsored community service projects; and attend mandatory meetings such as CRWLC, Clusters, Undergraduate Summit, Council Meetings, Retreats, etc.
For more than 18 years, and under the leadership of Elder Watson Diggs Awardee, Brother Alvin L. Barrington, National Chairman, members of the Chapter Advisors’ Training Cluster and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. have been highly respect- ed and recognized as positive contributors to the growth and change occurring within AFA, university Greek Life profes-
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