Ponderosa Parkway Online Brochure


● 1 Bedroom ● 1 Bathroom

PLAN 888

● TotalArea:888 SF (*Includes93 SF ofexteriorarea) ● Ceilng Height:9’-0” ● 2 nd. /3 rd. Floor

Prices,term sare subjectto change,priorsale,selected lotprem ium sand predeterm ined optionswithoutnotice and M iram onte Hom esm akesno guarantee asto the availabiltyofhom esatthe stated price. Picturesand otherim agesare representative and m aydepictorcontain floorplans,square footages,elevations,options, upgrades,landscaping,furnishings,appliances,and designer/decoratorfeaturesand am enitiesthatare notincluded aspartofthe hom e and m aynotbe available in alcom m unities.Anysuch featuresm aybe changed byM iram onte withoutnotice and in oursole discretion.Stated dim ensionsand square footage are approxim ate and should notbe used asrepresentation ofthe hom e'sactualsize.Please see the salesagentforthe respective com m unityand the hom e purchase contractfor actualfeatures,additionalinform ation,disclosures,and disclaim ersrelating to yourhom e and itscharacteristics.No oferto selorlease m aybe m ade orto purchase orlease m aybe accepted priorto issuance ofanArizona PublicReport.A PublicReportisavailable atthe State RealEstate Departm entwebsite www.azre.gov. M iram onteArizona,LLC,ROC# 241 99.

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