Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda | May 13, 2021

Board of Trustees May 13, 2021 VP Operations, Andreas Bohman Executive Summary – Capital and Energy Master Plan

Over the last 10 years, the Capital Planning & Projects team executed several landmark expansions of the Ellensburg campus and several significant renovations, including the restructuring of the science neighborhood. Projects included the construction of Samuelson Hall, Discovery Hall, Science 1, and culminated with the final flagship project, Health Sciences, which will open in January 2022. As the previous capital master plan nears the end of its 10-year cycle, capital planning is pivoting into the next phase of non-STEM-related programming, which includes Health Education and Humanities and Social Sciences. This next stage of development should be guided by a renewed Capital and Energy Master Plan. This proposal outlines a $1.2 million investment designed to realize this plan, using external expertise acquired through a competitive bidding process. This plan will be an implementable roadmap that outlines the next decade of innovative capital construction, energy conservation and resource stewardship, community engagement, and aligned with CWU’s core themes and purpose. The Capital and Energy Master Plan will set an ambitious phased strategy for supporting academic excellence, improving the sustainability of the built environment, preserving the character of campus, enhancing pedestrian access, and preserving green spaces. As the largest employer in Kittitas County, CWU is uniquely positioned to influence and collaborate with community partners by sharing in sustainability efforts that impact daily commuters as well as sharing in the local economic development. This iteration of the plan will outline the next decade of capital expansion and renovation and will include considerations such as: • General historic preservation balanced with instructional modernization through planned campus growth • Addressing critical deferred maintenance of academic, residential, recreational, and dining facilities • Ensuring the significance of greenspaces, personal mobility and maximizing parking efficiency • Sustainability considerations will be a driving priority in the next phase of capital projects and will be implemented across phases and project variations. In addition, the Capital and Energy Master Plan will include a technical roadmap for long-term energy planning in alignment with university strategy, and Washington State legislation on Energy Use Intensities (EUI) and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Similar to the Abacus study that supplied the technical data of the previous iteration of the Capital Master Plan, the proposed energy plan will provide baseline energy consumption and use data, identify opportunities to enhance energy efficiency of campus infrastructure to meet our internal sustainability goals and the regulatory requirements of critical energy measurement legislation such as House Bill 1257 and 2311.

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