Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda | May 13, 2021

Vaccinations The Executive Committee sent a letter to Governor Jay Inslee on February 23 rd . The letter asked Gov. Inslee to consider adding higher education personnel with face-to-face responsibilities for student success be included in the 1B tier 2 vaccine phase, along with K-12 educators. A press release was sent out by CWU’s Public Relations on February 24 th . In addition, the Faculty Senate Chair was interviewed about this by Victor Park, a journalist from KIMA-TV – CBS affiliate Chanel 29, on March 2 nd . Since then, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee has been working with the administration on CWU’s vaccination campaign. Messaging has started going out to students, faculty, and staff encouraging all faculty, staff, and students to sign up for their vaccination appointments if they have not yet done so. Faculty are also encouraged to share this information about vaccinations with students, where appropriate. The Executive Committee strongly believes that the more we can increase the number of individuals in the CWU community who are vaccinated, the more open our campus can become. General Education Program The implementation of the new General Education Program (GenEd) included two memorandums of understanding (MOUs) that were signed in 2018 and will expire on June 15, 2021. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee had a series of conversations with Provost DenBeste and the College Deans to reevaluate the MOUs. In response, the Executive Committee gathered input from Associate Deans, the General Education committees, and faculty through a survey and two listening sessions. Based on the feedback we received, and analysis of the GenEd situation, the Executive Committee identified GenEd Assessment and GenEd committee restructuring as the near-term priorities given the available funds. The Executive Committee discussed the results with senators at the March 3 rd Faculty Senate meeting and presented a motion requesting Faculty Senate to suspend language in the Faculty Code, Senate Bylaws, and policy CWU 5-100 regarding the General Education Director and Pathway Coordinator roles as well as the General Education committee composition to help in negotiating new MOUs. The motion was approved. The Executive Committee is now working to reconfigure the GenEd committee and has appointed a new GenEd Assessment Coordinator who will work closely with the Provost Office on their assessment plans in preparation to the NWCCU mid-cycle visit in Spring 2022. Conclusion The Executive Committee thanks the Board of Trustees for the opportunity to update you on our Senate initiatives. We remain committed to continue working with the Board to make Central Washington University the destination for students looking for an excellent education. We look forward to a time when we are able to return to campus-life for students, faculty, and staff and are eager to help in any way we can. If there are any questions about any of the

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