Measure Magazine, Vol. VIII

Acceptance Stage 5: Exploring Options / New Plan in Place / Moving On

We had been conditioned to believe that college would be the “best years” of our lives—but we now know there will be better days, and better years, ahead. For now, we’re working hard to safely coexist and continue our education. We’re focusing on what each of us can do to make the most of today. We’re all just trying to get through this together, and by practicing patience with each other, we’ve begun the slow, painful process of reemerging from the pandemic. Along with this patience comes gratitude. We’ve learned so much since March of 2020, and look forward to all the things we’ll hopefully be able to enjoy again soon. As the sun continues to shine for a bit longer every day, we’re all getting a little closer to returning to “normal.” In the meantime, we fantasize about how truly sweet the world will be, and how exhilarating it will feel to simply live freely through each moment. We will continue to adapt, and eventually we will emerge from grieving altogether, diving into a new chapter of freedom and celebration. Hopefully, we’ll soon have a much different story to tell.


Measure Magazine

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