Measure Magazine, Vol. VIII

asure Measure is not only the new name of our magazine; the word is our new standard. An essential aspect of fashion design, to “measure” — literally and figuratively — is to assess what you’re doing right now in relation to how it will impact the future. Measure seeks to celebrate the joy of creative collaboration while simultaneously analyzing the impact of our actions on this earth. After an unprecedented year, we find ourselves inspired by the words of Martin Luther King Jr: “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” We believe the same is true of women. Through examinations of our interactions, a realistic look at the changing climate and a commitment to social justice, we seek to provide new visions of possibility and progress at Marist. The measure of our collective voice is multi-faceted; it speaks volumes, leaving room for growth into the future we are creating. As we return to a world closer to the one we once knew, we seek to craft a new narrative that combines fashion with responsibility, inclusivity and diversity, to pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.



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