Measure Magazine, Vol. VIII

MG: In what other unexpected places do you see “art”? Moss: “I find art in the way I style my hair. I think that is a real art form. Whether I straighten it, (once in a blue moon), or do what I normally do, which is have my big curly afro. I love experimenting with different products, and styles. With my hair, I love the bigger the better.” MG: How have you grown at Marist? Moss: “Marist has let me grow my leadership skills in so many ways. I find myself becoming a leader in little ways around campus. Helping out with the computer science department, or giving tours around campus, those opportunities have helped me to translate something that might be vague or complicated to something that people understand and want to be involved in. During my first internship, through the Marist IBM Joint Study Program, I was tasked with explaining technical things in a beautiful and accessible way.”

MG: What was your experience like at IBM? Moss: “I was first an intern with IBM through the Marist and IBM Joint Study Program, where I was a project management intern my sophomore year. We were working on a new mobile app, and while we were working on all these cool tech projects, we were also getting involved in community outreach. Through the Joint Study Program, I would mentor local students and host computer science open houses. We had so many opportunities to volunteer and talk about something we loved: computer science. Then the summer of 2020 I interned with IBM directly as a frontline developer, which is software design–literally my dream job. It was supposed to be physically based out of Durham, North Carolina, but even being remote due to the pandemic, it was a great learning experience. IBM puts so much into their internship program, and while I was working on this really cool technology, I was also learning about the community and meeting amazing people involved in STEM across the county.”


Measure Magazine

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