King's Business - 1958-12

D E C EM B E R 25c

" T h e B irthday of C h r is t " B y Louis T . Talbot " T h e A u c a A dvan ce ' B y 3 ta r j Saint " T h e Th ree A pp ea ring s of C h r is t1 B y Charles H . Stevens


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" For unto you is born this day in the city of David A SAVIOUR which is Christ the Lord.”

m i s

LUKE 2:11




Many are the Christmas cards From which one may select; But do they speak o f Jesus, W h o came sins to correct. Throughout these 60 pages, My prayer shall never cease, That those who read the message May find in Him sweet peace.


his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” ISAIAH 9:6



G U j n a t m a a , 1 0 5 B (The Editors suggest that after you read your copy of T he K in g ’ s B usiness you give it to a friend, relative, or loved one as a special Christmas Card.)

LETTERS Please pray for my health which is needful if I am to continue doing the Lord’s work. I am believing that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” Loveland, Colorado — E. E. Please pray for me that I may open the doors and windows of my heart to let the Holy Spirit come in and dwell there. Also that I may have more patience with friends, husband and all loved ones. Roseburg, Oregon — Mrs. L. P. (EDITOR’S NOTE: Where addresses are given, answers are immediately sent to all writing in for spiritual counsel.) I am an old man in my 91st year and I suffer much. M y wife is past 85 and a semi-invalid. We are alone, have no chil­ dren and are not able to attend public services. W ill you remember us in prayer? Florida — Mr. H. B. G.

(EDITOR’S NOTE: This month’s reader reaction file has many special prayer re­ quests in it which we felt our friends would appreciate sharing. Please remem­ ber to pray for these and the many other similar petitions which are daily received in the K in g ’ s B u sin ess office.) W ill you pray for a dear sister who loves the Lord but lacks the assurance of her salvation. Over the years, she has al­ lowed Satan to come in with the accusa­ tion that she is not a child of God. I have been a subscriber to the K in g ’ s B usiness for many years and wouldn’t be without it. Portland, Oregon — Mrs. L. S. Pray for the graduate of a Baptist semi­ nary who has felt the call of God to the ministry, but can’t find an open door. This has gone on for two years. He is getting very discouraged and does not seem too well in body. Spokane, Wash. — A friend of the boy Please pray for the salvation of my son, his wife and their children. They do need


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Heavy, glossy card— easel type. Your message on both outside panels, each 4 x 5% inches. $20 for 1000 Cuts of pictures extra, $5.00 each C H U R C H P R E S S Box Glendale,

F o r Special Christmas O ffer See Pages 30-31 HONG K O N G is the G A T EW A Y to Asia

Christ so much! Salem, Oregon

— Mrs. W. W.

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Charles A. Roberts, D.D., Supt.

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Hong Kong Department 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California



THE KING'S BUSINESS A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor S. H. Sutherland, President •

WONDERFUL NEW A **til infull color—withsound

Roy A. Myers, Chairman of the Board

DECEMBER, in the year of our Saviour Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Eight

Vol. 49, No. 12

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

Articles THE BIRTHDAY OF CHRIST — Louis T . Talbot .................................... 10 THE AUCA ADVANCE — Marj Saint ...................................................... 12 THE FIRST CHRISTMAS — S. H. Sutherland ....................................... 14 WHAT DOES CHRISTMAS MEAN TO YOU? — Helen H. Lemmel 16 THE THREE APPEARINGS OF CHRIST — Charles H. Stevens ......... 18 CHRISTMAS WITH BIOLA Alumni Around the World ........................ 24 THE STORY OF HANDEL'S MESSIAH — J. Wesley Ingles ................ 27 THE CONQUERING OF FEAR — Walter Maier .................................... 41 NINE YEARS BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN — John Noble ............ 54 Special Seasonal Selections HONG KONG, GATEWAY TO ASIA ........................................................ 26 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS — Martha S. Hooker .................................. 35 LETTER TO SANTA CLAUS ..................-.................................................... 39 IT HAPPENED ON CHRISTMAS EVE ............................................. 43 THE FACTS OF CHRISTMAS — H. A. Ironside ....................... 45 RING THE BELLS OF HEAVEN ..................................................................... 52 Columns HYMNS YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr ................................................................ 6 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea Miller ............................. ^ EDITORIALS— S. H. Sutherland ................................................................ 8 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX ............................................................... 22 ALUMNI NEWS — Inez McGahey ............................................................. 24 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — J. O. Henry ...................................................... 28 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser .................................. 32 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde Narramore ................................................. 33 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ....................................... 44 THE CHRISTIAN HOME — Paul Boyles ................................................. 47 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert ............................................................. 48 ACCENT ON YOUTH — Ken Poure' ........................................................ 58 Cover The refreshing white snow on the cover reminds us of the cleansing power of the blood our Lord Jesus Christ shed on Calvary's cross. "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow." — Isaiah 1:18 — A ll Rights Reserved — S H SUTHERLAND: editor J. RUSSELL ALLDER: business manager JANE M. CLARK: circulation manager ROBERT MILLSPAUGH: coordinator editorial board Irene Boyd. Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, Edward Hoyes, Jomes O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Chester J. Padgett, Al Sanders, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton


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Helpful explanations and stories about the many traditions that surround us at Christmas time. Color filmstrip and 33% r.p.m. record .......... .................$10.00 STORIES ABOUT OUR CHRISTMAS CAROLS

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The fascinating history of our Christmas hymns and carols, with favorite carols for group singing. Color filmstrip* and 33% r.p.m. record___________________ $10.00


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(Primary to Adult)

MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered os second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los An­ geles, California, under the act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in tne Act of February 28, 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R., authorizea October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly: U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00, one year; $1.50. six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscriptions 50 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be mode by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business. ADVERTISING— For information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California.

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OUR KINSMAN-REDEEMER The incarnation o f the Lord Jesus Christ and his birth o f a virgin is a basic truth o f our Christian Faith. God became man. This is not merely a phase in time, but the sublimest fact o f eternity because only through human birth and normal devel­ opment could Jesus become our eternal High Priest, our Kins­ man-Redeemer. Leviticus 25:47, 48 sets forth God’s rule o f redemption. The Israelite who had sold himself into slavery could be redeemed only by one o f his brethren. The redeemer must be a kinsman! Here we have one o f the reasons for the incarnation. It follows that God must become man in order to be our Kinsman-Re­ deemer. God became our kinsman. As we ponder this our heart is filled with overflowing awe. The mes­ sage o f the incarnation is the message o f the "Kinsman” who came to be our Redeemer. How we rejoice in this truth, but our rejoicing is tempered with sad­ ness as we think o f our kinsmen according to the flesh who do not know o f Him who came to save His people from their sins. Your prayers and gifts will help us to be more fully ministers o f His saving grace in bringing the Gospel o f redemption to Is­ rael so that they, too, may come to rejoice with us in the in­ carnate Lord Jesus Christ. AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS TO THE JEWS, INC. ■236 West 72nd Street, Dept. 8 l 2 New York 23, N.Y. >Canadian Office: ■ 39 King William St., j ■Hamilton, Ont., Canada ■ ■ I do want to help spread the: ■knowledge and work o f our: ■kinsman-Redeemer. Here is: ■$____________ Use it as God: ■directs to make known to Is-: ■rael the saving power o f the: ■Lord Jesus Christ. : ■ ■ ¡N am e______________________ ■ ■ ■Address______________________: ■ ■ ■City ______ Zone , State__ j


^ -J J -ym n â l ^ o u o C t r y by Phil Kerr

satisfied with your


O LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM Words by Phillips Brooks Music by Lewis H. Redner


The author spent the 1865 Christ­ mas season in the Holy Land. Two years later, inspired by the memory of having spent Christmas Eve in Bethlehem, he wrote “ 0 Little Town of Bethlehem” to be used by his Sun­ day School scholars for a Christmas service. The musical setting was pre­ pared by Lewis H. Redner (1831- 1908), the Sunday School superin­ tendent and organist. The song quick­ ly became popular in Philadelphia (where Brooks was pastor of a large Episcopal church), but its fame spread elsewhere slowly. Twenty-five years afterwards it received its first na­ tional attention by being published in the Protestant Episcopal Hymnal although it had previously appeared in a small Sunday School hymnal. Phillips Brooks was born in Boston in 1835 and died in 1893. He attained national fame as a preacher and writer. Although remaining unmar­ ried his entire life, he was a lover of children. When he died, a five-year- old neighbor girl exclaimed to her mother, “ Oh, mama, how happy the angels will be! ” HARK THE HERALD ANGELS SING The most widely-used melody was arranged in 1855 by W. H. Cum­ mings, from a tune which Mendels­ sohn had written in 1840 as a part of a suite of festival music honoring the anniversary of the invention of print­ ing. Mendelssohn had had a “ hunch” that his original melody was later to be put to a better use, for he wrote, s e v e r a l y e a r s before Cummings’ adaptation: “ I think there ought to be other words to this tune. If the right ones are hit upon I am sure the piece will be liked very much . . .” Southern California residents and visitors are reminded of the special MUSICALES directed by Phil Kerr. Every Monday night at 7:30 P.M. in the Pasadena Civic Auditorium, and the second Sunday afternoon of each month in the new auditorium of the BIOLA Campus in La Mirada at 2:30 P.M. Always a rich i n s p i r a t i o n in musical testimony. Words by Charles Wesley Music from Mendelssohn In 1739 Charles Wesley wrote this Christmas poem; it was published the same year in his Hymns and Sacred Poems.

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Under the Parsonage Roof by Althea S. Miller FELLOWSHIP G et busy and finish your break­ fast, Ardyth. It’s almost time to go to Sunday School.” “Yes, I know.” Then fastening her attention fully on Mother, and with an almost pensive air, the little miss asked, “Why can’t we have our own fellowship? I wish we could.” “What do you mean by ‘our own fellowship’ ?” “Well, why can’t we have our own private family meeting? We could sing together and each of us could pray as we do in family worship. Daddy could even preach to us, and it would just be us. Why can’t we?” “What new wrinkle is this?” Moth­ er asked herself as she attempted to formulate an answer for her six year old. “ I thought you liked to go to Sun­ day School. What makes you want to stay home? Don’t you think our family has fellowship together every day of the week?” “ I like Sunday School, but I like to be with our family, too. Maybe some time we’ll all be too tired to go to Sunday School. Then we can have our own fellowship.” “Honey, the time will never come, in our house that we are all too tired to go to Sunday School. No matter how busy we have been or how weary we may feel, we have never neglect­ ed the work of the Lord for our own personal feelings. We must always put the Lord Jesus first. In fact, the fellowship we have at home is made sweeter because we obey the com­ mand of the Lord: “ Not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more as ye see the day approaching” (Heb. 10:25). Not all of Mother’s reasoning was comprehensible to her young daugh­ ter. Nor are all of our Father’s rea­ sonings and commands comprehen­ sible to us, especially if obedience causes the “ old man” any inconven­ ience. But God’s children must learn to lay feelings on the altar of com­ plete obedience to His revealed will for them. It is right and wonderful to desire fellowship with the “fam­ ily” , but we only will know its deep blessings as we fellowship according to His directions. God keep us from a narrow “ just our own fellowship.” Read the Christian Home column by Rev. Paul Boyles on Page 47 of this month's KING'S BUSINESS.


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The Samarkand of Santa Barbara, Inc. — 2663 Tallant Road — Santa Barbara, Calif.




‘Decentfi&t 25 t&? December 25 is celebrated as Christ­ mas throughout practically the entire Christian world. It is known as the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ. Nowhere is the actual day of His birth recorded and for the first three centuries no direct mention was made in any church writings of the special observance of His birthday. Other events in the life and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, such as Easter, were observed from the very earliest times. The time of Easter has been set largely


Dr. S. H. Sutherland President, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

DID YOU KNOW . . . That "wai” (pronounced "Y ” ) in Hawaiian means "water” ? . . . That "ala” in Hawaiian means "way” ? AND DID YOU KNOW . . . That KAIM and KAIM-FM, Hawaii’s only missionary radio sta­ tions, are daily presenting to (he spiritually needy in the Islands the only true and living "Ala” . . . and the "Wai” of Life? THAT'S RIGHT . . . The music and message of the Gospel is being beamed into thou­ sands of homes that would never otherwise hear the good news of "He Aloha Ke Akua” . . . "The Love of God” . . . and WE'D LIKE YOU TO KNOW . . . That you can have a very real part in this vital air ministry, too. WANT TO KNOW HOW? . . . We’ll gladly tell you. Just clip the handy coupon below and send it to us, "KAIM, Box 375, Honolulu, T.H.”

because of its connection with the Old Testament Jewish Passover. But there is no Old Testament holy day with which to compare or identify the date of the birth of Christ. Gradually the custom arose of adding holy days and to complete the cycle of such days, the celebration of the birth of Christ was necessary. December 25 was selected because the other months of the year had their own special days in the life of the church and this date made a well-rounded program of such holy days (from which we get "holiday"). The whole Christian world has celebrated December 25 as the date of our Lord's birth since the sixth century. The world misuses Christmas ; but that is no reason why Christians should not observe it as a time of celebration and contemplation of the fact of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the fact of His birth that is infinitely more significant than the date of His birth. Of course it is impossible for Christians to observe any day as a special day commemorating our Saviour's birth, but the custom has grown of making December 25 the day in which all Christians unite in this observance. The evergreen tree speaks of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. The feasts enjoyed at Christmas time should remind Christians of God's bountiful, provision for our physical necessities of life. The very lights that are so prominent at Christmas speak of Jesus who said, "I am the light of the world." The red lights, remind us of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ which was shed on Calvary's cross for the remission of sins. The blue lights remind the Christian of heaven and the glories there. The gold lights remind one of the streets of gold and the very throne of God itself. The green lights speak of eternal life. The white lights speak of the purity of the Lord Jesus Christ in His character and life which purity was absolutely necessary in order that He might redeem us. Christmas can be, and doubtless is, a time of wonderful blessing in the minds and hearts of many, many Christian people around the world. It is a season when friends and loved ones are brought a little closer together in Christian fellowship and when minds and hearts are made even more tender in contemplation of the Infinite Gift of God's love.

Please tell me more about the Hawaii Christian Broadcasting Association.






lople that make the NEWS


and m

• DR. TED W. ENGSTROM, presi­ dent of Youth for Christ International, announces that YFC’s fourth annual mid-winter convention will be held December 2-4 in Chicago. MR. CHARLES R. HENNIX, Wheaton, Illinois, has been named his assistant, specializing in teen-age evangelism.

bound Bible to an incoming West Point cadet on behalf of his class. 544 cadets were given Bibles during this 89th year of the Society’s annual presentation. • MR. JOHN W. PETERSON, music editor for Better Choirs Publications, and composer of “It Took a Miracle” and other gospel songs, announces a special “ Choir of the Year Contest,” with organs and other prizes offered to winners. Judges will include R A L P H C A RM I C H A E L , PAUL MICHELSON and others. • REV. ROBERT C. KLIEWER, BIOLA graduate, has been appointed as dean of boys for Southern Cali­ fornia’s Culter Academy, according to an announcement made by President John Blanchard.

• REV. HERBERT CASSEL (gradu­ ate of BIOLA) reports that more than 500 young people recently gathered in Guatemala City. Coming from all parts of Central America the celebra­ tion was for the first national youth convention under the auspices of the Central American Mission. National leaders are being sought to press for­ ward the challenge of Christ. • MR. KENNETH N. TAYLOR, director of Moody Literature Mission, has announced a new program which offers free Bible story books and Christian fiction to all of the 6,500 public libraries in the country. • REV. FRANKLIN ELLIS, director of International Child Evangelism Fellowship, announces the release of a new filmstrip missionary story “ Pedro and the Bright City.” The story deals with the conversion of a little Peru­ vian through ICEF workers.

throughout the west... the B I B L E INSTITUTE H O U R • Heart searching messages • Thrilling testimonies * Outstanding faatures

• REV. GEORGE BENNARD, Reed City Michigan, famed composer of more than 300 gospel songs, went into the presence of the King on October 10. Mr. Bennard’s most well-known hymn was “ The Old Rugged Cross.” He was 85. He is survived by his widow and a son. • REV. AARON MARKUSON, exec­ utive secretary of youth work for the Evangelical Covenant Church of America, has announced a motorized “ Caravan for Christ” to cruise 35,000 miles in this country and Canada finishing in June, 1959 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. • MR. DANIEL ROSE, director of the Jewish Department of the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles, Inc., has an­ nounced continued efforts to reach the Jewish people during their traditional days of holiday celebration.




• MR. HENRY G. PERRY, executive secretary of the American Tract Society presents a copy of a specially-




uel, “ God with us.” In the days of His flesh, Jesus could point to Him­ self and say, “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” If we want to know what God is like all that we have to do is to study the words, works, and ways of His Son. Let this truth, then, be uppermost in our minds at the Christmas season, namely, that Christ came as the culmination of the revelation of the Father. The very word incarnation means to embody in flesh. Christ, then, by His birth became God manifest in the flesh. And it will not be forgotten that Jesus not only revealed and reflected God He was God. Christ Came to Redeem Man He came to do a work of atonement, by means of which men alienated from God because of their sins, might live forever in His holy presence. To make pos­ sible this blessed relationship, Christ, the Sinless One, came into the world to die. He could say, as no man could ever say, “ I lay down my life. . . . No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself” (John 10:17, 18). Nevertheless, “ The wages of sin is death,” and those wages must be paid. Justice must be satis­ fied. Penalties must be met. No mortal man could meet the requirements of divine law, but the Lord Jesus Christ, God incarnate, became the sinner’s Sub­ stitute, and on the cross of Calvary the sin of the world was rolled upon Him. Since that day, God’s message to sinners has been to believe on Jesus, who died for their justification. Strange though it may- seem, nevertheless the truth remains, Jesus was bom to die. He turned aside from the ivory palaces, not that He might become an Ex­ ample for us to follow, but to die as the Sinless Sub­ stitute for Sinners. C. H. Spurgeon, that prince of preachers, declared that his theology could be ex­ pressed in four words: “ Christ died for sin” . Jesus, then, clothed Himself with our humanity that He might take upon Himself the load and curse of our sin. Let it not be forgotten that He was bom a Saviour, and that Mary herself recognized the stupendous truth when she sang, “My spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.” The question for you to answer, my friend, is clearly evident. Is this Saviour, who entered into our world over 1900 years ago, your personal Saviour? Although He came as the Saviour of the world, such a fact will not avail on your behalf, unless He is your very own Saviour. He came to save from sin. Has He


\ t t h i s time of the year, when men’s thoughts turn to the coming into the world of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is well for those who know and love Him to recall clearly just why our Saviour came to earth. What is the true significance of His birthday we celebrate at this season of the year? We know, of course, that He lived before He was born: that by His birth we mean the beginning of His appearance in human form. Hundreds of years before the Incarnation, the Holy Spirit drew portraits of the coming Messiah, the Christ of God. And these inspired word pictures, preserved for us in the Word of God, emphasize the purpose of Christ’s birth according to the flesh. There are at least three truths wrapped up in the glorious truth of our Lord’s incarnation. Christ' Came to Reveal God “No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him” (John 1:18). In Old Testament days, men knew something of God. The psalmist speaks of the heavens as declaring the glory of God and of the firmament as showing His handiwork. But there is more to be known of God than can be grasped through this revelation in nature. And Jesus, as He walked among men, brought that fuller understand­ ing. He said, in effect: “ I am God uncovered; I am God unveiled.” If one would know who God is, and understand something of His nature and work, he must study the four Gospels, for therein is Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, revealed as Imman­



n r i s t

By Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor, Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, Inc.

saved you? Born in Bethlehem’s manger, has He been bom within your heart? Christ Came to Renew Fellowship Our Lord’s incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrec­ tion form a triad of truth our minds never tire of meditating upon. We have already indicated the vital association between Christ’s birth and death. Let us now think of the union existing between His birth and resurrection. In the virgin womb of Mary, the human body of Jesus was fashioned. In the virgin tomb of Joseph, the glorified body of Jesus was pre­ pared. And the Holy Spirit was responsible for both miracles. By His broken body, Christ made possible our salvation. But had His body remained within the grave, we would have been of all men most miserable. The truth of the gospel, however, is that although delivered for our offences, He was raised again for our justification. As some of the early fathers were wont to explain it, the resurrection was God’s Receipt for Calvary. And how trae this is! Hallelujah, the debt has been paid! Further, Christ’s own resurrection was not only the evidence that the demands of God’s holy law had been fully met, and that, if he be in Christ, the sinner is justified; but that resurrection is also a pledge one day believers shall be raised from the dead or changed “ in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,” their bodies made like unto His glorious body, their natures capable of fellowship with God throughout eternity. My friend, have you this hope? Do you believe that the Christ whose birthday we recognize at Christ­ mas, and who died and rose again, is to return before long? Some of us believe that His coming is at hand. This may be our last Christmas. Who knows? Are you ready? If not, then why not fill the heart of Jesus with joy this Christmastide, by surrendering yourself unreservedly to Him? Give Him a Happy Christmas. Receive Him as your Saviour, and then at His coming He will receive you unto Himself. May God’s richest blessing rest upon you and yours at this memorable season of the year! C H R I S T M A S G I F T S “ Thou hast received gifts for men.” P s a lm 68:18 Christmas gifts for thee, Fair and. free! Precious things from the heavenly store, Filling thy casket more and more; Golden love in divinest chain,

That never can be untwined again; Silvery carols of joy that swell Sweetest of all in the heart’s lone cell; Pearls of peace that were sought for thee In the terrible depths of a fiery sea; Diamond promises sparkling bright, Flashing in farthest reaching light. Christmas gifts for thee, Grand and free! Christmas gifts from the King of love, Brought from His royal home above; Brought to thee in the far-off land, Brought to thee by His own dear hand. Promises held by Christ for thee, Peace as a river flowing free, Joy that in His own joy must live, And that Infinite love can give. Surely thy heart of hearts uplifts Carols of praise for such Christmas gifts!

—Frances Ridley Havergal


S P E C I A L M I S S I O N A R Y F E A T U R E :


T h a n k s be unto God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” At this Christmas sea­ son, our hearts rejoice in the victories which He has wrought. Just a few weeks ago 10 Aucas came walking out of the jungles to the mission station known as Arajuno. There were 7 women and 3 boys. “This is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.” But before going further, let’s go back a bit and see how the Lord has brought this about. I never feel right about telling the Auca story without mentioning that missionaries of Ecua­ dor and their friends started praying for these Indians some 35 or 40 years ago. We are no doubt reaping some of the harvest of those prayers right to­ day. During these many years, no visible progress was made until 1955. There is no need at this time, I’m sure, to repeat the story of the four months of concentrated effort which began with the locating of the Auca houses from the air and ended with the deaths of five young missionary men the story that we know as “ Operation Auca.” During the next two years, mission­ aries continued this effort by keeping open the mission station on the edge of Auca territory, Arajuno. Gift flights

were made over the Auca houses and people around the world continued to ask the Lord for a friendly contact with these Indians that in His time, they might have an opportunity to know of the Lord Jesus Christ. In November of 1957 the long- awaited news came. A Quichua In­ dian brought the word to Gwen Tid- marsh and Betty Elliot in Arajuno that two Auca women were at the Quichua Indian houses on the Cura- ray River about 6 hours away by trail. Betty Elliot left with the Quichuas immediately to meet the Auca women and found one of them to be the older woman who came to Palm Beach in January, 1956 when the five men were there. There, two women have lived with Betty for the past 10 months. In June of this year, they joined Rachel Saint and the Auca girl Dayuma. Dayuma has been living out of the tribe for about 12 years. These two missionary women, with the three Aucas as informants, have been giving themselves to the study of the Auca language. During recent months the two Auca women, Mintaka and Mankamu had been talking much about their return home to their people. Dayuma had said that she would like to go with them. She didn’t make up her mind




for sure until two months ago when the other two, M and M, as we call them, decided the day had come for them to return. They had explained to Betty before that they must return during Capoc Season, for they had told their people if they did not return during this season, they would know they were dead. The season was al­ most over. So early the next morning, Dayuma left her little boy in Rachel’s care and she joined the other two Auca women and Betty as they flew back to Arajuno from the Wycliffe base. Soon after landing, the three Aucas, heavily loaded with gifts for their people, 3 pup dogs, and food for themselves and the dogs set out on the trail for the Auca houses. As the Tidmarshes and Betty walked back to the house Gwen said, “ I wonder if we will ever see them again.” I guess this thought went through each of our minds as we heard the word that they had gone, but as Betty Elliot wrote us, “We have entrusted them into the Lord’s care and that is a pretty secure place to be.” Five days later, Danny Derr, one of the Missionary Aviation pilots, and Betty flew over the Auca houses. Betty thought she saw Mankamu waving vigorously and pointing in one direction, but of course, going over at 80 or 90 miles per hour, Betty could not be sure. They flew around and around but saw no signs of the other women. Three days later Betty and Johnny Keenan flew over again, but they saw no signs of anyone they THE KING'S BUSINESS


Missionary Aviation Fellowship pilots, making regular flights over the Auca village, took this low altitude photograph recently, showing "civilized" type fence possibly copied from that surrounding a mission station. The woman under the eaves of the main house holds a streamer from a gift just dropped. The man bending over is eating a gift hamburger, and indicating with a native basket that they desire a "bucket drop."




knew. What had happened to the girls? Surely they had had time to arrive as the trip should take about 3 days. They had arranged with Da- yuma that they would fly over and let down the telephone in the bucket to her. Where was she, that they couldn’t find her? Several more days went by and Dr. Tidmarsh and Dr. Woods made a trip- to the Curaray area. One day, they heard a terrible scream across the river. They tried unsuccessfully to get the Indians to take them across the river to investi­ gate. Could it have been Dayuma or one of the other Auca women trying to return to the missionaries and the Aucas were preventing her? Again we wondered just what the outcome of this visit would be. Soon after Dr. Tidmarsh returned to Arajuno he and his wife decided they must come out to Quito for dental work but they did not wish to leave Betty and her little daughter alone with the Indians. So they sent a radio message to Quito asking if I would go to the jungles to stay with her. I went. As the airplane rolled to a stop I said, “Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see three Auca wom­ en coming down the airstrip.” Little did I know that in less than 42 hours, I would have that very experience.

It was Thursday morning, Septem­ ber 25th. Betty was h a n g i n g o u t clothes; Valorie was playing; and I was typing a letter to Nate’s and my parents telling them of the Quichua wedding we had attended the day before. Suddenly, I heard Betty call­ ing, “ Guess what, the women have returned.” A Quichua Indian from the Curaray had come to bring us the news. “ Good morning,” Betty greeted him. “Why have you come?” “ For nothing,” he replied. “ Didn’t you even bring us any news about the Aucas?” “ Oh, yes, they have come and have brought others with them. They have stopped down at the Nushino River to bathe and asked me to come on ahead to tell you.” Betty, Valorie, and I changed our shoes immediately and set out to meet them. We hadn’t gone far when we heard someone singing in English with an Auca accent, “ Jesus Loves Me.” It was Dayuma fol­ lowed by M and M and 7 others. One of them was one of the wives of George, the Auca man who was on the beach with the five fellows. She had brought her baby, George’s son. We learned later that at the time George was killed — less than two years ago, she followed tribal custom and strangled her baby daughter with a vine and buried her with her father. For the next two days Betty poured questions to Dayuma. We learned that they hadn’t been seen from the plane because they were so tired that they had stopped at a place a few hours walk short of the Auca houses and had sent Mankamu on ahead, perhaps to throw in the proverbial hat. It was she that Betty had seen from the plane. Dayuma saw her mother again after 12 years. The Aucas told her they would like Betty and Rachel to come in — that they never knew anyone truly wanted to be their friends. One man, Dabu, told them that he cried when he heard that someone had killed the five for­ eigners. He said he waited a while and then went to the beach and felled a tree so that no more foreigners could come in and be killed. They also told of killing another foreigner just re­ cently, Mr. Tremblay from Canada. We also asked about Maruja, the little Quichua girl who had been taken captive when her husband was killed at the time Mankamu and Mintaka came out last November. We were happy to hear that they



Dayuma, led to the Lord by Rachel Saint, sister of Nate, has seen her mother for the first time in 12 years. found her there with the Aucas and brought her back to her people on the Curaray. Betty asked, did M and M tell their people that the foreigners do not eat people? “Yes,” they said, “What in the world did you think they (the Aucas) would eat anyone for—they think you are the people eaters.” “Were these 7 new ones afraid to come with you?” “No,” Da­ yuma said, “ They came shouting with glee.” “ Did the Aucas understand the gestures that the men used to make from the plane?” Betty asked. “Yes, they understood and they followed as far as the Curaray but they said, ‘The airplane goes way beyond where the hills look blue. We will never be able to reach there.’ So they turned around and went home.” Dayuma said, “ I began to teach them right away. When I spoke thus, two of them cried. The next day one woman came to me again and said, ‘Tell me more about your God.’ ” Let’s join together in asking Him to make each future step perfectly clear to those through whom He is working to reach the Aucas with the Gospel. 13


Mintaka listened as Dayuma sang Auca language: "Jesus Loves Me.

*Marj Saint is the widow of Nate Saint, Mis- sionary Aviation Fellowship pilot who lost his life with the four other martyred men. Mrs. Saint is stationed at HCJB, Quito, Ecuador. January will be the anniversary of the first Auca advance. Watch for further information in The King's Business. DECEMBER, 1958


A n d when they were come into the house, they saw the young child . . . and fell down and wor­ shipped Him . . . and they presented unt o H im g i f t s ” (Matthew 2:11). Someone has said, “ the approach to Christmas is far more important than the approach of Christmas.” People everywhere will be doing much think­ ing these days about the approach of Christmas. We would do well to pause and consider the approach to Christ­ mas. On the first Christmas, gifts were presented to the Christ Child. The custom of giving is beautiful; the tragedy of such a time is the fact that along with the giving of gifts to one another, there seems to be no thought of giving a gift to the One who made all of this possible. There was no room for Him in the inn on that first Christmas so many centur­ ies ago; He was bom without. Today there still is no room for Him in the hearts of men and women; He re­ mains without. The word “mass” comes from the Latin and the verb root literally means “ to send” . Christmas, there­ fore, means “Christ sent” . Christmas has become X-Mas, meaning that something has been sent, but no one seems to know who or what has been sent. Every time we repeat the word “ Christmas,” we are saying, in effect,

Œj)e Jftrst B y DR. S. H. SUTHERLAND, iences and now before the hour of his departure he wanted to set down for all generations the record of those things that he had seen and heard and believed. As one turns to the first chapter of the Gospel according to John, he discovers the fact that was outstanding in John’s mind concern­ ing the life and person of Jesus Christ; it is this, that the greatest, the most amazing act of the ages was the com­ ing into human flesh of God, the Son. The wise men worshipped Him on that night so many centuries ago; John worshipped Him after seeing His life finished upon the earth and seeing Him go back in His resurrec­ tion body to Heaven from whence He had come. And the wise men, from those days to the very present, are those who worship Him and rec­ ognize in the coming of this Babe, bom on a Christmas night in Beth­ lehem of Judea, the glorious and mys­ terious fact that God came to dwell among men. Such a coming was rea­ sonable, and it was indeed necessary, for it was the only way to bridge the great gulf between God and man. We need not stop to argue the exist­ ence of this gulf; we know that it does exist. That desolate, lonely cry of our Lord as He was hanging on the cross, “my God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” is the cry of humanity all down through the’ ages. But it has never uhderstood that it was not God who had forsaken humanity but rather that humanity had forsaken God. The coming of Jesus Christ was also necessary in order to reveal God. The world knows nothing of God, apart from the revelation that has come through the Lord Jesus Christ. It has been said, “You may guess much, you may hope a little, you may dread a great deal, you may question more than all—but you can know ab­ solutely nothing for a certainty about God except as He is revealed in the person of Jesus Christ.” John wrote, “ No man hath seen God at any time; the only Begotten Son, He hath re­ vealed Him.” It is as though you had a distant friend whom you had never seen. You had met some of his friends;’ they had told you of him. You had heard about him; he had written to you and in his words you glimpsed something of his mind and character. One day the door to your home opened, and he stood before you. It was his face; it was his form;

“ Christ was sent.” The wise men, centuries ago, realized this glorious truth and they came and fell down before Him and worshipped Him and presented unto Him gifts. And wise men from that day until this have done exactly the same thing. The peo­ ple of the world are the foolish ones; they spend much time, effort and en­ thusiasm on X-Mas, not knowing who or what was sent. But thank God, we as Christians do not worship an un­ known God. We know Who was sent; we know whom we have believed. John had been an eye-witness dur­ ing the life of our Lord; he had seen the miracles in Cana of Galilee; he had heard the majestic voice of the Lord calm the waters of the lake, he had stood by the graveside of Lazarus and had heard the Lord speak and had seen Lazarus come out of the grave in response to His command. John had lain on the bosom of the Lord at the last supper; he had stood by the cross while Jesus was hanging there; he had been the first of the disciples to reach the empty tomb. For fifty years, John had been pon­ dering the mysteries of these exper­


Cijrtétmaô Presiden t , Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Ine .

salvation, “ if I had not come.” The world owes a debt to the coming of Jesus Christ that it can never repay. There would be no Christmas, no high and enobling thoughts that lift us above the transitory things of life and place us in the heavenlies where everything is pure and holy, if the Lord Jesus had not come. When sin had done its worst, when oppression and depression pre­ vailed, when men’s hearts were bleed­ ing and breaking and yearning for freedom from their cruel bondage, when wickedness in high places rotted the ancient world, when philosophy and ethics and culture were plunged into the depths of dark despair, when people cried out in utter hopelessness —it was then that the fullness of time had come, and God sent forth

it was he himself. Before then you had known of him, but now you had met him face to face. “ The eternal Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only Begotten of the Father.” In John’s Gospel account, chapter 15, verse 22, our Lord says, “ If I had not come.” Think of it — what if Christ had not come? It is not too difficult for us to imagine the con­ dition of this sin-bound, sin-cursed world, “ if I had not come.” Darkness still would cover the face of the earth and gross darkness the people. There would have been no beautiful litera­ ture, no soul-enriching songs, no in­ spiring art, “ if I had not come.” There would have been no peace, no love, no good will, no message of hope and


His son that man might see God in Him. Jesus Christ was bom in order that we might know the mind and heart of the Father. John speaks of the Messiah who was to come as “ the Word.” A word is that by which we express our thoughts. Jesus Christ is the Word of God; He came into the world to reveal the thought of God. The Word of God is a word of love and the thought back of that Word is the thought of love. “ For God so loved the world that He gave . . .” We recall the story of a man about to be executed for murder. The day on which he was to be hanged ar­ rived, and the condemned man was taken to the gallows. The noose was adjusted, the black cap pulled over his eyes and the trap was about to be sprung, when a breathless stranger rushed to the front of the room and put into the hands of the officers a document containing a single word, “ pardoned.” And under the word was the signature of the ruler of the State, the one by whose authority execu­ tion might be stayed. This is the won­ derful word that came over the sig­ nature of God Himself, in the person of Jesus Christ. One word was given to a g u i l t y world condemned to death; that word was “ pardoned.” There is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. God has pardoned the sins of all who are in Him. This is the reason that Jesus came to the earth on that first Christ­ mas. This is the reason that those wise men came from afar to worship Him and to give gifts unto Him. “ Oh love that wilt not let me go, I rest my weary soul in Thee. I give Thee back the life I owe, that in Thine ocean depths its flow may richer, full­ er be.”

' H E w as bom in the meanest of circumstances, but •the air above was filled with the hallelujahs of the heavenly host. His lodging was a cattle pen, but the star drew distinguished visitors from afar to do Him honor. His birth was contrary to the laws of life. His death was contrary to the laws of death. No miracle is so inexplicable as His life and teaching. He had no corn-field or fishery, but He could spread a table for 5,000 and have bread and fish to spare. He walked on no beautiful carpets, but He walked on the waters and they supported Him. His crucifixion was the crime of crimes, but on God’s side no lower price than His infinite agony could have made pos­ sible our redemption. When He died, few men mourned, but a black crepe was hung over the sun. No men trembled for their sins, but the earth beneath shook under the load. All nature honored Him. Sin­ ners alone rejected Him. Sin could not get hold of His body. The soil that had been red with his blood could not claim His dust. Three years He preached His gospel. He wrote no book; He built no church; He had no money back of Him. After 1900 years He is the one central character of human history, the perpetual theme of all preaching, the pivot around which -the events of the ages revolve, the only re­ generation of this human race. Was He merely the son of Joseph and Mary, who crossed the world’s horizon 1900 years ago? Was it merely human blood that was spilled at Calvary?” “ For unto you is bom this day, in the city of David, a SAVIOUR which is Christ, the Lord.” — BY KEITH L. BROOKS —



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