King's Business - 1958-12

resulted from a failure to recognize the present ministry of our Lord as the believer’s High Priest! Many half- truths have arisen as a result of this neglect. First, there is the legalist who sees only the cross and then man left to himself to battle with his pres­ ent sins while over his head hangs the sword of Damocles, ever threaten­ ing judgment resulting from apostasy. For such there is only hope of salva­ tion. Second, there is the other ex­ treme but nonetheless mistaken posi­ tion taken by the perfectionist. His mistake is not realizing the need of a living high priest before the throne. He substitutes the work of the Holy Spirit within him for the work of the Son of God in the heavenly taber­ nacle. Paul tells us in Romans 5:10, “ For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God. by the death of his Son, much more, being recon­ ciled, we shall be saved (kept saved) by his life.” Christian friend, have you ever thought of what it means to have One so perfect and so acceptable in heaven as your representative? He is there to keep up our reputation. We are highly regarded in heaven, for heaven knows us only through our Substitute, our Advocate! He rep­ resents us there while we represent Him here.

ing His precious blood within the heavenly vail, then as our High Priest ever living to make intercession for for us, but we are told that one day in garments of glory in majesty and in power He is coming again to those that look for Him. This is the message that the angels brought when His feet that lately touched the mount of Olives, had rested upon the footstool at the right hand of the Father. “This same Jesus.” Yes, He is coming in like manner. The first time His majesty was clothed in humiliation, but the next time He is coming unveiled in splendor and in glory. An outflashing of this glory, which anticipated the brightness of His coming, was beheld by the three disciples on the mount of transfiguration. What a day that is to be! Our text tells us that He is coming to those who wait for Him; He is coming to claim His own. What will happen when He comes? The 12th chapter of Luke exhorts us, “ Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning. And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their Lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately. Blessed are those serv­ ants whom the Lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto

Shall Appear as Our King ( v. 28) “ So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the sec­ ond time without sin unto salvation.” After the high priest had sprinkled the blood seven times upon the mercy seat, he returned through the vail into the holy place and there put off his sacrificial garments — the garments of humiliation — to vest himself in garments of glory and beauty, the robe and the ephod of heavenly blue, made of one piece from top to bottom, at the bottom of which there were found golden bells and pomegranates hung between each bell. Upon the high priest’s breast and upon his shoulders he bore the names of the twelve tribes of Israel on twelve pre­ cious stones. Thus arrayed in the gar­ ments of glory, the high priest came out to waiting Israel. Tradition tells us that the people waited on the out­ side with anxious expectation, but their hearts were filled with exrdtant gladness when they saw their priest reappear apart from sin unto salva­ tion. The living priest spoke to Israel concerning sins put away for another year and their acceptance before God. Tn the third aspect of our Lord’s appearance we see Jesus not only in the garments of spotless white bear­

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