King's Business - 1958-12

DR. LOUIS T. TALBOT, B10LA Chancellor, is currently answering questions on prophecy. Questions may be addressed to him in care of The King's Business.

DR TALBOT The Millennium Q. What will the millennial king­ dom be like? Will it be quite dif­ ferent from the earth of today? A. To have a true picture of the millennial kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we would have to read large portions of the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and the Psalms. We will mention but five things that will characterize that 1000 years of Christ’s personal reign. I assure you it will be quite different from the world today. Can you imagine a world in which Christ is Lord and King and every knee must bow to Him and acknowledge Him as Lord and Ruler of the universe? Men are engaged in denying His name, even blaspheming that holy name, and disobeying His com­ mands and living their lives with­ out regard to Him. Then He will rule with a rod of iron and no dis­ obedience will be permitted. So the first thing we note about the mil­ lennium is that Christ will rule. The second thing is that sin will be put down. We read in the Word that nothing that can hurt or de­ stroy will be allowed. The third thing is that Jerusalem will be the capital city and that all the nations will bring tribute to it. A fourth characteristic is that re­ deemed Israel under the personal supervision of Christ will be the witnesses they were o r i g i n a l l y called to be to the Gentile nations. And fifth, it will be a time of joy and happiness with the curse re­ moved from the land and the deserts blossoming as the rose and even the animal kingdom freed from ferocity. Best of all the glory of God will fill the earth and where sin has

will do it. He will require the en­ tire world to worship him. You know what that will mean to Jews who hate idolatry. This, I believe, will be the thing that will make it clear to Israel that the antichrist is the false Messiah, and that is when they will turn from him, and he in turn will persecute Israel. This will be the beginning of the great tribulation which will be the most terrible time of trouble the world has ever known. As the Word of God so graphically states, if this period were not shortened no flesh would be saved on earth. But it will be sho r t ened to 3y2 years. But what a period in the world’s his­ tory! THE LORD'S RETURN Q. Should we want the Lord to re­ turn when t he r e are so ma n y unsaved people in the world? A. Yes, we should. Remember that His coming will end Satan’s rule and usher in a reign of righteous­ ness. When we read our head­ lines and see the terrible sin that is rampant in the world today, we can only pray it may soon end. I was shocked beyond words at the crime report for 1958 which stated among other dreadful things that 50% of all crime was committed by young people under 18 years of age. Our civilization is heading for destruction and only the coming of the Lord is going to save it. We must win as many souls for Christ as possible and keep looking up for His soon return. Generally we do just speak of two appearings and that is all there are—only the sec­ ond two parts. The first is Christ’s coming for His church; the second His coming with the church to set up His kingdom.

abounded His grace will much more abound. THE THRONE OF DAVID Q. Will the throne of David be re­ stored literally upon the earth? A. It certainly will. Nothing is clearer than that the throne of David will be re-established literal­ ly. In Isaiah we read of Christ: “ Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this” (Isa. 9:7). The throne of David will be just as literal as is the throne of Queen Elizabeth in England or as were the thrones of Julius Caesar, Kaiser Wilhelm, the Czars of Russia or the Pharaohs of Egypt. Read Jere­ miah 23:5-8 and Luke 1:31-33, passages which make this clear. THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION Q. What is meant by the strange expression in Matthew 24:15 — “ the abomination of desolation” ? Does it mean something definite or does it just refer to idolatry? A. It certainly is a strange expres­ sion but it means something very definite to a Jew. Matthew, of course, is quoting Daniel who made reference to this image to be set up in the temple during the tribulation period. It is described as the image of the beast, which he will set up “ in the holy place” during the 70th week of Daniel. It will be an idol, certainly, but an image of himself. It is the common practice of dic­ tators to set up images of them­ selves. Nebuchadnezzar did it, Mus­ solini did it; and the last great ruler



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