King's Business - 1958-12

What1 Does Christmas Mean? continued from page 17 “ Are you ready to die?” For an­ swer, a fat white hand made a vicious pass at the Stranger but struck, in­ stead, a cripple. He fell with a crash, his head upon the edge of the stone pavement. In one swift movement, the Stranger lifted and held the limp form in his arms. Opening his eyes, the cripple looked into the tender face bending above him, and a wan smile trembled on his pale lips. Graspingly, between painful breaths, he whis­ pered, “Thank you. And a happy — Christmas — to — you.” “What does Christmas mean to you, dear soul?” asked the Stranger as he tenderly wiped the damp from the death-stricken brow. “ Christmas — this — Christmas — means — home —- to be — forever with — ” The voice trailed into si­ lence, upon a seemingly last flutter of the feeble breath. But suddenly a great light, as of surprise, came into the eyes that looked straight into the face of the Stranger, and in clear, ringing tones he cried, “My ■—■dear — Lord!” With the beloved name on his lips and the light of the opening heaven on his face, he went — home. The tenantless house of clay was laid upon the pavement, and the Stranger turned now to the drunkard, suddenly sobered, who had stood as if turned to stone since the accident. The long, searching, pitying look sent a sudden violent tremor through the massive frame; then, as one smit­ ten, he fell at the feet of the Stranger, whose garments he wildly clutched. The desperate hands found themselves imprisoned in a firm, strong, yet curiously gentle grasp, and the des­ perate eyes wonderingly sought the eyes of the Stranger. As from some long ago heard and forgotten, and from the lips sodden with sin, there broke a great cry, “ Lord, Lord have mercy upon me, a sinner.” “And the angels echoed ’round the Throne, ‘Rejoice! for the Lord brings back His own.’ ” And yet the unending quest goes on. No one, no place is too low or too high for the seeking Saviour. May this, His birthday time, be a time of great giving of the hearts He made to live in — the only home on earth of Him who gave Himself for us. Then will Christmas mean to you what it means to Him who sent His angels to earth with glad tidings of great joy, what it means to Him who came, heralded by heaven’s high ac­ claim over sleeping Bethlehem. “ For unto you is bom . . . a Saviour . . . Christ the Lord.” END.

O ver Th ree M illion of Original Edition Published and O istribu ted The FUNDAMENTALS fo r T o d a y One of the greatest and most widely distributed series on Christian Doctrines and Christian Evidences ever written, by a galaxy of some of the best Bible Scholars of recent times. JUBILEE YEAR EDITION, SPONSORED BY THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. CHARLES L. FEIN BERG, Th.D., Ph.D., Revision Editor When the name "Fundamentalist” was first given, it was intended to recall a series of booklets entitled "THE FUNDAMENTALS,” which began to appear in 1909. Twelve numbers were issued and the total number distributed was over three million copies. The purpose of THE FUNDAMENTALS was to unite those who stood squarely on the fun­ damentals of the faith and to make a powerful statement in the face of the inroads of liberalism. Included in the circle of defenders of the faith are R. A. Torrey, A. T. Pierson, James M. Gray, C. I. Scofield, A. C. Gaebelein, W . G. Moorehead, W . J. Erdman, H. W. Frost, C. R. Erdman, James Orr, and B. B. Warfield. As a Jubilee Year project, marking its fiftieth year of ministry, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., appointed a committee under the direction of Dr. Charles L. Feinberg to prepare this material for publi­ cation in a revised, up-to-date form. Other members of the Talbot Theological Seminary faculty, assisting Dr. Feinberg, Director and Pro­ fessor of Semitics and Old Testament, include, Drs. James H. Christian, Professor of New Testament, Arnold D. Ehlert, Librarian and Associate Professor of Practical Theology, Glenn O’Neal, Professor of Practical Theology, and Gerald B. Stanton, Professor of Systematic Theology. Vol. 1, 304 pp. $4.50 Vol. II (Dec., 1958) $4.50 The set $7.95 ORDER YOUR SET TODAY



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