King's Business - 1958-12

Flower Bulbs Used in Treating Tumors

A tumor-damaging substance has been found in the bulbs of some narcissus, daffodils and other flow­ ers commonly grown in American backyards. Subs tance s f r om snowdrops, snowflakes, na r c i s sus and other members of the plant family ama­ ryllis exhibited anti-tumor activity in mice, according to D. B. Fitz­ gerald, biochemist at the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Md. Experiments r e v e a l i n g these anti-tumor properties started with grinding the bulbs of each plant. Flowers that did not form bulbs were tested by grinding the tuber or fleshy root. The ground pulp was suspended in water and the mixture was injected into cancerous mice. The mice were killed 24 hours after injection of the mixture. Their tumors were inspected for signs of damage. Results indi cated that some of the most common flowers produced the greatest damage. The experiment also established that there were at least two anti­ tumor compounds in the amaryllis flower family. Researchers are now w o r k in g on the complete isolation and identification of these com­ pounds. One substance has already been isolated from a variety of the narcissus in concentrations 100 times the original strength. It may well be that God has kept the secret of a successful treatment for cancer locked up in the common narcissus for many centuries. Britain Prodded on Smoking Peril T h e British government is being urged to step up its campaign to educate the public on the lung cancer dangers of heavy smoking. A Min­ istry of Health spokesman said that the effects of the one-year old cam­ paign had not yet been assessed. But the Ministry will ask local health authorities for a report on what they have done and for their suggestions. The government efforts to educate the public began in June, 1957, after the Government sponsored Medical Research Council said it believed that the great increase in lung cancer among men largely resulted from smoking tobacco and particularly heavy cigarette smoking. The govern­ ment has also offered to underwrite half the expense of the educational work.

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