King's Business - 1958-12

SCIENCE & THE BIBLE by Bolton Davidheiser, PhD ., Chairman of the Science Division, Biola College

R ea ch C h i ld re n !

6 pages — 3 colors 50 for $1.00 postpaid 1000 for $17.50 postpaid C H U R C H P R E S S Box 551 Glendale, California



TROUBLE i — a tra ct fo r J h BOYS AND d G IR L S^ fl

Bird M igration

A t o n e time it was seriously be­ lieved that some birds spent the winters on the moon. But recent dis­ coveries about bird migration are so amazing that if the facts were stated without evidence they would seem just as fantastic as bird flights to the moon. Research on some of the warb­ lers has shown that by a glance at the stars they can tell where they are and which way they want to go, even though raised in cages at some dis­ tant place and never permitted to see beyond the confines of their living quarters. It was found that birds kept in sound-proof cages, unable to see out, and in conditions resembling perpet­ ual summer are still able to tell when it is time for them to migrate. If they are permitted to see the night sky at this time, they take a position pointing in the direction that their species travels on its migration. On cloudy nights, however , the birds seem confused and are unable to ori­ ent themselves. With this clue some German scien­ tists set up experiments inside a domed room where points of light representing the stars could be pro­ jected. The stars of this simulated sky could be moved at will by the scientists to represent the sky at any time anywhere in the northern hem­ isphere. The birds were placed one at a time in a circular cage near the center of the room where they could see only the stars projected in the dome. A large circular perch in the form of a horizontal ring was pro­ vided and as a bird looked at the stars it would sit facing the center of the ring. The birds could orient toward any point of the compass by taking a position at the corresponding place on the ring. Birds which migrate in a southeast direction from Germany took this position and watched the sky intently as the stars were moved slowly to keep pace with the rotation of the earth and the birds’ pretended flight. When the birds in this imaginary migration reached a point where the

stars appeared as they would appear in the sky near the mouth of the Nile, they turned south to follow the river, as birds of their species do in the real migratory flight. In one experiment, shortly after a bird had taken off on this imaginary journey, the scientists suddenly moved the stars so that they represented the sky as it appeared at that time over a place in Siberia several thousand miles to the east. The bird seemed perplexed momentarily, but in less than a minute had oriented himself and had headed back in the direction that Germany would be if he were looking at real stars in the real sky. The stars were moved slowly to keep pace with him, and when he reached a spot which, according to the stars, was near his home in Germany, he turned and continued on the normal migratory route. This bird was raised in captivity and had never been out­ side a cage. Without previous experience these birds can in a moment ascertain where they are and the direction in which they should go by the position of the stars and the time of the night. They can only orient by the sun. It seems incredible that such marvelous powers could be developed by chance mutations and natural selection. If the heathen are without excuse, as Paul tells us, because of the w it­ ness of nature to creation, those today who refuse to give credit to God are much more i ne x cusab l e , for our knowledge of the marvels of nature far surpass anything which could have been known to the heathen of Paul’s day. But accepting a directive force of some kind in nature and calling that force God is not enough. Even a belief in a personal God is not sufficient for “ all men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. He that honoreth not the Son honoreth not the Father which hath sent Him.” Salvation is through the vicarious sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ for the redemption of those who will take Him as personal Saviour.


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