King's Business - 1958-12

F U N - T O - P L A Y


By Arnold D. Ehlert, Th.D., Librarian and Professor of Library Science at BIOLA

evangelical grasp of the Christian philosophy which believes that reve­ lation is finished and the reflection of men like these existentialist theolo­ gians. 346 pages; cloth; Doubleday & Co., Inc., New York; $4.00. These My People — Serving Christ Among the Mountain People of Formosa by Lillian Dickson Accounts of missionary work among primitive peoples are among the most interesting and inspirational types of reading. In addition to their value as a chronical of missionary work they build faith and promote dedication to Christian service. Lillian Dickson is, as Bob Pierce called her, “ an institution.” Many aspects of the work came under her direction and she exhibits a many-sided ability and concern for a needy people. There are stories in this book that parallel many of the miraculous events of the Bible, including a Stephen who was b e a t e n to d e a t h , so the officials thought, but who saw Christ and came back to life to testify with a brilliant light in his eyes. One can hardly lay the book down. 121 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $2.00. There are a number of approaches open to the author of a textbook in C h r i s t i a n education. This author limits his efforts to the field of church work in the evangelical tradition. The book is designed to be used as a guide for Christian education workers and as an introduction to courses in Chris­ tian education at the college level. Sixteen chapters discuss the major features; viz. the historical back­ ground, the philosophy of Christian education, the various age groups, the programs of the church, the church- sponsored general education, and the recruiting and training of Christian workers. While the publishers failed to provide us with any information on the author, it is evident that he has been teaching this subject for some time. The book is provided with review questions and questions for discussion at the end of each chapter. In a book of this size it is not pos­ sible to deal extensively with any one An Introduction to Christian Education by Peter P. Person

Oswald Smith's Best Songs Compiled by Dr. Oswald J. Smith In a large, paper-backed volume, the Zondervan Publishing house has issued 62 songs by the famous mis­ sionary preacher, Dr. Oswald J. Smith. Most of the music scores have been written by B. D. Ackley or his brother, A. H. Ackley. Along with this volume Zondervan presents Choruses ( # 3 ) , Duets, Trios, Choir Album, Low-Voice Solos ( #2 ) , Soloist ( # 2 ) , Gospel Choir Classics ( # 3 ) , Action ( # 5 ) , Happy Time ( #2 ) , Sunshine Choir and Sunbeam Songs. Featured with these are the Pocket Guide for the Church Choir Member, Songs E v e r y b o d y Loves ( # 1 ) , Go Ye Missionary Songs, Great Revival Songs, Teen Time Times, Mountainbrook Melodies, Inspiring Choral Arrangements and Echoes From Afar. Average price is 55c each. The Riddle of Life By J. H. Bavinck The beginning of this book contains extremely readable reflections on questions of our existence, the world order and the salvation provided by our Creator. Summary chapters are devoted to the subject of the uniqueness of Chris­ tianity which lies in' the fact that it comprehends man’s threefold misery: a lack of knowledge, a lack of peace, uprightness and a harmonious rela­ tionship toward God and finally his lack of holiness, the will to do good. An excellent gift for souls uncer­ tain of the faith “ once for all deliv­ ered to the saints.” 128 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $2.00. Four Existentialist Theologians By W ill Herberg This book includes representative selections from the writings of four significant r e l i g i o u s thinkers — Jacques Maritain, Nicolas Berdyaev, Martin Buber and Paul Tillich: Maritain out of Roman Catholicism, Bardyaev out of Eastern Orthodoxy, Buber out of Judaism and Tillich out of Protestantism. In their striving to go beyond the confident positivism, naturalism and scientism that are the hallmarks of modernity, these men have widened the gap between a fundamental,

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