King's Business - 1958-12

subject. The chapters are filled with good general information and con­ tain some specifics as to method and materials. Such matters as girls’ and boys’ club work and the church library seem to have been by-passed, at least they do not appear in the index. The chapters on youth camps and the Christian press contain many good suggestions. The book probably will have a place as a survey volume. 224 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $3.75. (Recent volumes reviewed for your Christmas gift suggestions) CHRISTIANITY AND YOU by Stephen F. Ol- ford. 123 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publ. Co., Grand Rapids; $2.00. The pastor of Duke Street Baptist Church in Richmond, Surrey, Eng­ land, presents here another in the Preaching for Today Series. Twelve messages cover as many phases of the Christian faith as it applies to everyday life. . MODERN W AR AND THE AM ER IC A N CHURCHES by Ralph Luther Moellering. 141 pages; cloth; American Press, New York; $2.75. The subtitle indicates the contents: “A Factual Study of the Christian Conscience on Trial from 1939 to the Cold War Crisis of Today.“ From the church papers themselves the author has gleaned the reactions to cold war, pacifism, the moral implications of “ police action,“ etc. The author is Professor of Christian Ethics at Men- nonite and Bethany Biblical Seminaries. There are some disturbing things in this book, and the problems have no easy solution. TECHNIQUES OF TORCHBEARING by E. J. Daniels. 153 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publ. House, Grand Rapids; $2.50. These are the Bob Jones University Lectures on Evangelism for 1956. The chapters are nicely developed around the themes ot passion, prayer, power, preaching, pleading and plans. The author is a Southern Baptist evangelist who has written 13 other books. WHAT CHRIST THINKS OF THE CHURCH by John R. W. Stott. 128 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publ. Co., Grand Rapids; $2.00. An­ other in the Preaching for Today Series. Eight messages cover the first three chapters of Rev­ elation. The author is Rector of All Souls Church in London. MEETIN' TIME IN THE OZARKS by Othel T. Dixon. 102 pages; cloth; Greenwich Book Publ., New York; $2.50. Thirteen sermons of a famous Freewill Baptist minister and radio evangelist. The themes lead up to commitment and dedi­ cation. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ROMAN CATH­ OLIC THOUGHT by G. C. Berkouwer. 80 pages; paper; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rap­ ids; $1.50. A presentation of Rome's intimate association with contemporary learning ana cul­ ture, its “ infallible“ decisions and its present views on Luther, the Reformation and the “ new theology.“ THE PRICKLY PEAR by Captain Eric G. Fisk, M.C. 159 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago; 50c. Stories of missionary exploits among Mo­ roccan Moslems. The title refers to hard-shell Moslems who have an indomitable exterior, like the prickly pear, but are sweet inside, like the fruit, with a soul for whom Christ died. SIX TALKS ON FAMILY LIVING by Henry G. Brandt. 126 pages; paper; Moody Press. Chi­ cago; $1.00. Six lectures on parent-child rela­ tions by a private Detroit psychologist who has given much valuable counsel to mission boards and missionaries abroad. 40 STORIES FOR YOU TO TELL by Gladys Mary Talbot. 192 pages; paper; Mooay Press, Chicago; $1.75. Forty gripping stories selected from the repertoire of the Australian-born au­ thor who has been fifteen years in the practice of telling stories. Useful for entertainment and Christian education purposes. TEACH ME TO PRAY by James DeForest Murch. 186 pages; cloth; The Standard Pub. Foundation, Cincinnati, Ohio; $2.50. An excel­ lent comprehensive study of prayer. Challenges one to more effective prayina. Good for indi­ vidual or group study, or for devotional reading. The Book Ends


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