King's Business - 1958-12



Nine Years Behi

early part of May in 1945 the Ameri­ can troops were pushing toward Dres­ den from the West, and we thought that surely the Americans would take the city. The Russians were coming toward the city from the East. Our home was on a hill above the city of Dresden, so we felt secure, especially when we raised our American flag. It wasn’t long until we discovered that the Russians had taken the city. Then began that horrible three-week period during which the Russian soldiers were given by their commanding officers the privilege of destroying, stealing, and raping at will. Condi­ tions during that time are unmen­ tionable. QUESTION: Were you a Christian at the time? ANSWER: I wish that I could say, “yes.” No, I didn’t know Christ. I didn’t care about Christ. Our family had every­ thing that the world had to offer, therefore, I felt that I didn’t need Christ. QUESTION: What led you to accept Christ? ANSWER: That, too, is another long story. After the occupation of Dresden by

government took you and your father into internment since you were American citi­ zens? ANSWER: Although we were American citizens, my father did own valuable property in Dresden, where we went upon our arrival in Europe. QUESTION: What kind of treatment did you receive from the Nazi government? ANSWER: During the period of local intern­ ment by Hitler’s government, we were required to register at the police headquarters every three days. We were permitted the liberty of going from our factory, to our home, to the grocery store, and back again. Except every third day we were allowed the extra “ liberty” of going to the police headquarters to register. We were under constant surveillance by the Gestapo, but we were treated very well. QUESTION: Tell us something about the manner in which the Russians came into Germany and how you fell into their hands. ANSWER: Dresden is in the eastern part of Germany along the Elbe River. The

QUESTION: How did you fall info Communists' hands? ANSWER: Well, that is a long story that goes back to 1939 before World War II broke out in Europe. You see, I was bom in Detroit, Michigan; conse­ quently, I am a natural bom Ameri­ can citizen. However, my father and mother were bom in Germany and became American citizens by natural­ ization. To get on with the question. In 1937 my father bought a camera factory in Dresden, Germany. Shortly before the beginning of the war our family moved to Germany so that my father could get the factory into oper­ ation and at the same time have some medical treatments that he needed. Soon after our arrival in Dresden, my father and I were taken into what wras called “ local internment” by the In other words you were token into in­ ternment by the Nazi government only to be later taken over by the Russian gov­ ernment. ANSWER: That’s right. QUESTION: Can you tell me, John, why the Nazi government. QUESTION:

"There are 3,000 American citizens still behind "I have found, through faith in our Lord Jesus, that He is truly the "Yes, the the Iron Curtain. That is why it is hard to see any Way, the Truth and the Life. It took a communist prison camp telling the truth compromise with these God-hating communists." to reveal my sinfulness and complete dependence upon Him." tain, but I know

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