King's Business - 1958-12

Accent on Youth!

Classified Ûdoeïtisements 15 CENTS PER WORD — MINIMUM $3.00 For authors and publishers — Free tracts, as many as you will faithfully pass. You can follow up conversions anywhere with our keyed tracts. Hubbard, 222 Pearl, Granville, Ohio. Bibles and Books Scofield Bible — Retail and Wholesale — All Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Main Street, Hamburg, New York. Bible Rebinding Old Bibles rebound. A price, binding ond style to meet every need. All types of binding, re­ binding. Write for illustrated folder, prjces. Norris Bookbinding Co., Greenwood, Mississippi. Bibles rebound in attractive leather covers. High quality workmanship; reasonable prices. Write Western Bible Bindery, 8009 S.W. Canyon Lane, Portland 25, Oregon. Books Wanted Religious libraries purchased. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. Gifts Cross Crocheted Bookmarks, 8 for $1.00. Tex­ tile Painted Doilies, 10-inch, 3 for $1.00. Mrs. Wm. Stymus, 130-A El Tejon St., Oildale, Calif. Miscellaneous Music composed, edited, arranged, printed for your hymn-poems. Folders Free. Raymond Iden (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio. Wanted: California Registered Nurse for mod­ em 52-bed sanitarium. Salary open. Dreier's Sanitarium, 1400 W. Glenooks Blvd., Glendale, California. Citrus 2-1183. Be a Distributor from your home, office, beauty shop, restaurant, etc. Write P.O. Box 612, Huntington Park, Calif. Sermon Quarterly: Great sermons by great preachers of all time. Christmas, New Year out­ lines. 112 pages. Sample copy $1.00 cash. Ward Chandler, Dept. K, Box 633, Dallas, Texas. Your song, arranged, plated, printed, copyright­ ed. Help, corrections if desired. Buffurn Music Publishing, 131 E. Flora, Stockton, California.

with Ken Pome

Rev. Kenneth Poure is evangelist with the “ Accent on Youth C r u s a d e s a new service to churches of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Receiving his training from BIOLA, Mr. Poure has been greatly used of the Lord in dealing with youth. The emphases of his weekly meetings are on evangelism, soul-winning, Bible study and memorization, and follow-up. Church­ es interested in such specialized help are urged to call or write the school’s Exten­ sion Department for complete information and available dates for scheduling. OPPORTUNITY. He is calling you to be a missionary this holiday sea­ son. Mankind will never know the truth unless you and I, and every born-again believer, begin witnessing for Christ. For those willing to do something worthwhile, here are a few practical suggestions: First: . Secure a large stake-truck and load it with a group of carolers. As the truck is driven slowly through the neighborhood with its passengers singing, have two or more young people distributing Christmas tracts from door to door. Second: A choral group could ef­ fectively witness for Christ by sta­ tioning itself on a downtown street comer singing Christmas carols, giv­ ing of personal testimonies and pass­ ing out of gospel literature. Check with your local city hall to make definite arrangements. Third: Hospitals afford another ex­ cellent opportunity. Hundreds of bed­ ridden patients will find new joy and hope by a dedicated group of young people telling the wonderful Christ­ mas message in song and word. The chaplain in the hospital you desire to visit will gladly assist you. Can God count on you? “ Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only.” When you have organized your project and diligently prayed about it, then it is time to WORK! “ W ise men still seek Jesus.”

Rev. Ken Poure' |NE of America’s largest whiskey plants boasted that their Christ­ mas bottling had to begin as early as June, and that 12,000 miles of ribbon would be used this year for decora­ tion! Among other things, this same company prophesied that its business would increase approximately 35% by 1962, when the “ bumper crop” of war babies would reach the age of twenty-one. Does that cause a revolt in your heart? As an American citi­ zen and a Christian, it should! The season is upon us again when we commemorate the birth of our Saviour. But as usual the trend is commercial, and in regard to actual “ celebration,” a major portion of Yuletide joy seekers will resort to the bottle. It’s pathetic to think how many thousands of young people of high school and college age are being sucked down into alcohol’s sewer of filth. Youth seems so little concerned about the future or the fact that “ whatsoever a teenager or young adult plants in his life, he will ultim­ ately reap.” Any intelligent person can plainly see the problem. The question is— WHAT SHALL WE DO ABOUT IT? A solution may seein impossible, but just how hard have we tried to find that solution? After all, most of us have to admit that our greatest failure is in not taking advantage of an opportunity when it does come our way. What a privilege is ours this Christmastime when men are longing for the gifts of love and joy. God, and only God, can give those gifts to them by a personal relationship to Himself through the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus. God’s gift to the Christian is this

1* For one pen­ ny a day you can become one of the supporters of our Is­ abelle Orphanage at Pusan, Korea. 2« Our 300 orph­ ans need your gifts and prayers. It you wish we will send you a bank mounted with a beauti­ ful wooden figure. 3« "Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2


THE LITTLE GIANT HOTOMATIC Gas Water Heater No. 3 Will supply all the hot water needed for Baptistries, Church Kitchens, Rest Rooms. Heats 450 GPH, 20° rise in temperature. Inexpensive, too. Write for free folder. Dept. KB-22 LITTLE GIANT MFG. CO. 907 7th Street Orange, Texas

MONEY FOR YOUR TREASURY OVER 2,000,000 SUNFLOWER DISH CLOTHS Were sold in 1957 by members of Societies, Clubs, Groups, etc. mey enable you to earn money for your treasury, and make friends for your organization. Samples FREE to Officials SANGAMON MILLS Established 1915 Cohoes, N.Y.

Write to: The Korea Gospel Mission, Inc. P. 0 . Box 291, Inglewood, California Penny a day bank



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