King's Business - 1958-12

OUR KINSMAN-REDEEMER The incarnation o f the Lord Jesus Christ and his birth o f a virgin is a basic truth o f our Christian Faith. God became man. This is not merely a phase in time, but the sublimest fact o f eternity because only through human birth and normal devel­ opment could Jesus become our eternal High Priest, our Kins­ man-Redeemer. Leviticus 25:47, 48 sets forth God’s rule o f redemption. The Israelite who had sold himself into slavery could be redeemed only by one o f his brethren. The redeemer must be a kinsman! Here we have one o f the reasons for the incarnation. It follows that God must become man in order to be our Kinsman-Re­ deemer. God became our kinsman. As we ponder this our heart is filled with overflowing awe. The mes­ sage o f the incarnation is the message o f the "Kinsman” who came to be our Redeemer. How we rejoice in this truth, but our rejoicing is tempered with sad­ ness as we think o f our kinsmen according to the flesh who do not know o f Him who came to save His people from their sins. Your prayers and gifts will help us to be more fully ministers o f His saving grace in bringing the Gospel o f redemption to Is­ rael so that they, too, may come to rejoice with us in the in­ carnate Lord Jesus Christ. AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS TO THE JEWS, INC. ■236 West 72nd Street, Dept. 8 l 2 New York 23, N.Y. >Canadian Office: ■ 39 King William St., j ■Hamilton, Ont., Canada ■ ■ I do want to help spread the: ■knowledge and work o f our: ■kinsman-Redeemer. Here is: ■$____________ Use it as God: ■directs to make known to Is-: ■rael the saving power o f the: ■Lord Jesus Christ. : ■ ■ ¡N am e______________________ ■ ■ ■Address______________________: ■ ■ ■City ______ Zone , State__ j


^ -J J -ym n â l ^ o u o C t r y by Phil Kerr

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O LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM Words by Phillips Brooks Music by Lewis H. Redner


The author spent the 1865 Christ­ mas season in the Holy Land. Two years later, inspired by the memory of having spent Christmas Eve in Bethlehem, he wrote “ 0 Little Town of Bethlehem” to be used by his Sun­ day School scholars for a Christmas service. The musical setting was pre­ pared by Lewis H. Redner (1831- 1908), the Sunday School superin­ tendent and organist. The song quick­ ly became popular in Philadelphia (where Brooks was pastor of a large Episcopal church), but its fame spread elsewhere slowly. Twenty-five years afterwards it received its first na­ tional attention by being published in the Protestant Episcopal Hymnal although it had previously appeared in a small Sunday School hymnal. Phillips Brooks was born in Boston in 1835 and died in 1893. He attained national fame as a preacher and writer. Although remaining unmar­ ried his entire life, he was a lover of children. When he died, a five-year- old neighbor girl exclaimed to her mother, “ Oh, mama, how happy the angels will be! ” HARK THE HERALD ANGELS SING The most widely-used melody was arranged in 1855 by W. H. Cum­ mings, from a tune which Mendels­ sohn had written in 1840 as a part of a suite of festival music honoring the anniversary of the invention of print­ ing. Mendelssohn had had a “ hunch” that his original melody was later to be put to a better use, for he wrote, s e v e r a l y e a r s before Cummings’ adaptation: “ I think there ought to be other words to this tune. If the right ones are hit upon I am sure the piece will be liked very much . . .” Southern California residents and visitors are reminded of the special MUSICALES directed by Phil Kerr. Every Monday night at 7:30 P.M. in the Pasadena Civic Auditorium, and the second Sunday afternoon of each month in the new auditorium of the BIOLA Campus in La Mirada at 2:30 P.M. Always a rich i n s p i r a t i o n in musical testimony. Words by Charles Wesley Music from Mendelssohn In 1739 Charles Wesley wrote this Christmas poem; it was published the same year in his Hymns and Sacred Poems.

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laySccordion, Organ or Piano Imagine the thrill p laying Gospel 'H ym n s fo r Evangelistic Campaigns, Hospitals, Mission Fields or your own pleasure. All yours through my easy . M Illustrated, Graphic Christian music method.

cup or C O U P O N LorFR .EE. Copy v ” ’ ' " Sample Lesson HERB 1AHN, Box 147 B Hollywood 28, Calif. !S K lsen d FREE BROCHURE, T.Q.T. SAMPLE LESSON to prove I can play Hymns through ILLUSTRO GRAPH, just as you have taught 4,000 others. Name ®Address— ß City, Zone, State. « □ P ia n o □ Organ □ Accordion Print PLAINLY

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MORMONS ARE LOST W ill you help us with your prayers and gifts to reach all branches of Mormonism for our Wonderful Lord? CHRISTIAN TRACT SOCIETY P. O. Box 1311 Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.



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